

      英 [ˈeksrei]

      美 [ˈɛksˌre]



      过去式: x-rayed/X-rayed 过去分词: x-rayed/X-rayed 现在分词: x-raying/X-raying 第三人称单数: x-rays/X-rays


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  •       [C] X射线,X光 type of short-wave electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate solids and make it possible to see into or through them
  •       [C] X光检查 a medical examination made using this
  •       [C] X光片 photograph made by X-rays


  •       vt. & vi. 用X光摄影,检查,治疗 photograph, examine, or treat by means of X-ray


      1. take an x-ray of something or somebody

      e.g. The doctor x-rayed my chest

      2. examine by taking x-rays

      1. X射线;X光
      X-rays are a type of radiation that can pass through most solid materials. X-rays are used by doctors to examine the bones or organs inside your body and are also used at airports to see inside people's luggage.

      2. X光片
      An X-ray is a picture made by sending X-rays through something, usually someone's body.

      e.g. She was advised to have an abdominal X-ray.

      3. 给…拍摄X光片;对…进行X光检查
      If someone or something is X-rayed, an X-ray picture is taken of them.

      e.g. All hand baggage would be x-rayed...
      e.g. They took my pulse, took my blood pressure, and X-rayed my jaw.

      1. 光:X通常可以用来表示暂时不可知的事物. 如X档案、X战警,X波段雷达. 当初的X光,(x ray)即就一种当时不可知的光

      2. x-ray在线翻译

      2. 射线:X-ray X射线的 | X-ray 射线 | X-raying X射线透视

      3. 透痕:wrong material 材料错误 | wrong pattern 纸板错误 | x-ray 透痕

      4. 射线断层摄影机:X-ray therapy , apparatus X射线治疗机 | X-ray&nb, sp;tomographic unit X射线断层摄影机 | X-ray transparent chest elextrode X射线可透过的胸电极

      5. x-ray:xr; x射线粉末衍射

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      A:What’s wrong with you? You look pale.

      B:I’m not sure, I feel hot and cold.

      A:When did the trouble start?

      B:I was sick most of the night.

      A:It sounds like you are coming down with the flu. Let me take your temperature.


      B:Have I got a high fever?


      A:Yes, thirty-eight point seven. Do you have a headache, chest or throat pain?
      是的。38.7 度。你头痛吗? 胸和嗓子痛吗?

      B:Yes, I have.


      A:Now, let me have a look at you. I’d like to listen to your chest. Now breathe in, a deep breath, that’s it. Cough, now again. I want to examine your throut, too. Open wide, say “ah--”.
      来,让我瞧瞧你。 想听听你的胸部,现在往里吸气,深深地吸一口气,对了。咳嗽一下,再咳一次。我还想再查查你的喉咙,把嘴张开,说“啊——”


      B:Aaaaahh, aaaaahh.

      A:Yes, it does look a bit sore. Let’s take an X-ray of your chest and give you a few tests.

      B:All right, thanks.

      A:The tests showed nothing wrong. A slight viral infection.

      B:What shall I do today?

      A:I’m giving you some antibiotics and aspirins. Take an aspirin when you’ve got a fever, and take one antibiotics capsule every four hours, and go home and rest in bed for two days. Drink plenty of water, then you’ll feel better. Here’s the prescription.

      B:Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.


  •       X-rays are used by doctors to examine the bones or organs inside our body.X
  •       She went to the hospital for an X-ray yesterday.
  •       The chest X-rays showed moderate enlargement of the heart.


  •       They can't tell till they X-ray.
  •       I've never X-rayed for two years.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Exposure to leukemogenic doses of X-rays.

    出自:Cancer Research
  •       词语用法


  •       X-ray用作名词的基本意思是“X射线,X光”,也可作“X光片”“X光检查”解。X-ray除用作定语外通常用作复数。
  •       X-ray有时可写作X ray, x ray。


  •       X-ray作名词时意思是“X射线”,转化成动词意思是“用X光摄影〔检查〕”,指运用X光对某人或某物进行检查或拍摄,多用作医学术语。
  •       X-ray可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接简单宾语。可用于被动结构。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      We put our bags into the X-ray machine for examination.(我们把包放进X光机里检查。)

      The increase in brightness of the x-ray sources over the same period has occurred far faster.(在同一时期内,X射线光源亮度的增加速度要快得多。)

      We'll take an X-ray of your arm.(我们会对你的手臂进行X光检查。)

      He climbed two floors to the X-ray room.(他爬了两层楼到了X光室。)

      We need to give you an X-ray.(我们需要对你进行X光检查。)

      You should have an X-ray.(你应该进行X光检查。)

      He should see a dentist and get an X-ray.(他应该去看牙医并进行X光检查。)

      I need to get an X-ray.(我需要进行X光检查。)

      It will only register on sophisticated X-ray equipment.(只有在先进的X光设备上它才会显示出来。)

      Do I need an X-ray, doctor?(大夫,我需要进行X光检查吗?)

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      x-ray是什么意思 x-ray在线翻译 x-ray什么意思 x-ray的意思 x-ray的翻译 x-ray的解释 x-ray的发音 x-ray的同义词
