


      英 [læʃ]

      美 [læʃ]



      过去式: lashed 过去分词: lashed 现在分词: lashing 第三人称单数: lashes


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  •       鞭子
  •       讽刺
  •       鞭打
  •       抽打
  •       斥责
  •       急速的挥动
  •       猛烈打击
  •       猛烈冲击
  •       责难
  •       眼睫毛
  •       鞭梢
  •       鞭挞
  •       鞭笞刑
  •       冲击
  •       击打
  •       严厉的谴责
  •       摇尾
  •       鞭鞘
  •       睫毛


  •       讽刺
  •       猛击
  •       驱使
  •       急速挥动
  •       猛烈冲击
  •       抨击
  •       斥责
  •       鞭打
  •       煽动
  •       用绳等捆扎
  •       激起
  •       打
  •       急打
  •       冲打
  •       痛骂
  •       狠打
  •       怒斥
  •       抽打
  •       将…扎牢
  •       捆绑
  •       痛打
  •       摆动
  •       冲击
  •       冲洗
  •       紧系
  •       突然冲击
  •       甩动
  •       猛烈地摇动
  •       迅速甩动
  •       严厉谴责


  •       vt. & vi. 鞭打;猛击;踢 strike violently
  •       vt. & vi. 突然摆动 make a sudden movement of (a limb, etc.)
  •       vt. 煽动,激起 cause to have sudden strong violent feelings
  •       vt. 紧系,捆扎 tie firmly especially with rope


  •       [C]鞭挞,鞭打 a hit with a whip
  •       [C]鞭子 the thin bendable part of a whip
  •       [C]突然猛烈的一击;急速挥动 a sudden or violent movement



      1. a quick blow delivered with a whip or whiplike object

      e.g. the whip raised a red welt

      Synonym: whipwhiplash

      2. leather strip that forms the flexible part of a whip

      Synonym: thong

      3. any of the short curved hairs that grow from the edges of the eyelids

      Synonym: eyelashcilium


      1. bind with a rope, chain, or cord

      e.g. lash the horse

      2. strike as if by whipping

      e.g. The curtain whipped her face

      Synonym: whip

      3. beat severely with a whip or rod

      e.g. The teacher often flogged the students
      The children were severely trounced

      Synonym: flogweltwhiplatherslashstraptrounce

      4. lash or flick about sharply

      e.g. The lion lashed its tail

      1. 睫毛
      Your lashes are the hairs that grow on the edge of your upper and lower eyelids.

      e.g. ...sombre grey eyes, with unusually long lashes...
      e.g. Joanna studied him through her lashes.

      2. 绑紧;扎牢
      If you lash two or more things together, you tie one of them firmly to the other.

      e.g. Secure the anchor by lashing it to the rail...
      e.g. The shelter is built by lashing poles together to form a small dome...

      3. (风、雨或水)猛抽,狠打,狂扫
      If wind, rain, or water lashes someone or something, it hits them violently.

      e.g. The worst winter storms of the century lashed the east coast of North America...
      e.g. Suddenly rain lashed against the windows...

      4. 怒斥;严责;猛烈抨击
      If someone lashes you or lashes into you, they speak very angrily to you, criticizing you or saying you have done something wrong.

      e.g. She went quiet for a moment while she summoned up the words to lash him...
      e.g. The report lashes into police commanders for failing to act on intelligence information.

      5. 鞭梢;鞭端皮条
      A lash is a thin strip of leather at the end of a whip.


      6. (尤指作为惩罚抽在背部的)鞭打
      A lash is a blow with a whip, especially a blow on someone's back as a punishment.

      e.g. The villagers sentenced one man to five lashes for stealing a ham from his neighbor.

      7. 鞭打;抽打
      If someone lashes another person, they hit that person with a whip.


      e.g. They snatched up whips and lashed the backs of those who had fallen.

      8. (使)(尾巴)急速挥动
      If an animal lashes its tail, or if its tail lashes, it moves its tail very fast and violently.

      e.g. When in danger, the anteater lashes its tail round a branch...
      e.g. They tried to get the harpoon into the ray before the sting tail came lashing over to retaliate...

      相关词组:lash out

      1. 鞭打:背信--理由(reason)前加t(踢)联想:老俞设想(conceive)一个计划阴谋,然后我们察觉(perceive)了,于是他就收到(receive)了一堆的花......blame (for) 责怪--不是(b)瘸子(lame)的错,应该怪瞎子助记:落后(lag)的旗帜(flag),鞭打(lash)着闪电(flash),

      2. 打:就是新点燃的火要能完全掌握,场地和环境等要整理得很彻底. 不然就很可能把一场火灾变成两场火灾. 另外有一个构造很象的字:backlash,表示反扑,好象你去鞭打(lash)对方,结果对方起而反扑,夺去鞭子反过来鞭打你一样.

