


      英 [ˈdrægənflaɪ]

      美 [ˈdræɡənˌflaɪ]


      名词复数: dragonflies


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      1. slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest
      adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.

      Synonym: darning needledevil's darning needlesewing needlesnake feedersnake doctormosquito hawkskeeter hawk

      1. 蜻蜓
      Dragonflies are brightly-coloured insects with long, thin bodies and two sets of wings. Dragonflies are often found near slow-moving water.

      1. 鬼谜:<>就是一部情节浪漫的爱情电影,本片是布兰登.坎普的导演处女作,剧本也由布兰登.坎普亲自操刀,他请来了老朋友迈克.索普森一起为剧本构思点子,他们曾经合作编写过<>(Dragonfly)等剧本,有十几年的老交情了.

      2. dragonfly的意思

      2. 點水蜻蜓:蜗牛看见点水蜻蜓(dragonfly)的风姿,希翼成为水中的纳西塞斯(Narcissus,水仙). 他躲在房子里,从没见过自己的样子. 他向大水洼爬去,到达时,水已蒸发到空气里. 他只能在雨后,向其他水洼爬去,兜兜转转. 蜗牛看见萤火虫(firefly)的灯笼,

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      Look! The small dragonfly can fly!(看,那只小蜻蜓能飞!)

      The small dragonfly is on my head.(那只小蜻蜓在我的头上。)

      The dragonfly became a dragon in his dream.(在他的梦中,那只蜻蜓变成了一条龙。)

      Who broke the bamboo dragonfly?(谁弄坏了竹蜻蜓?)

      A dragonfly was flying.(一只蜻蜓正在飞。)

      The dragonfly said nothing.(那只蜻蜓什么也没说。)

      The dragonfly feeds on mosquitoes and flies.(蜻蜓捕食蚊蝇。)

      It's a red dragonfly.(那是一只红蜻蜓。)

      When I looked back, the huge dragonfly was still there.(我回头看的时候,那只巨大的蜻蜓还在。)

      The small dragonfly was still there.(那只小蜻蜓仍然在那里。)

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