


      英 [ˈnʌrɪʃ]

      美 [ˈnɜ:rɪʃ]


      名词: nourisher 过去式: nourished 过去分词: nourished 现在分词: nourishing 第三人称单数: nourishes


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  •       滋养,给养
  •       抚养,养育,教养,培养
  •       助长
  •       支持,鼓励
  •       施肥于
  •       培育,灌溉
  •       怀抱(希望、怨恨)
  •       育,孕育,怀有
  •       (得到、提供)营养
  •       使 ... 健壮


  •       vt. 使健壮; 滋养 keep sb alive and well with food; make well and strong
  •       vt. 怀有,抱有 have or encourage (feelings)



      1. provide with nourishment

      e.g. We sustained ourselves on bread and water
      This kind of food is not nourishing for young children

      Synonym: nurturesustain

      2. give nourishment to

      Synonym: nutrifyaliment

      1. 给…提供营养;滋养
      To nourish a person, animal, or plant means to provide them with the food that is necessary for life, growth, and good health.

      e.g. The food she eats nourishes both her and the baby.
      e.g. ...microbes in the soil which nourish the plant.

      Most of these nourishing substances are in the yolk of the egg.
      ...sensible, nourishing food.

      2. 滋长,怀有(感情、信念等)
      To nourish something such as a feeling or belief means to allow or encourage it to grow.


      e.g. Journalists on the whole don't create public opinion. They can help to nourish it.
      e.g. ...a current of thought which has been nourished by historical tradition.

      3. see also: -nourished

      1. nourish

      1. 滋养,供给....营养:horn 角 | nourish 滋养,供给......营养 | clam 蚌

      2. 养育:Halibut大比目鱼 | Nourish养育 | Invalid病人

      3. 施肥;怀抱;养育;怀抱(希望、仇恨等):notwithstanding 尽管;还是 | nourish 施肥;怀抱;养育;怀抱(希望、仇恨等) | objection反对;缺点;反对的理由

  •       常用短语

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    使(某人)滋长… cause (sb) to increase in sth
    nourish sb in sth

          Mother nourished me in a boundless belief in my ability to win whatever I wanted.



  •       Milk is all we need to nourish a small baby.
  •       It is better to nourish the children by feeding them good food.
  •       They needed good food to nourish their body.
  •       Fertilizer nourishes the earth.
  •       The country has abundant raw materials to nourish and develop her industries.
  •       She nourished feelings of hatred.
  •       He nourishes the dream of studying abroad .
  •       He's been nourishing the hope of a trip abroad .
  •       I could find nothing to nourish my suspicion.
  • 1
  •       Most plants are nourished by water drawn up through their roots.
  •       The river is nourished by many small streams.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Thou shalt dwell in the land of Goshen..and there wil I nourish thee.

    出自:Bible (AV): Genesis
  •       The mountain slopes which nourish the glacier.

    出自:J. Tyndall
  •       Valleys, nourished alike by endless sunshine and abundant water.

    出自:W. S. Churchill
  •       Nourish me on an egg, Nanny.

    出自:Stevie Smith
  •       The wood is to be fed and nourished.

    出自:J. Diski
  •       Men of umblemished purity of life, nourished with the learning of the cloister.

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       nourish的基本意思是“使健壮,喂养”,指提供成长、健康、幸福或继续生存所必要的东西,其主语多为维持或增进健康的食物,而非提供食物者。引申可作“怀有,抱有”解。
  •       nourish是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。


nourish, feed, graze, pasture
  •       这组词都可表示“给…东西吃”。其区别是:
  •       feed指给人以饮食或给动物以饲料,也可指供给植物养料或给机器加燃料等,含义最广; nourish指施以健康、生长必需的养料。例如:
  •       They needed good food to nourish their bodies.他们需要好食品滋养身体。
  •       graze指用正在生长的青草饲养牲口。pasture指饲养动物,尤指家畜。例如:
  •       The old man was pasturing his sheep on the village common.老人在村庄的公地上放羊。
  •       The boy got up very early every morning to pasture cattle.这男孩每天起得很早去放牛。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          In this Easter season, I'd like to offer you five books that I return to over and over because they nourish my soul.(在复活节来临之际,我诚挚地推荐五本让我爱不释手的书,它们给予了我心灵的滋养。)

          Enjoy yourself, and nourish your sense of humour.(享受你自己,运用你的幽默感。)

          As Tony says, "Depression strips you of any desire to nourish yourself, in any form."(正如托尼所说,“抑郁会以任何形式剥夺任何滋养你的欲望。”)

          It means you need to nourish your marriage with thoughtfulness for the other's needs, find time together and sometimes even time apart.(你还需要通过对对方的需要的体贴来滋养婚姻,找时间待在一起,有时甚至时间不是连续的。)

          She had three children to nourish.(她有三个孩子要喂养。)

          It is a poverty of being able to nourish their family, in any class.(我所谓的贫穷是指各阶层知识上的贫穷、无法为家庭提供营养的菜单。)

          South American women use the fruit to nourish their skin and hair.(南美洲的妇女都用这种水果来滋养她们的皮肤和头发。)

          The waters nourish free-floating microscopic plants,called phytoplankton, and other sea life.(这些水滋养着称为浮游植物的悬浮微生物以及其它海洋生物。)

          What specific actions can you take now to begin to nourish your personal growth?(现在你有采取什么特别行动开始提升你的个人成长吗?)

          The fungi absorb moisture and mineral salts from the rocks, passing these on in waste products that nourish algae.(真菌从岩石中吸收水分和矿物盐,并在代谢废物中传递这些物质,而这些废物向藻类提供营养。)

          nourish是什么意思 nourish在线翻译 nourish什么意思 nourish的意思 nourish的翻译 nourish的解释 nourish的发音 nourish的同义词