      3. 拉什:就拉什(Lash)和乌利(Urry)所谓的无组织的资本主义(disorganized capitalism1987)而言,即使是那些出自马克思主义传统的最复杂最灵活的理论(Amin1980;Mandel1978;Wallerstein1974,Wolf1982),也是不合时宜的和无能为力的.


      4. 用绳绑扎:Landing,storage and delivery 卸货、仓储和送货费 | Lash 用绳绑扎 | Lashings 绑扎物

      5. lash在线翻译

      5. lash:ligter aboard ship; 装卸货时间

      6. lash:lighters aboard ship; 载驳货船

      7. lash

      7. lash:lighter abroad ship; 浮水货框

      8. lash在线翻译

      8. lash:lighter aboard ship; 子母船

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    (使)无一定方向地不停移动,甩动 (cause to) move restlessly, without direction
    lash about

          The wounded soldier lashed about in great pain.


    lash sth ⇔ about

          The tiger lashed its tail about whenever anyone came near its cage.



  •       The rain was lashing the windows.
  •       The waves lashed the rocks.
  •       The wind lashed the sails.
  •       The tiger lashed its tail angrily.
  •       The speaker was lashing the crowd.
  •       The captain lashed the soldier.
  •       We had to lash the cargo to the ship's deck during the storm.


  •       The sailor was sentenced to receive twenty lashes.
  •       The coachman had a thin lash.
  •       He received a lash of her hand on his cheek.
  •       With a lash of its tail the tiger leaped at her.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Long dark lashes..concealed his downcast eyes.

  •       A lash round the shaft and vanish.sssss J. le Carr&eacusc;

    出自:J. Ruskin
  •       Ferries often put to sea in calm waters without lashing vehicles down.

  •       His mattock was a sharp stone lashed to a stick.

    出自:J. M. Coetzee
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       lash的基本意思是“鞭打”,还可指动物猛烈或突然甩动尾巴,引申可表示“痛斥”“抨击”“煽动”。还可表示雨水、波浪等“冲击”。
  •       lash主要用作及物动词,有时也可作不及物动词。lash用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,用作不及物动词,其后常与about, against, into等连用。


  •       lash作“鞭子”解时,通常指鞭子不含鞭柄的一部分。


lash, whip
  •       这组词都有“鞭打”“抽打”的意思。其区别是:
  •       1.lash指用一般的鞭状物“鞭打”或“抽打”;whip则既可指用一般的鞭状物“抽打”,还常指用专门设计的有弹性的鞭子“鞭打”。
  •       2.lash还可指风、雨、波浪等猛烈打击或冲击,而whip无此义。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth.(为了我们,先辈们在荒芜的西部大地辛勤耕作,定居他乡;)

          From his easy chair he hears the wind lash his house and the rain pound the street outside his home.(他坐在安乐椅上,只听得呼啸的大风猛烈地冲击着他的屋子,大雨击打着屋外的街面。)

          Create smoky eyes by applying black shadow along the upper lash line with a damp makeup brush. Add a little blush.(用湿的眼影棒沿上眼线涂黑色眼影制造出烟熏装的效果,最后扫一些腮红。)

          If they think someone is pretending or lying to them, then they will feel aggrieved, angry and will lash out and condemn them.(如果他们认为这些人是在伪装或说谎,他们就会感到愤怒,并且抨击和谴责这些人。)

          When this happens you might lash out.(哇,哇,哇,当这一切发生的时候,你可能会大肆宣泄。)

          Some European leaders also like to lash out at globalisation.(一些欧洲领导人还喜欢抨击全球化。)

          Often, therefore, the body's mechanics prefer lash-ups to complete rebuilds-or simply do not bother with the job at all.(因此,身体结构常常宁愿残缺也不愿彻底修缮,或者根本就置之不理。)

          People tend to lash out at family members because they believe those close to them will not abandon them, no matter what, Latz said.(人们更倾向于跟家庭成员发泄,因为他们相信那些亲近的人无论怎样都不会弃他们而去,莱兹说。)

          Wind and rain lash the face of Red Canyon, an ancient dune complex on the island's eastern flank.(风雨冲刷着红峡谷的表面——在岛的西侧形成的古老沙丘。)

          Gustav came ashore as a Category Two storm, with winds moving at 175 kilometers per hour. It is expected to lash the city for several hours.(古斯塔夫登陆时的强度为二级风暴,风速大约每小时175公里,预计新奥尔良将连续数小时受到冲击。)

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