


      英 [leg]

      美 [lɛɡ]



      过去式: legged 过去分词: legged 现在分词: legging 第三人称单数: legs


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  •       (小)腿
  •       供食用的腿
  •       袜统,靴统
  •       支柱
  •       一段赛程,一段航程, 一段旅程
  •       裤脚(管)
  •       脚,足
  •       股
  •       勾
  •       三角底边外的边
  •       腿肉
  •       一场
  •       一项


  •       逃逸,逃跑
  •       跑
  •       (常用于leg it短语中)疾走,奔走
  •       (徒步)走,用脚走路
  •       用腿抵壁把船推过运河隧洞
  •       卖力


  •       [C]腿 one of the limbs of an animal's or person's body used for standing and walking
  •       [C][U]腿肉 the leg of an animal used as food
  •       [C]裤腿 part of a garment covering this limb
  •       [C]桌椅的腿 one of the supports of a chair, table, etc.
  •       [C]一段行程 section of a journey


      1. a section or portion of a journey or course

      e.g. then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise

      Synonym: stage

      2. (nautical) the distance traveled by a sailing vessel on a single tack

      3. a cloth covering consisting of the part of a pair of trousers that covers a person's leg

      4. one of the supports for a piece of furniture

      5. a prosthesis that replaces a missing leg

      Synonym: pegwooden legpegleg

      6. a human limb
      commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part of the limb between the knee and ankle

      7. a structure in animals that is similar to a human leg and used for locomotion

      8. the limb of an animal used for food

      9. a part of a forked or branching shape

      e.g. he broke off one of the branches

      Synonym: branchramification

      A person or animal's legs are the long parts of their body that they use to stand on.

      e.g. He was tapping his walking stick against his leg.

      Her name was Sheila, a long-legged blonde.
      ...a large four-legged animal.

      2. (裤)腿
      The legs of a pair of trousers are the parts that cover your legs.

      e.g. He moved on through wet grass that soaked his trouser legs.

      3. (供食用动物的)腿肉
      A leg of lamb, pork, chicken, or other meat is a piece of meat that consists of the animal's or bird's leg, especially the thigh.

      e.g. ...a chicken leg.
      e.g. ...a leg of mutton.

      4. (桌、椅等家具的)腿,脚
      The legs of a table, chair, or other piece of furniture are the parts that rest on the floor and support the furniture's weight.

      e.g. His ankles were tied to the legs of the chair...
      e.g. The teak table has fluted legs.

      ...a three-legged stool.
      ...an ancient Guatemalan bow-legged table.

      5. 一段路程;一段旅程
      A leg of a long journey is one part of it, usually between two points where you stop.

      e.g. The first leg of the journey was by boat to Lake Naivasha in Kenya.

      6. (系列赛中的)一场,一轮,一段
      A leg of a sports competition is one of a series of games that are played to find an overall winner.

      e.g. The first round of the cup was decided over two legs...
      e.g. They will televise both legs of Leeds' European Cup clash with Rangers.

      7. 快跑;(尤指)逃开
      If you leg it, you run very quickly, usually in order to escape from someone.

      e.g. We saw some kids shinning up a drainpipe before legging it clutching a TV and hi-fi...
      e.g. He was now to be seen legging it across the field.

      8. 大势已去;玩儿完;没戏
      If you say that something or someone is on their last legs, you mean that the period of time when they were successful or strong is ending.

      e.g. This relationship is on its last legs.

      9. 戏弄;捉弄
      If you are pulling someone's leg, you are teasing them by telling them something shocking or worrying as a joke.

      e.g. Of course I won't tell them; I was only pulling your leg.

      10. 能够证实/无法证实;站得住脚/站不住脚
      If you say that someone does not have a leg to stand on, or hasn't got a leg to stand on, you mean that a statement or claim they have made cannot be justified or proved.

      e.g. It's only my word against his, I know. So I don't have a leg to stand on.

      11. 有持久力;有潜力
      If an idea, plan, or activity has legs, it is likely to continue or succeed.


      e.g. The American economy still has legs.

