


      英 [ˈsi:fu:d]

      美 [ˈsiˌfud]




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  •       海味
  •       海鲜
  •       海产食品


      1. edible fish (broadly including freshwater fish) or shellfish or roe etc

      1. 海产食品;海味
      Seafood is shellfish such as lobsters, mussels, and crabs, and sometimes other sea creatures that you can eat.

      e.g. ...a seafood restaurant.

      1. 海味:可以在小吃店和街角的热狗摊上买到.在美国的餐馆里,菜单(menu)上都有汉堡包,伴之以牛排(steaks),炸鸡(fried chicken)和海味(seafood),还有法国炸食和脆嫩的凉拌菜(salad).正餐的最后一道菜是甜点心(dessert),

      2. 海產:花莲海洋公园总经理吴方荣认为,台湾具备海洋观光休闲的4S条件,即沙滩(Sand)、海水(Sea)、阳光(Sun)与海产(Seafood),海上观光休闲资源雄厚,海洋生态多元且丰富,兴达港要开发如海洋公园般的休闲游憩产业,深具潜力.

      3. 水产:[求职] 水产(seafood)初级贸易(junior seller)这里有没有做水产品(seafood)这行的,我干了3,4年了,以前主要负责质量方面(quality),曾在某较大的外企办事处工作( RG Qingdao Office),熟悉产品(product),生产(processing),

  •       情景对话


      A:May I take your order now?

      B:Yes, I think we’re ready to order. Elizabeth, what would you like to have?

      C:I haven’t made up my mind yet. You order first, Donald.


      B:All right. I’ll start with chicken soup. Then I want a steak, medium rare. I’ll have a baked potato, green beans and an egg salad. I’ll order dessert later.


      A:Yes, sir. And you, miss? What would you like to have?

      C:I can’t decide. I don’t see anything I really like.


      A:There are over thirty dishes to select from, miss.

      B:There ought to be something you like, Elizabeth.

      C:Well, I guess so. But I only see food that I don’t like. I don’t care for chicken and I can’t stand fish. Do you have any oysters?

      A:No, miss. I’m afraid not. How about some other seafood?

      C:Oysters are the only seafood I like. I dislike the rest.

      B:I wish I could think of something for you.


      A:May I suggest cream of tomato soup, steak with mushroom gravy, asparagus, and buttered cauliflower. For dessert—strawberry pie with ice cream?

      C:No, that isn’t my ideal of a good meal. I’ll have a hamburger. That’s my favorite dish. I have it every day.

  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.seafood

      Is the fried fish or the seafood salad good?



  •       临近词



      It certainly is. Do you like seafood?(当然不一样,你喜欢海鲜吗?)

      Most of the volunteers said they drank from plastic bottles and also ate seafood that could include plastic from ocean pollution.(大多数志愿者说,他们用塑料瓶喝水,也吃海鲜,其中可能包含海洋污染带来的塑料。)

      That sounds wonderful. I love seafood.(太好了,我喜欢吃海鲜。)

      Oyster is the only seafood I like; I dislike the rest.(牡蛎是我唯一喜欢吃的海味;其余的我都不喜欢。)

      You can thaw out the seafood before cooking it, but if you do this, make sure you cook it as quick as you can.(你可以在烹饪之前先将海鲜解冻,但是如果你这样做的话,一定要尽快地把它煮熟。)

      There are still a lot of unanswered questions in this area, but fish and seafood are a major part of the Mediterranean diet.(这个领域仍然存在很多无法回答的问题,但是鱼类和海鲜是地中海饮食的一个主要部分。)

      Seafood lovers should make a pilgrimage to the fishing town of Sok Kwu Wan, which houses an abundance of terraced restaurants on stilts above the bay.(海鲜爱好者应该漫游到索罟湾的渔镇,那里有着很多台阶形的餐馆,好像是在海湾上踩高跷。)

      Leo: it's famous for its seafood.(利奥:那里的海鲜非常有名。)

      Well cook dumplings with seafood for you.(我们煮海鲜水饺给你吃。)

      You can also find some charts listing fat and calorie content for different types of seafood, meat and the other major food groups.(你还可以找到一些列有不同种类的海鲜、肉类和其他主食的脂肪和卡路里含量的图表。)

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      seafood是什么意思 seafood在线翻译 seafood什么意思 seafood的意思 seafood的翻译 seafood的解释 seafood的发音 seafood的同义词
