


      英 [weərˈevə(r)]

      美 [werˈevə(r)]




  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       究竟在哪里,究竟到哪里,究竟往何处
  •       无论什么地方
  •       去任何地方
  •       在哪儿
  •       在 ... 的各个地方


  •       无论到哪里,无论到什么地方
  •       无论在哪里,在任何地方,无论什么地方
  •       无论什么情况下, 在所有…的情况下,在任何情况下
  •       各处,处处
  •       在…的各个地方,在任何…的地方
  •       或其他任何地方
  •       到哪里


  •       无论什么地方 in any place, regardless of where
  •       各处,处处 in all places that; everywhere



      1. where in the world

      Synonym: wheresoever

      1. 无论哪里;在任何地方
      You use wherever to indicate that something happens or is true in any place or situation.


      e.g. Some people enjoy themselves wherever they are...
      e.g. Jack believed in finding happiness wherever possible...

      2. 不管在哪里
      You use wherever when you indicate that you do not know where a person or place is.


      e.g. I'd like to leave as soon as possible and join my children, wherever they are...
      e.g. 'Till we meet again, wherever that is,' said the chairman.

      3. (用在疑问句中作为where的强调形式,通常表示惊讶)究竟在哪里
      You use wherever in questions as an emphatic form of 'where', usually when you are surprised about something.

      e.g. Wherever did you get that idea?...
      e.g. Wherever have you been?

      4. 或别的什么地方
      You use or wherever to say that something might happen in a place other than the place you have mentioned, but that you are not able to say exactly where.

      e.g. The next day she was gone to Lusaka, Kampala, or wherever.
      e.g. ...language which will allow the students in class or wherever to express their opinions.

      1. wherever的翻译

      1. 任何地方:2、高楼大厦和其它高塔建筑在城市中会吸收、影响及反射无线电波,包括调频(FM)及超 高频(VHF)之传送. 1、5W说法. 个人通信可以保证任何人(Whoever)在任何时间(Whenever)、 任何地方(Wherever)、与任何人(Whomever)、进行任何方式 (Whatever)的通信;

      2. 何地:它将成为可靠的工作助手(上网、记事、制定工作计划、照相、录音)和有趣的娱乐伙伴(游戏、听MP3、收音机、看电影、读小说)让各媒体融合,真正的做到不管是是谁(whoever),不论何时(whenever)不论何地(wherever)都可以做六种媒体(

      3. 无论哪里:when什么时候 | wherever无论哪里 | where哪里

      4. wherever的反义词

      4. 无论那里:whereupon 因此 | wherever 无论那里 | wherewith 用什么

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       You can come whenever you like.
  •       Wherever possible, the illustrations are taken from literature.
  •       Wherever the film star goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her.
  •       Wherever did the cayenne come from?

    出自:R. Boldrewood
  •       词语用法


  •       wherever用作连词,引导地点状语从句,比where语气强。
  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.wherever

      Whatever stage of life you're at, wherever you go and whatever project you do in GDA, you'll create positive changes in a poor and remote community.

      无论你处于人生的哪个阶段, 无论你去哪里, 无论你在GDA做什么项目, 你都将为贫穷和偏远的地区带来积极的变化。


      高考真题例句OG 2.wherever

      Wherever human light spills into the natural l world, some aspect or life is affected .

      无论人类的光洒向自然界的哪个地方, 生命的某个方面都会受到影响。


  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      The paparazzi pursue Armani wherever he travels.(狗仔队追着阿玛尼到他去的任何地方。)

      I'm free now to live wherever I please.(我现在想住哪里就住哪里。)

      Sit wherever you like.(你爱坐在哪儿就坐哪儿。)

      Wherever men appear they are crudely drawn and their bodies are elongated and rigid.(人类图像无论出现在哪里,都被描画得很粗糙,他们的身体都是细长而僵硬的。)

      I'd like to leave as soon as possible and join my children, wherever they are.(我想尽快离开这里,去和我的孩子们团聚,不管他们在哪里。)

      Some people enjoy themselves wherever they are.(有些人无论在哪里都很开心。)

      Opera houses are packed out wherever she sings.(每逢她演唱,任何歌剧院都场场爆满。)

      A media circus surrounded the royal couple wherever they went.(无论王室夫妇走到何处,他们的身后都会跟着一大群媒体记者。)

      Wherever she led, they followed.(她引向哪里,他们就跟到哪里。)

      Wherever the largest element started out in the list, by the time I get through it, it's at the end.(无论列表中最大的元素从哪开始,当我完成它的时候,它就在最后。)

      wherever是什么意思 wherever在线翻译 wherever什么意思 wherever的意思 wherever的翻译 wherever的解释 wherever的发音 wherever的同义词