      12. an arm and a leg -> see arm
      with your tail between your legs -> see tail

      1. 脚:射程25米,D6,1/2磅,20银币复合长弓(COMPOSITEBOW)突刺,射程50米,力量攻击强度20,D10,1/2磅,50银币长弓(LONGBOW)突刺,射程60米,力量攻击强度15,D12,1磅,50银币拳(FIST)敲砸,锤击,D4脚(LEG)敲砸,锤击,D6爪(CLAW)刺击,

      2. 足:头部之下有四对肢体,除最前端的一对特化为不分节的触角(antenna)外,其余三对为足(leg). 胸部则每一节下都有一对足. 尾部除一般的足外,还有一对像触角般不分节的尾肢(cercus). 三叶虫的足为二支式,

      3. 航段:例如:目前我们在基隆港,希望往北行驶,第一个目的地是钓鱼台,第二个目的地是琉球为终站;从起点至终点,每站就都是一个航点,航点与航点间的行程称为航段(LEG),从起点依序经过各点至终点琉球等,整个行程我们称之为一条航线或是一条路径(ROUTE)

      4. leg:legacy; 分发库动力论坛

      5. leg:legitimation; 合法化

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      A:Do you think you could go over that new dance with me again? I missed the last class and don’t want to fall behind.

      B:Sure. Let’s start with a little stretch. Stand up straight, breathe in, and lift your hands over your head.

      A:Like this?

      B:Yes. Now, breathe out and push your hands back down by your sides. Breathe in… and breathe out.Now, bend over and touch your toes. Hold it. Repeat…

      A:I think I’m warmed up now.

      B:To start then, walk sideways to your right three steps. Jump up. Turn around. Then, walk sideways to your right another three steps. Jump up and turn around. Got it?


      A:Yes, but what are we supposed to do with our hands?

      B:Keep them by your side. When we jump up, shake them in front of you.

      A:That’s pretty easy. What’s next?

      B:We do that three times. Then, lift your left leg up to your right hand three times. Jump. Lift your right leg up to your left arm three times. Jump.

      A:Is this right?

      B:Yes, just make sure that you keep your back straight.

      A:How many times do we repeat this?


      B:Three times as well. Then we do the first set again.

      A:Ok, I think I’ve got it. Thanks, Moira!


      B:Not a problem.


    过分瘦长 be disproportionately long and thin


      1. try it on the other leg : 试用所剩的最后方法去做;

      2. leg and leg : 双方得分相等, 平分秋色;

      3. show leg : 逃跑;

      4. hang a leg : 犹豫不定;

      5. have not a leg to stand on : 站不住脚;

      6. show a leg : 起床;

      7. get a leg in : 得到...的信任;


  •       Humans have two legs, dogs have four.
  •       He felt an intense pain in his leg.
  •       He lost the use of his legs.
  •       His legs refused to carry him further.
  •       Would you like some leg or some breast of turkey.
  •       She bought a leg of mutton.
  •       The leg of my tights has torn.
  •       He lost his left leg in the war.
  •       Most chairs have four legs.
  •       The last leg of our trip was most tiring.
  •       From Bombay we made a long leg to Singapore.
  •       The premier has just completed the first leg of his five-nation tour.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       His legs were shaking, and he stumbled at every step.

    出自:C. Stead
  •       A terrestrial animal..larger than an elephant would have..legs so thick..it could not walk.

    出自:A. Hardy
  •       Mary was..scratching the calf and ankle of one leg.

    出自:I. McEwan
  •       The..coach broke down and..David legged it up to the clubhouse to find..alternative transport.

    出自:Golf Illustrated
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       leg指动物或人的“腿”,是可数名词;指“腿肉”时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。leg有时指“(一段)旅程”或“(一个运动项目的)赛程”,是新闻用语。
  •       说“腿瘸”时不可用leg作主语,而应以人作主语。
  •       ☆ 13世纪进入英语,直接源自古挪威语的leggr,意为腿。
  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.leg

      Other people can help us compensate for our mental and emotional deficiencies(欠缺), much as a wooden leg can compensate for a physical deficiency.



      高考真题例句OG 2.leg

      I can still remember how long it took to polish the legs of our coffee table.



  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      A man was shot in the leg.(一个人被射中腿部。)

      I broke my left leg.(我的左腿骨折了。)

      A cat was rubbing against my leg.(一只猫当时在我腿上蹭来蹭去。)

      These jeans are too long in the leg.(这条牛仔裤的裤腿太长。)

      Our dog has a bald patch on its leg.(我们的狗腿上脱了一片毛。)

      Ow! I just got a charley horse in my leg.(哎唷!我的腿抽筋了。)

      She shattered her right leg in a fall.(她摔断了右腿。)

      His leg was getting better.(他的腿在渐渐恢复。)

      Her leg was bent at an unnatural angle.(她的腿弯曲的角度反常。)

      There's a spider crawling up your leg.(有只蜘蛛正顺着你的腿往上爬。)

      leg是什么意思 leg在线翻译 leg什么意思 leg的意思 leg的翻译 leg的解释 leg的发音 leg的同义词
