


      英 [ˈrɪdʒɪd]

      美 [ˈrɪdʒɪd]


      副词: rigidly 名词: rigidness


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  •       严格的,严厉的,苛刻的
  •       坚硬的,刚硬的
  •       僵硬的
  •       死板的,刻板的
  •       严密的;精确的
  •       坚固的,不易弯曲的
  •       【空】硬式的
  •       强直的,硬性的
  •       坚定的
  •       固定不动的


  •       硬式气艇,硬式飞艇


  •       刚硬的,僵硬的 stiff; not bending or yielding
  •       严格的,死板的 strict; firm; unchanging

      1. (法律、制度或体系)严格的,刻板的,不可变更的
      Laws, rules, or systems that are rigid cannot be changed or varied, and are therefore considered to be rather severe.

      e.g. Several colleges in our study have rigid rules about student conduct...
      e.g. Hospital routines for nurses are very rigid.

      ...the rigidity of government policy.
      The caste system was rigidly enforced.

      2. 固执的;顽固的;刻板的
      If you disapprove of someone because you think they are not willing to change their way of thinking or behaving, you can describe them as rigid .

      e.g. She was a fairly rigid person who had strong religious views...
      e.g. My father is very rigid in his thinking.

      3. 坚硬的;刚性的;不易弯曲的
      A rigid substance or object is stiff and does not bend, stretch, or twist easily.

      e.g. ...rigid plastic containers...
      e.g. These plates are fairly rigid.

      ...the strength and rigidity of glass.

      4. (常因震惊或害怕)身体僵直的,不能动弹的,呆住的
      If someone goes rigid, their body becomes very straight and stiff, usually as a result of shock or fear.

      e.g. I went rigid with shock...
      e.g. Andrew went rigid when he saw a dog, any dog, anywhere.

      She stood rigidly and stared into the room.

      1. 严格:义务(duty)包括一个人刘』K些给予过他恩惠(benefit)的人应尽的义务,也包括作为一个受尊重(honor)的人别人对他应尽的义务;、巾于义务的双重((10uble)意义,他培养了自我约束的习性--既宽容(permissive),又严格(rigid),这主要取决于履行

      2. rigid的反义词

      2. 硬:正像superclass是脆弱(fragile)的,而subclass是坚硬(rigid)的. 你不能只改变subclass的接口而不去确认新接口是否和父类型(supertypes)兼容. 例如,你不能在subclass中添加一个与superclass方法同样特征但返回值类型不同的新方法.

      3. 固定:首先新建一个屏蔽电泵总组件,从屏蔽电泵的运动原理来看,可以把支座、支架、泵壳体、法兰、前后轴承座、泵体、轴承、定子等零件看作是不动的组件,并按此顺序以固定(Rigid)方式--装配进来.

  •       常用例句

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  •       经典引文


  •       It's a rigid bar.
  •       We just need a tent supported on a rigid framework.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       A bridge that was rigid would snap if it carried too much traffic.

    出自:P. H. Newby
  •       Cally felt cold with fright; she stood rigid.

    出自:S. Cooper
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 1538年进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的rigidus,意为坚硬,僵硬,严重。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Several colleges in our study have rigid rules about student conduct.(我们调查中的几所学院对学生行为举止都有过于严格的规定。)

      Traditionally, robots have been very hard, made of metal and other rigid material.(传统上,机器人很硬,由金属和其他刚性材料制成。)

      People who score on personality tests as more sympathetic cry more than those who are more rigid or have more self-control.(在性格测试中得分较高,也就是更有同情心的人,比性格刚强或自我控制能力较强的人更容易哭。)

      Paintings must have rigid stretchers so that the canvas will be taut, and the paint must not deteriorate, crack, or discolor.(画必须有坚硬的画架,这样画布才会绷紧,而且颜料不能变质、开裂或变色。)

      She sat upright, her body rigid with fear.(她直挺挺地坐着,吓得浑身发僵。)

      She was a fairly rigid person who had strong religious views.(她是个相当刻板、有着很强宗教观念的人。)

      He was weaned on a diet of rigid discipline and duty.(他自幼受到严格纪律和职责的约束。)

      She is forced to battle against a harsh employer and a rigid social order.(她被迫与苛刻的雇主和固化的社会秩序作斗争。)

      He was rigid and unbending.(他刻板而严厉。)

      For example, the lungs and the heart muscle expand less successfully, the blood vessels become increasingly rigid, and the ligaments and tendons tighten.(例如,肺部和心脏肌肉扩张不太成功,血管变得越来越僵硬,韧带和肌腱收紧。)

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