


      英 [təˈdeɪ]

      美 [təˈde]





  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       今天,今日
  •       当代,现代,当今
  •       现在


  •       现今,当今,如今
  •       今天,在今天
  •       当代,现代,在当代
  •       目前,现在
  •       这年头


  •       现在的,当今的,当代的


  •       [U]今天 this present day
  •       [U][S]现今,眼下; 当代 this present time, period, etc.


  •       (在)今天 during or on the present day
  •       眼下,时下,现在 during or at the present time; nowadays

      1. 在今天;在今日
      You use today to refer to the day on which you are speaking or writing.

      e.g. How are you feeling today?...
      e.g. I wanted him to come with us today, but he couldn't.

      2. 当今;现今;在当代
      You can refer to the present period of history as today .


      e.g. The United States is in a serious recession today…
      e.g. He thinks pop music today is as exciting as it's ever been.

      1. <<今日美国>:洁美.高达(Jamie Goddard)情欲领域的教育者、艺术家与活跃份子,拥有纽约大学人类性欲与健康教育的硕士学位. 寇特.布伦加(Kurt Brungardt)表演艺术家兼作家,专长保健、健身、男性议题. 著作散见<>、<>(Newsweek)、<>等,曾担任电视节目<

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文

      The First Class-(第一堂课)


      A:Today I had my first English class.

      B:How was it?

      A:It was interesting.The teacher gave us three ways to help ourselves learn the language. First, stop talking anything except English. Then learn many complete sentences by heart.Finally, have American friends tell us how they say things we have trouble with, and always imitate them.


      A:May I help you?

      B:Yes, today is my first day. Do you know where the photocopier is?


      A:Of course. I’ll show you. My name is Kevin. What’s your name?


      B:Emily. Nice to meet you.

      A:Likewise. So, what department are you working in?

      B:I’m working in Admissions. How about you?

      A:I’m the sales manager.

      B:How long have you been working here?

      A:About 6 years now.

      B:You must like it then.

      A:Yes, it’s a good company to work for. The staff is friendly and the benefits are great.

      B:What do you think about the boss?

      A:He’s alright.


      B:Is he really strict?


      A:No, he’s quite the opposite. He’s the most laid-back boss I’ve ever had.

      B:I heard that sometimes he loses his tempter easily.

      A:Sometimes, but usually forgets about it later.

      B:Has he ever yelled at you?

      A:Plenty of times. You just have to learn to ignore it.

      B:Thanks for the help. I’m going to make these photocopies now.


      A:Good morning, sir. May I help you?


      B:Yes. I have a room booked with you, for three days starting today. Name of Lu, L-U.

      A:Thank you, Mr. Lu. Please wait a moment while I check our reservations list.That's Mr. Steven Lu, from Taipei?
      谢谢,陆先生。请稍等,我查一下订房名单。您是Steven Lu,从台北来的?

      B:Yes, it is.

      A:Mr. Lu, everything is OK. Your booking is from today through Wendnsday. Single room. Your room number is 512. Here's your key.

      B:Thanks. Could you point me in the right direction?

      A:Certainly, sir. The elevators are right across the lobby.Floors one to eight are the elevators to the left.
      当然可以,先生。电梯就在大厅的正对面。 一到八楼上下使用的电梯在左边。

      B:Hi. I'd like to cash an American Express traveler's check.

      A:Sure. Would you please sign your name on the back, sir, with your passport number? And I'll need to see your passport.


      B:Sure. Can you give me fifty dollars in small bills, please, and ten dollars in change?

      A:No problems. Here's your passport, and here's your money. Have a nice day, Mr. Lu.


    (指人)飘浮不定; 短暂 ephemeral〔present〕 for only a short time


  •       I have finished my work for today.
  •       It's only three days from today.
  •       We have today off for a holiday.
  •       Have you read today's newspaper?
  •       Wang Shuo is a writer of today.
  •       He can present the Bible in today's language.
  •       You'll be in a today where there is no yesterday or tomorrow to worry you.


  •       He has a headache and isn't feeling communicative today.
  •       Charles seemed very cool towards me today.
  •       The young man was very short with him today.
  •       The winds today will be light and variable.
  •       It's questionable whether he'll come or not today.
  •       The weather forecast says we'll have scattered showers today.
  •       She caught a bad cold yesterday and consequently was absent from school today.
  •       Women today no longer accept such treatment.
  •       The Chinese people are very happy today.
  •       In China today each couple is required to carry out a eugenic plan strictly.
  •       Life today would be very different without electricity.
  •       The sports meet will be held a week today.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作副词 (adv.)

  •       You won't get in today Come back tomorrow morning.

    出自:E. Waugh
  •       Mr. Rand is ill and must forgo the pleasure of your

    出自:J. Kosinski
  •       词语用法

  •       常见错误


  •       today用作不可数名词时,意思是“今天”,只指白天,不指黑夜。一般用作主语,用作定语时多用其所有格。today还可作“现在,当代”解。
  •       today等于on this day,故其前不可再加介词on。


  •       today用作副词时,表示“在今天,在今日”,只指白天,不指晚上,没有比较级和最高级。today还可表示“现今,在当代”。
  •       today用在间接引语中,应改为that day。
  •       today next week〔month,year〕表示“一周,一月或一年后的今天”。



          误 As I told you in our today's telephone conversation,I have failed to get the visa.

          正 As I told you in today's telephone conversation,I have failed to get the visa.

          析 在today's, yesterday's 等构成的名词词组前不能再用限定词(包括物主代词)。



          误 There will be no classes today afternoon.

          正 There will be no classes this afternoon.

          析 表示“今天下午”应该用this afternoon,不能用today afternoon。“今天上午”和“今天晚上”分别是this morning和this evening。但是,“今天夜里”是tonight。


          误 They said that they would go to the exhibition today.

          正 They said that they would go to the exhibition that day.

          析 today用作副词时,在间接引语中,应改为that day。

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      I'm revising Geography today.(我今天复习地理。)

      I have my appraisal today.(我今天与上司见面讨论我的工作表现。)

      We may have some rain today.(今天可能会下点雨。)

      Who is in the chair today?(今天谁主持?)

      Today is her tenth birthday.(今天是她的十岁生日。)

      I feel absolutely terrific today!(我今天的感觉真是好极了!)

      I'm feeling a lot better today.(我今天感觉好多了。)

      It's hot today, isn't it?(今天很热,对吗?)

      Please could I leave early today?(请问,我今天早走一会儿行吗?)

      How are you feeling today?(你今天觉得怎么样?)

      today是什么意思 today在线翻译 today什么意思 today的意思 today的翻译 today的解释 today的发音 today的同义词
