


      英 [daɪv]

      美 [daɪv]



      过去式: dived/dove 过去分词: dived 现在分词: diving 第三人称单数: dives


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  •       潜水,下潜
  •       低级酒馆,低级夜总会,下等酒吧
  •       冲,扑,扑跃
  •       【泳】跳水
  •       【空】俯冲,猛冲
  •       突然下降,暴跌
  •       迅速移动
  •       猛然一跳
  •       突然消失,突然隐去


  •       跳水(头和两臂先入水),跳入水中
  •       潜水,潜到更深的水下
  •       (使)俯冲,猛冲
  •       迅速将手伸入
  •       急剧下降,(使)突然下降,暴跌
  •       冲去,扑去
  •       突然潜匿,突然消失
  •       插入口袋
  •       扒窃
  •       埋头研究,潜心钻研,探究,钻研
  •       突然伸手
  •       头向下钻
  •       扑,冲,奔


  •       vi. 跳水 jump head first into water


  •       [C]潜水,跳水 an act of diving


      1. a steep nose-down descent by an aircraft

      Synonym: nose divenosedive

      2. a headlong plunge into water

      Synonym: diving

      3. a cheap disreputable nightclub or dance hall

      Synonym: honkytonk


      1. swim under water

      e.g. the children enjoyed diving and looking for shells

      2. plunge into water

      e.g. I was afraid to dive from the board into the pool

      3. drop steeply

      e.g. the stock market plunged

      Synonym: plungeplunk

      American English sometimes uses the form dove, pronounced /dəʊv/, for the past tense. 美国英语中过去式有时用 dove,读作 /dəʊv/。

      1. 跳水
      If you dive into some water, you jump in head-first with your arms held straight above your head.

      e.g. He tried to escape by diving into a river...
      e.g. She was standing by a pool, about to dive in...

      2. 潜水
      If you dive, you go under the surface of the sea or a lake, using special breathing equipment.

      e.g. Bezanik is diving to collect marine organisms.

      3. (鸟或动物)俯冲,急速下扑(或下潜)
      When birds and animals dive, they go quickly downwards, head-first, through the air or through water.


      e.g. ...a pelican which had just dived for a fish...
      e.g. The shark dived down and swam under the boat.

      4. (飞机)俯冲
      If an aeroplane dives, it flies or drops down quickly and suddenly.

      e.g. He was killed when his monoplane stalled and dived into the ground.

      5. 冲向;跃向;扑向
      If you dive in a particular direction or into a particular place, you jump or move there quickly.

      e.g. They dived into a taxi...
      e.g. The cashier dived for cover when a gunman opened fire...

      6. 迅速将手伸入(包或容器中)
      If you dive into a bag or container, you put your hands into it quickly in order to get something out.


      e.g. She dived into her bag and brought out a folded piece of paper.

      7. (股价、利润或数字)暴跌,骤降
      If shares, profits, or figures dive, their value falls suddenly and by a large amount.

      e.g. If we cut interest rates, the pound would dive...
      e.g. Profits have dived from £7.7m to £7.1m...

      8. 下等酒吧;低级夜总会
      If you describe a bar or club as a dive, you mean it is dirty and dark, and not very respectable.


      e.g. We've played in all the little pubs and dives around Liverpool.

      1. 潜水:五一假期飞快的结束了,浮潜(Snorkel)、潜水(Dive)都是最有趣的项目了,天天泡在海水里让我们现在都有一直漂浮的感觉.

  •       常用短语

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    潜入水中打捞东西 enter the water for sth
    dive for sth

          The men are diving for pearls.


          They are diving for gold from Spanish wreck.



    〈非正〉开始猛吃; 热切地加入或开始干(某事) start eating or other activity keenly


  •       Can you dive?
  •       They dived from the bridge and rescued the drowning woman.
  •       The aircraft dived steeply.
  •       The eagle dived straight at the field mouse.


  •       He ventured a high dive into shallow water.
  •       The early dives were not very deep.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       He made a dive into the nearest shop.

    出自:Oxford English Dictionary
  •       He climbed onto a groin, stretched his arms and dived cleanly into the sparkling sea.

    出自:P. H. Johnson
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       dive的基本意思是头朝下跳入水中,强调动作的目的性,即“有意地”。后面常跟介词in或into表示“跳入水(河、湖)中或将手伸入”,也可以表示“埋头于或钻研”。本词只用作不及物动词。
  •       在英式英语中, dive的过去式和过去分词均为dived; 在美式英语中, dive的过去式为dove,过去分词为dived。


dive, pitch, plunge
  •       这组词意思相近,其区别在于:plunge指自身主动或在外力作用下的“投入”“陷入”“浸入”某种状态之中,强调“突然”和“用力”; dive常指有意识和有目的地“跳入”“投入”,侧重于动作的熟练和姿态的优雅,引申可指“专心研究”某事; pitch常指无意识、无计划地向前或向下“扔”“投”“抛”,也可指船在暴风雨中“前后摇摆”。
    •       ☆ 13世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古英语的dyfan,意为潜水。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          With a snarl, the second dog made a dive for his heel.(伴着一声嗥叫,第二条狗扑向了他的脚后跟。)

          I often dive in my pool.(我经常在我的游泳池里潜水。)

          Now more and more people want to dive in the water to find the secret there.(现在越来越多的人想潜入水中去发现那里的秘密。)

          The port had been attacked by German dive bombers for the past five days.(德军的俯冲轰炸机已经连续五天空袭这个港口了。)

          It's a pity that we didn't dive and snorkel last time.(上次我们没有去跳水和浮潜好可惜哦。)

          She also said there were likely a number of other genes that help the Bajau dive.(她还说,可能还有其他一些基因帮助巴夭人潜水。)

          They feared the stock could dive after its first day of trading.(他们担心这支股票在其第一个交易日后会暴跌。)

          Is it dangerous to dive here?(在这里跳水有危险吗?)

          Profits really took a dive last year.(去年利润确实突然下降了。)

          Do you want to dive with jellyfish?(你想和水母一起潜水吗?)

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          dive是什么意思 dive在线翻译 dive什么意思 dive的意思 dive的翻译 dive的解释 dive的发音 dive的同义词
