


      英 [grɑ:sp]

      美 [græsp]



      过去式: grasped 过去分词: grasped 现在分词: grasping 第三人称单数: grasps


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  •       控制,统治
  •       理解,领会
  •       支配
  •       紧握,抓,紧抓
  •       把握
  •       柄,把手,把
  •       理解力
  •       能力所及的限度,能力所及
  •       范围
  •       控制力,权利
  •       抱
  •       格拉斯普,英国伽玛射线天文卫星
  •       “抓紧”(美国制造的打捞船)


  •       抓,伸手拿,想抓住
  •       明白,领会,知道,懂得,醒悟,理解
  •       抓牢,握紧,抱住,抓紧,夹牢
  •       急忙抓住(机会),抓住机会,毫不犹豫地抓住(机会)
  •       果断地处理棘手问题
  •       尽力抓住某物
  •       夺取,攫取
  •       急于接受,热切地接受(与at连用)


  •       vt. 抓住,抓紧 seize (sb/sth) firmly with hand, etc.; take advantage of (sth)
  •       vt. 理解,领悟 understand (sth) fully


  •       [S]抓住; 理解 hold; understanding


      1. the act of grasping

      e.g. he released his clasp on my arm
      he has a strong grip for an old man
      she kept a firm hold on the railing

      Synonym: claspclenchclutchclutchesgriphold

      2. an intellectual hold or understanding

      e.g. a good grip on French history
      they kept a firm grip on the two top priorities
      he was in the grip of a powerful emotion
      a terrible power had her in its grasp

      Synonym: grip

      3. the limit of capability

      e.g. within the compass of education

      Synonym: compassrangereach

      4. understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something

      e.g. he has a good grasp of accounting practices

      Synonym: appreciationhold



      1. get the meaning of something

      e.g. Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?

      Synonym: grokget the picturecomprehendsavvydigcompassapprehend

      2. hold firmly

      Synonym: hold on

      1. 抓紧;握牢;握紧
      If you grasp something, you take it in your hand and hold it very firmly.

      e.g. He grasped both my hands...
      e.g. She was trying to grasp at something.

      2. see also: grasping

      3. 紧抓;紧握
      A grasp is a very firm hold or grip.

      e.g. His hand was taken in a warm, firm grasp.

      4. 掌握;控制
      If you say that something is in someone's grasp, you disapprove of the fact that they possess or control it. If something slips from your grasp, you lose it or lose control of it.

      e.g. The people in your grasp are not guests, they are hostages...
      e.g. She allowed victory to slip from her grasp.

      5. 理解;领悟;明白
      If you grasp something that is complicated or difficult to understand, you understand it.

      e.g. The Government has not yet grasped the seriousness of the crisis...
      e.g. He instantly grasped that Stephen was talking about his wife.

      6. 理解;掌握
      A grasp of something is an understanding of it.

      e.g. They have a good grasp of foreign languages.

      7. 为…所能实现;为…所能及
      If you say that something is within someone's grasp, you mean that it is very likely that they will achieve it.

      e.g. Peace is now within our grasp.


      1. 抓住:说话动不动就拍胸特有激情(passion)[助记]参考词:seed种子→没有管理,田地里种子(seed)都被杂草,野草(weed)包围[助记]参考词: grass草→抓住(grasp)一根救命草(grass)[助记]参考词: grow生长→

      2. grasp什么意思

      2. grasp:general resource allocation and scheduling program; 一般资源的分配和调度程序

      3. grasp:generalized remote acquisition and sensor processing; 广义远程采集和检测器处理


      4. grasp:general read and simulate program; 通用读取与模拟程序

      5. grasp:generalized retrieval and storage program; 广义检索与存储程序

  •       常用短语

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  •       经典引文


    试图抓住try to seize
    grasp at sth

          The climber grasped at the rope.



  •       He grasped my arm.
  •       I could not grasp her meaning.


  •       He wondered whether his friends grasped that he had done his best.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       By grasping at too much, the government would lose all.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


grasp, catch, grip, hold
  •       这组词的共同意思是“掌握”。其区别是:
  •       hold含义最广,指抓牢或掌握具体或抽象的事物; grip指全力紧抓事物; grasp常指对抽象理论、原理的领悟或理解; catch指拼命抓牢不放,唯恐其滑掉或丢失,比其他三个词更强调控制。例如:
  •       Hold the reins tight.把缰绳抓紧。
  •       I threw the ball, and the dog caught it in his mouth.我把球抛出,狗用嘴接住了球。
  •       I think I grasped the main points of the speech.我想我已经领会了演说的要点。
  •       She gripped my hand in fear.她因害怕而紧握住我的手。
    •       ☆ 直接源自中古英语的graspen,意为抓,抓紧。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.grasp

          A grasp of how to manage color in your spaces is one of the first steps to creating rooms you'll love to live in.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          We should learn to grasp communication skills for they can facilitate mutual understanding.(我们应该学习掌握沟通技巧,因为这可以促进相互理解。)

          Don't let the situation escape from your grasp.(别让局面失去控制。)

          The article is really a difficult concept to grasp when you have no base knowledge of it.(当你没有冠词的基础知识时,冠词确实很难掌握。)

          All of this should be fairly easy to grasp.(所有这些都应当很容易掌握。)

          She couldn't grasp the full significance of what he had said.(她未能充分领会他那番话的意思。)

          I'll admit spring cleaning is a difficult notion for modern families to grasp.(我承认春季大扫除对现代家庭来说是个很难理解的概念。)

          These complex formulae are beyond the grasp of the average pupil.(这些复杂的公式是一般小学生不能理解的。)

          This book will give your students a firm grasp of English grammar.(这本书将使学生牢固地掌握英语语法。)

          Peace is now within our grasp.(我们现在和平在望。)

          They do not grasp the broad situation and spend their time magnifying ridiculous details.(他们没有把握大局而把时间花费在夸大荒谬的细节上。)

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          grasp是什么意思 grasp在线翻译 grasp什么意思 grasp的意思 grasp的翻译 grasp的解释 grasp的发音 grasp的同义词
