


      英 [ˈhʌski]

      美 [ˈhʌski]



      副词: huskily 比较级: huskier 最高级: huskiest 名词复数: huskies


  •       词典解释

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      1. (嗓音)沙哑的,深沉的
      If someone's voice is husky, it is low and rather rough, often in an attractive way.

      e.g. His voice was husky with grief.
      e.g. ...Dietrich's deep, husky voice.

      'Ready?' I asked huskily.

      2. (男人)魁梧健美的,高大英俊的
      If you describe a man as husky, you think that he is tall, strong, and attractive.

      e.g. ...a very husky young man, built like a football player.

      3. (用来拉雪橇的)爱斯基摩犬
      A husky is a strong, furry dog, which is used to pull sledges across snow.


      1. 雪橇犬(哈士奇):从此以后这些拥有着小而紧凑身材的美丽犬种开始在阿拉斯加被当地人所认可哈士奇(husky)的官方标准:拥有一只正宗的西伯利亚雪橇犬(哈士奇(husky))是每个热爱此狗的人士最幸福的事情所以在选择该犬种时候必须正确认识该品系,


      2. 赫斯基:如萨克米(SACMl)、奥克亚(Alcoa)赫斯基:(Husky)、 德马格 (Demag)、 耐驰(Nestal)、恩格尔(Engel)等世界知名的制盖机械均已进人我国. 与此同时,在塑料瓶盖生产领域,注塑和压塑工艺之争也拉开了大幕. 技术创新无疑是塑料防盗盖快速发展的动力

  •       经典引文

  •       On the tree a husky fruit.

    出自:R. Graves
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      His voice was husky with grief.(他因伤心而声音沙哑。)

      My shirt size is medium husky.(我的衣服是中号的。)

      But the trip is plunged into disaster when wolves attack one of the Husky teams.(可是,原本非常开心的旅行却被一个意外给搅乱了,几头狼袭击了他们的一只雪橇犬。)

      He had a pleasant, husky voice.(他有着亲切沙哑的声线。)

      The teacher speaks wtih a husky voice.(老师以嘶哑的声音说话。)

      "You are to take her to her room," he said in a husky voice.(“你把她带到她的房间去。”他用沙哑的声音说。)

      She's tiny, but with a deep, husky voice, and she's very loud.(她很小,但是有一个低沉而沙哑的声音,她声音非常大。)

      The main component of the Husky is ground-penetrating radar called the VISOR 2500.(Husky的主要成分是被称为VISOR2500的地面穿透雷达。)

      Cracked and husky voices pronounced forcibly upon odd matters.(粗哑的声音在使劲地讲述着稀奇古怪的事情。)

      "Thank you," said Hesper. Her voice was husky.(“谢谢,”海茨帕说,她的声音有点儿沙哑。)

      husky是什么意思 husky在线翻译 husky什么意思 husky的意思 husky的翻译 husky的解释 husky的发音 husky的同义词
