


      英 [lɒs]

      美 [lɔ:s]




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  •       丧失,失去
  •       损失,遗失,丢失
  •       减少,减损,减低,降低,下降
  •       失败,输,输掉
  •       浪费
  •       亏损
  •       损失量,损失额,亏损额
  •       损毁
  •       错过
  •       【军】伤亡
  •       【军】伤亡及被俘人数
  •       【电】损耗
  •       【保险业】赔偿性损失事件,险损,险损赔偿额


  •       [C]丧失,遗失 the act or an example of losing or failing to keep sth
  •       [S]损耗,亏损 sth that is lost;waste


      1. the act of losing someone or something

      e.g. everyone expected him to win so his loss was a shock

      2. the disadvantage that results from losing something

      e.g. his loss of credibility led to his resignation
      losing him is no great deprivation

      Synonym: deprivation

      3. the experience of losing a loved one

      e.g. he sympathized on the loss of their grandfather

      4. euphemistic expressions for death

      e.g. thousands mourned his passing

      Synonym: passingdepartureexitexpirationgoingrelease

      5. military personnel lost by death or capture

      Synonym: personnel casualty

      6. the amount by which the cost of a business exceeds its revenue

      e.g. the company operated at a loss last year
      the company operated in the red last year

      Synonym: red inkred

      7. something that is lost

      e.g. the car was a total loss
      loss of livestock left the rancher bankrupt

      8. gradual decline in amount or activity

      e.g. weight loss
      a serious loss of business

      1. 遗失;丧失;失去;减少
      Loss is the fact of no longer having something or having less of it than before.

      e.g. ...loss of sight...
      e.g. The loss of income for the government is about $250 million a month.

      2. (人命的)丧失
      Loss of life occurs when people die.


      e.g. ...a terrible loss of human life...
      e.g. The allies suffered less than 20 casualties while enemy losses were said to be high.

      3. (亲人或朋友的)丧故,亡故,逝世
      The loss of a relative or friend is their death.

      e.g. They took the time to talk about the loss of Thomas and how their grief was affecting them.
      e.g. ...the loss of his mother.

      4. 亏损;亏蚀
      If a business makes a loss, it earns less than it spends.

      e.g. In 1986 Rover made a loss of nine hundred million pounds...
      e.g. The company said it will stop producing fertilizer in 1990 because of continued losses.

      5. 失落;惆怅
      Loss is the feeling of sadness you experience when someone or something you like is taken away from you.

      e.g. Talk to others about your feelings of loss and grief...
      e.g. He always woke with a sense of deep sorrow and depressing loss.

      6. 损失;不幸
      A loss is the disadvantage you suffer when a valuable and useful person or thing leaves or is taken away.


      e.g. She said his death was a great loss to herself.

      7. (热量、血液、液体等的)流失,散失,减少
      The loss of something such as heat, blood, or fluid is the gradual reduction of it or of its level in a system or in someone's body.

      e.g. ...blood loss.
      e.g. ...weight loss.

      8. (经营)亏本地,赔钱地
      If a business produces something at a loss, they sell it at a price which is less than it cost them to produce it or buy it.

      e.g. New fashion designs have to be sold off at a loss if sales are poor.

      9. 茫然不知所措;不知如何是好
      If you say that you are at a loss, you mean that you do not know what to do in a particular situation.

      e.g. I was at a loss for what to do next...
      e.g. The government is at a loss to know how to tackle the violence.

      10. 及时止损;趁早撒手
      If you cut your losses, you stop doing what you were doing in order to prevent the bad situation that you are in becoming worse.

      e.g. Directors are right to cut their losses, admit they chose the wrong man and make a change.

      11. 无用的人(或物)
      If you say that someone or something is a dead loss, you have a low opinion of them because you think they are completely useless or unsuccessful.

      e.g. I'd had no experience of organizing anything of that sort. I think I was largely a dead loss.

