


      英 [weɪdʒ]

      美 [wedʒ]



      过去式: waged 过去分词: waged 现在分词: waging 第三人称单数: wages


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  •       报应
  •       工资,报酬,薪水,待遇,薪金,工钱
  •       代价
  •       报偿,报答
  •       工业产值中劳动工资的部分


  •       实行,进行(战争、运动),开展
  •       在进行中,在开展中
  •       作,从事
  •       雇佣
  •       打赌,下赌注,同…打赌
  •       抵押
  •       担保,保证
  •       开始,发动
  •       继续
  •       支付
  •       斗争,竞争


  •       [C] 工资 regular (usually weekly) payment made or received for work or services


  •       vt. & vi. 进行; 从事 carry on; engage in (war, a campaign)


      1. something that remunerates

      e.g. wages were paid by check
      he wasted his pay on drink
      they saved a quarter of all their earnings

      Synonym: payearningsremunerationsalary


      1. carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns)

      e.g. Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe

      Synonym: engage

      1. 工资;工钱
      Someone's wages are the amount of money that is regularly paid to them for the work that they do.

      e.g. His wages have gone up...
      e.g. This may end efforts to set a minimum wage well above the poverty line.

      2. 开展,发动(运动或战争)
      If a person, group, or country wages a campaign or a war, they start it and continue it over a period of time.

      e.g. ...the three factions that had been waging a civil war...
      e.g. They waged a price war.

      When used as a noun, pay is a general word which you can use to refer to the money you get from your employer for doing your job. Manual workers are paid wages, or a wage. The plural is more common than the singular, especially when you are talking about the actual cash that someone receives. Every week he handed all his wages in cash to his wife. Wages are usually paid, and quoted, as an hourly or a weekly sum. ...a starting wage of five dollars an hour. Professional people and office workers receive a salary, which is paid monthly. However, when talking about someone's salary, you usually give the annual figure. I'm paid a salary of £15,000 a year. Your income consists of all the money you receive from all sources, including your pay.
      pay 用作名词时,泛指从雇主处得到的工资或薪水。体力劳动者的工资通常用 wages 或 a wage表示,其中复数形式更为常见,尤其是表示实际拿到的现金时。例如,Every week he handed all his wages in cash to his wife (每周他都将自己领到的工资全部交给妻子)。wages 通常按小时或按周支付或计算:a starting wage of five dollars an hour (每小时5美元的起薪)。专业人士以及办公室职员的工资用 salary 表示,通常按月支付。但是在谈论某人的薪水时,通常用年薪来表示:I'm paid a salary of £ 15, 000 a year (我年薪为15, 000英镑)。 income 表示从各个来源获得的总收入,包括工资。

      1. wage的近义词

      1. 报酬:成本类因素中我们选取了城镇单位从业人员劳动报酬(wAGE),工业品出厂价格指数(PPI).以及食品价格指数(cPLFOOD,需求类因素中选取商品零售价格指数(R1)作为衡量消费需求的因素,固定资产投资额Ⅱ1作为投资需求衡量因素,

      2. 薪金:固然有经济学的意义,如通过对某人或某些相近的群体的工作和娱乐比率分析,来判定其给予社会和向社会索取的一个指数,同时还可以运用福利(Welfare)等于薪金(Wage)除以工作(Work)的公式,

      3. 作(战),实行:4. protrude 突出的,突起的 | 5. wage 作(战),实行 | 6. all-out 全面的

  •       常用短语

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  •       经典引文


    同…作战 fight a battle with sb or sth
    wage war against sb/sth

          The police are waging war against crime in the city.


          Doctors wage war against disease.


          We must wage war against poverty.



  •       The job is interesting, but it doesn't pay a living wage.
  •       When wages are high, prices are high.
  •       We expect a fair day's wage.
  •       Wages of sin is death.


  •       The controversy waged for a few years.
  •       The riot waged for several hours.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       He had three weeks' wages saved.

    出自:B. Bainbridge
  •       She had been hired..for an agreed weekly wage.

    出自:P. Fitzgerald
  •       Women..still earn only two-thirds of male wages.

  •       I would wage a shilling that the pedestrian outstripped the equestrian travellers.

    出自:Henry Fielding
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       wage的意思是“工资,工钱”,指相对短的时间内,以小时为单位,每周或每两周付给蓝领工人或非技术工人一次报酬,常用于复数形式; 当wage表示一次领取的报酬时,常用于单数形式,当wage作“报偿,代价”解时,常用于复数形式,但句中的谓语动词须用单数形式。


  •       wage的基本意思是“进行”“从事”。
  •       wage既可用作及物动词,偶尔也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。
  •       wage可接介词against表示“同…作战”。


wages, pay, salary
  •       这组词都有“薪水”“工资”的意思。其区别在于:
  •       1.pay是普通用词,不可数,意思是“工资,薪水”,指工作所得到的酬金,也可特指发给军人的薪饷,强调付了钱,不如salary和wages正式。
  •       2.salary一般指脑力劳动者的月薪或年俸。例如:
  •       He lived on his salary.他靠薪水生活。
  •       The company pays good salary.这个公司的薪金高。
  •       His regular salary doesn't come to much, but he gets bonuses too.他的固定薪水并不高,但他还有奖金。
  •       3.wages多指体力劳动者按天或按周领取的工钱。例如:
  •       Her wages are one hundred dollars a week.她的工资为每周100美元。
  •       He takes his wages home to his wife every Friday.他每星期五把工资带回家交给妻子。
    •       ☆ 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古北方法语的wage,意为誓言。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          The value of what the student can produce is reflected in the wage employers are willing to pay the student to produce it.(学生所能创造的价值反映在雇主愿意支付给学生用于创造价值的工资上。)

          Wage rates must be maintained in order to maintain the purchasing power of the consumer.(必须维持工资率以保持消费者的购买力。)

          Are blue-collar workers at the university getting paid a decent wage? Are they compensated fairly?(大学里的蓝领工人是否得到了一份适当的工资?他们是否获得了应有的补偿?)

          The real wage of the average worker has increased by a factor of over ten in the last 70 years.(近70年来工人的实际工资平均增长超过了十倍。)

          Dowie argued that the reduction, together with rapid wage growth, drove up prices.(道伊认为,降薪加上工资的快速增长推动了价格上涨。)

          I think people would push to always increase that minimum wage.(我认为人们会一直推动提高最低工资。)

          You see, we get very low wages, most of the time less than the minimum wage.(你看,我们的工资很低,大多数时候都低于最低工资。)

          Wage rates depend on levels of productivity.(工资水平取决于生产量的多寡。)

          How can anyone live on such a miserable wage?(这么少的工资让人怎么活呀?)

          Wage increases must be in line with inflation.(工资的增长必须与通货膨胀率一致。)

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