


      英 [θri:]

      美 [θri]






  •       详情解释

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       三


  •       三
  •       三个(人)
  •       三岁
  •       三时
  •       【板】3字型
  •       三个一组(之物)
  •       具有数字三的东西


  •       三的
  •       三个的


      1. one of four playing cards in a deck having three pips

      Synonym: trey

      2. the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one

      Synonym: 3IIItriothreesometierceleashtroikatriadtrinetrinityternaryterniontriplettercetterzettotreydeuce-ace


      1. being one more than two

      Synonym: 3iii

      1. (数字) 3
      Three is the number 3.

      e.g. We waited three months before going back to see the specialist.
      我们等了 3 个月才回去见那位专家。

      1. three什么意思

      1. 三更:<>(The Foul King)(2000),<>(Three)(2002),<>(A Tale of Two Sisters)(2003). 都是如此. 但2005年的韩国卖座影片<>,一改金知云导演的特点,以强劲有力的节拍,和扣人心弦的故事为影迷送上了一部振奋的商业大作.

      2. 三点:详细说明:洗发牌模拟程序: 一副扑克牌有54张,为简单起见,这里撇去大小王不计,剩下52张扑克共4种花色:红桃(Heart),方块(Diamond),梅花(Club),黑桃(Spade),其ASCII码分别为3,4,5,6,扑克牌的面值则有十三种:A(Ace),两点(Deuce),三点(Three),四点(Four),

  •       情景对话

  •       经典引文


      B:I’ve been there for about (four months/ six days/ three years).
      我在那儿已有大约(4个月/ 6天/ 3年)。

      A:That’s nice.


      B:Do you offer any quantity discounts ?

      A:No, we don‘t.

      B:Then give us three cases of this .


      B:When is this book due back?

      A:It’s due back (next Tuesday/ a week from Friday/ in three days).

  •       Almayer..had been three days in Macassar.

    出自:J. Conrad
  •       Camels..greeted sandstorms with the same indifference as they had three thousand years before.

    出自:D. Hogan
  •       Three stylish colours, classic cream, elegant grey or chic black.

  •       The maximum temperature in..Tokyo is three degrees higher than in outlying areas.

    出自:Japan Times
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      He drew three squiggly lines.(他画了三条弯弯曲曲的线。)

      The riots raged for three days.(暴乱持续了三天。)

      The baby is three months old.(这婴儿三个月大了。)

      Three men blocked her path.(三个男人挡住了她的去路。)

      The clock has just struck three.(时钟刚刚敲过三点。)

      Three boys were playing marbles.(三个男孩儿在玩弹子游戏。)

      She studied chemistry for three years.(她学了三年化学。)

      They have three grown-up children.(他们有三个成年的孩子。)

      He can speak three languages.(他会说三种语言。)

      He's got three children.(他有三个孩子。)

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      three是什么意思 three在线翻译 three什么意思 three的意思 three的翻译 three的解释 three的发音 three的同义词