      1. loss在线翻译

      1. 损耗:②联想记忆:丢失(lose)就是损耗(loss)②联想记忆:丢失(lose)就是损耗(loss)②联想记忆:丢失(lose)就是损耗(loss)②联想记忆:丢失(lose)就是损耗(loss)③联想记忆:他谴责(blame)我把他往火焰(flame)上推,把他烧成了瘸腿的(lame)人.

      2. 失落:简介 失落(Loss)是生命进展过程中自然发展的现象,人生所经历的失落,小至掉了物品,大至失去所爱的人,在在充斥於生活中,却鲜少有系统化的定义及分类(Weenolsen,1988).

      3. loss:service level of service system; 损失率

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    亏本 lose money in business

      1. at a loss : 困惑, 不知所措;


  •       The loss of the last game by their team surprised us.
  •       She wept bitter tears over the loss of her lover.
  •       The loss of his wife was a great blow to him.
  •       He was taken ill through grief at the loss of his wife.
  •       Blindness is the loss of the sensation of sight.
  •       The car was so badly damaged that it had to be abandoned as a total loss.
  •       The loss of her bike caused her much inconvenience.
  •       My brother and I are responsible for the loss.
  •       You are accountable to him for the great loss.
  •       The insurance policy guarantees us all from loss.
  •       He is not thoughtful of personal gain and loss.
  •       The loss of this contract would be very serious.
  •       Their losses had been enormous.
  •       We must recover our losses somehow.
  •       My losses are nothing to yours.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Thou hast..quitted all to save A world from utter loss.

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       loss的基本意思是“丧失,遗失,损失”,可指能量、热量的丧失,也可指战斗、比赛中“打输”“失败”。还可作经济活动中的“亏本”解。
  •       loss作“损失”解时,多用复数形式。
  •       loss常跟介词to,表示“对…是个损失”。
  •       at a loss的意思是“不知所措”,后面可接“for+ n. ”, to- v 或由疑问词引导的从句结构。


  •       His death was a great loss to the commu- nity.
  •       He was a great loss to the community.
  •       他的去世对社区来说是个极大的损失。
    •       高考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.loss

          Never at a loss for words, I tried to find things in my life that might qualify for growth.

          我从来不会无言以对, 我试着在我的生活中寻找一些有资格被称为成长的东西。


          考研真题例句OG 1.loss

          Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for me to track my weight each week.



          考研真题例句OG 2.loss

          We are grieving various kinds of loss: a friendship, a romantic relationship or a house.



          考研真题例句OG 3.loss

          While seemingly innocent, this loss of mental focus can potentially have a damaging impact on our professional, social, and personal well-being.



          考研真题例句OG 1.loss

          Each year the physical presence rule becomes further removed from economic reality and results in significant revenue losses to the States.



          考研真题例句OG 2.loss

          It reported a net loss of $5.6 billion for fiscal 2016, the 10th straight year its expenses have exceeded revenue.

          该报告称,该公司2016 财年净亏损 56 亿美元,这是其连续第 10 年支出超过收入。


          考研真题例句OG 3.loss

          Elisabeth was upset by companies' financial loss due to immoral practices.



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          I received $1 000 in recompense for loss of earnings.(我得到了1000元的收入损失赔偿。)

          The patient exhibited signs of fatigue and memory loss.(病人表现出疲劳和记忆力丧失的迹象。)

          This resulted in a considerable loss to the exchequer.(这使国库遭受了重大损失。)

          Can you claim for the loss on your insurance ?(你能向你投保的公司要求赔偿这一损失吗?)

          We apologize for the loss of vision.(很抱歉没法显示画面。)

          Our loss is their gain.(我们之所失即他们之所得。)

          The company posted a $1.1 billion loss.(这家公司公布了11亿元的亏损。)

          She will be a great loss to the school.(她这一走对学校来说将是一个巨大的损失。)

          The company cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage.(该公司不能承担遗失或损坏的责任。)

          Additional loss of life will only compound the tragedy.(生命力的进一步丧失只会加重这一悲剧。)

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