


      英 [ˈɒbsəli:t]

      美 [ˌɑ:bsəˈli:t]


      副词: obsoletely 名词: obsoleteness 过去式: obsoleted 过去分词: obsoleted 现在分词: obsoleting 第三人称单数: obsoletes


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  •       过时的
  •       不发育的
  •       废弃的
  •       淘汰的
  •       老式的
  •       【生】退化的
  •       陈旧的
  •       已废弃的
  •       已不用的
  •       成废物的
  •       已失时效的
  •       已过时的
  •       萎缩了的
  •       不明显的


  •       废词
  •       陈腐的人
  •       废物
  •       被废弃的事物
  •       过时
  •       老化
  •       萎缩


  •       废弃
  •       淘汰
  •       用新的东西代替而使旧东西变为过时


      1. no longer in use

      e.g. obsolete words

      Synonym: disused

      1. 过时的;废弃的;淘汰的
      Something that is obsolete is no longer needed because something better has been invented.

      e.g. So much equipment becomes obsolete almost as soon as it's made.

      1. obsolete

      1. 过时的:4 反序列化时,并不会调用属性的set. 而是直接操作字段(field)6 过时的(Obsolete)属性不会序列化.

      2. obsolete的意思

      2. 作废的:CA 作废的(Obsolete) 用于轻负载引擎(1940年的和1950年的). 不单是引擎润滑油,所有的石油制品都是将原油经由蒸馏过程所产生的. 而基础油也是这样制成的. 润滑油品制造以基础油基 (Base Oil) 与添加剂调制而成,

      3. 废弃:并且这个数目在模板被修改时会自动更新. 4、玻璃图(Glass Map)功能现在支持一个选择框将玻璃替代模板加载到所显示的这些玻璃. 11、Glass Catlog Report现在支持标准(standard),首选(preferred),废弃(obsolete),特殊(special)和熔炼(melt)玻璃.

  •       经典引文

  •       The House of Lords should be abolished as an obsolete and unnecessary part of our constitution.

    出自:T. Benn
  •       Even when you strip out its obsolete senses, round still has twelve uses as an adjective.

    出自:B. Bryson
  •       We're trying to stimulate the business by obsoleting last year's designs.

    出自:Daily Telegraph
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Are they complementary or will they become eventually obsolete?(它们是互补还是会最终被淘汰?)

      But copper landlines are now an obsolete technology.(但是铜质电话线如今已成为过时的技术。)

      Only 5% of men and 2% of women felt marriage was obsolete.(只有5%的男生和2%的女生觉得婚姻已经过时了。)

      With technological changes many traditional skills have become obsolete.(随着技术的革新,许多传统技艺已被淘汰。)

      WASHINGTON - Is marriage becoming obsolete?(华盛顿—婚姻是变过时了吗?)

      Photography did indeed make certain kinds of painting obsolete — the daguerreotype virtually did away with the portrait miniature.(摄影确实使某些种类的绘画过时了——银版照相几乎使微型肖像消失了。)

      Strategies based on such parameters may eventually be rendered obsolete by the very factors that first created an advantage.(以这种参数为基础的战略可能最终会因最初创造优势的因素而过时。)

      So much equipment becomes obsolete almost as soon as it's made.(很多设备几乎刚制造出来就过时了。)

      Cars themselves would soon be obsolete.(汽车都会很快过时了。)

      This post contains obsolete or incorrect information.(这篇文章包含一些过时的或者不正确的内容。)

      obsolete是什么意思 obsolete在线翻译 obsolete什么意思 obsolete的意思 obsolete的翻译 obsolete的解释 obsolete的发音 obsolete的同义词
