


      英 [raɪt]

      美 [raɪt]




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  •       仪式
  •       惯例
  •       典礼
  •       礼仪
  •       习惯
  •       【宗】礼拜式
  •       宗教仪式
  •       习俗
  •       庆典
  •       礼仪的形式
  •       教派


      1. any customary observance or practice

      Synonym: ritual

      2. an established ceremony prescribed by a religion

      e.g. the rite of baptism

      Synonym: religious rite

      1. (传统的)仪式,典礼
      A rite is a traditional ceremony that is carried out by a particular group or within a particular society.

      e.g. Most traditional societies have transition rites at puberty.
      e.g. ...a fertility rite.

      1. 设备例行检查:riskreward ratio 失得比 | RITE 设备例行检查 | rithe 小河

      2. rite的意思

      2. rite:rapid information technique for evaluation; 鉴定用快速信息处理技术(通用动力公司的)

  •       近义词

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      The wedding has shifted from a rite of passage to a vehicle for self-expression.(现在的婚礼已经从当初的婚礼仪式变成了自我表现与炫耀。)

      Traditional marriage has evolved from a near-universal rite to a luxury for the educated and affluent.(传统婚姻普遍被视为习俗,现在它已经进化为受教育人群和具有经济实力的人群所享有的奢侈品。)

      Young as we were, we knew that being in a gang was nothing more than a rite of passage.(虽然当时年轻,但我们也明白,加入帮派无非是一种宣告着进入青春期的仪式。)

      For some unmarried women there is a time in their late 20s and early 30s when being a bridesmaid becomes a rite of passage.(对于一些女人在她们20岁末到30岁初的这一段时间,当伴娘成为了必经之路。)

      Many churches practice the rite of baptism.(很多教会都举行洗礼仪式。)

      Use RITE to iterate UI before development.(开发前采用RITE方法对用户界面进行迭代。)

      The minimum-wage job is a rite of passage.(工资最低的工作是一段通道。)

      Give root (and only root) (r) ead and (w) rite permission on the.rhosts file.(为root(只有root)授予对.rhosts文件的读(r)和写(w)许可。)

      The Tridentine rite includes an Easter prayer for the conversion of Jews that has been amended but never dropped.(特伦托弥撒仪式中包括为纪念犹太人改宗的复活庆典——这一仪式虽已多次修订,但从未废除。)

      Through a kind of sacramental rite at the family tomb, the father's struggle becomes the son's birthright.(在家族墓前,通过某种神圣的仪式,父亲的斗争化为儿子的遗产。)

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