


      英 [rɪˈpʌblɪkən]

      美 [rɪˈpʌblɪkən]



      名词: republicanism


  •       双解释义

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  •       共和国的,共和政体的 belonging to or favouring a republic


  •       [C]拥护共和政体者,共和主义者 a person who believes in a republican government

      1. 共和国的;共和政体的
      Republican means relating to a republic. In republican systems of government, power is held by the people or the representatives that they elect.

      e.g. ...the nations that had adopted the republican form of government.

      2. (美国)共和党的,支持共和党的
      In the United States, if someone is Republican, they belong to or support the Republican Party.

      e.g. ...Republican voters...
      e.g. Some families have been republican for generations.

      3. (支持北爱尔兰脱离英国加入爱尔兰共和国的)共和主义者,共和派
      In Northern Ireland, if someone is Republican, they believe that Northern Ireland should not be ruled by Britain but should become part of the Republic of Ireland.

      e.g. ...a Republican paramilitary group.

      1. 共和党:充分利用日照时间......所以啊,我的睡觉时间无端端的少了一个小时另外一件大事就是昨天,这里的昨天是星期二,他们叫 Super Tuesday,美国两大执政党选出了新的领导人:共和党(Republican)新总统是 John McCain (对不起啊,

      2. 共和黨員:6.图表题1.表格给出某地第105th议会的组成情况及总人数535人,分为众议院(共435人)和参议院(senate) (共100人),两院分别由共和党员(republican)及律师(lawyers)等人组成,给出了百分比,如下所示,

  •       常用例句


  •       He ran as Vice-president on the Republican ticket.
  •       He is the boss of the Republican Party.
  •       The Republican Party is in office now in the US.


  •       He's an old royalist—he fought against the republicans.
  •       In the USA,Republicans are the conservative party.
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      One of the goals of the campaign is to cut off the elite Republican Guard from its supplies.(那场战役的目标之一就是切断精锐的共和国卫队的供给。)

      republican是什么意思 republican在线翻译 republican什么意思 republican的意思 republican的翻译 republican的解释 republican的发音 republican的同义词
