


      英 [ʃʌv]

      美 [ʃʌv]



      名词: shover 过去式: shoved 过去分词: shoved 现在分词: shoving 第三人称单数: shoves


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  •       推,推进,推挤,推动,推开,推出,使劲猛推
  •       乱放,乱塞,胡乱丢,随便放
  •       强使
  •       移动
  •       卖掉
  •       塞,揣
  •       塞到,硬塞
  •       卸
  •       猛抵
  •       撞,推撞
  •       乱挤,乱推
  •       随手扔
  •       使用假钱(黑社会用语)


  •       (一)推,推开,推出,猛推,推进,推动
  •       (一)撞
  •       【地】走向滑移
  •       绊子,铲子
  •       推挤,挤
  •       乱塞


  •       vt. & vi. 推; 挤; 撞 push in a rush or careless way
  •       vi. 离开 leave a place


      1. the act of shoving (giving a push to someone or something)

      e.g. he gave the door a shove


      1. push roughly

      e.g. the people pushed and shoved to get in line

      2. come into rough contact with while moving

      e.g. The passengers jostled each other in the overcrowded train

      Synonym: jostle

      3. press or force

      e.g. Stuff money into an envelope
      She thrust the letter into his hand

      Synonym: thruststuffsqueeze

      1. 猛推;乱挤;推撞
      If you shove someone or something, you push them with a quick, violent movement.

      e.g. He shoved her out of the way...
      e.g. He was then shoved face down on the pavement...

      2. 乱放;乱塞;随便放;胡乱丢
      If you shove something somewhere, you push it there quickly and carelessly.

      e.g. We shoved a copy of the newsletter beneath their door...
      e.g. He shoved a cloth in my hand.

      3. 情况不妙时;别无选择时;形势十分糟糕时
      If you talk about what you think will happen if push comes to shove, you are talking about what you think will happen if a situation becomes very bad or difficult.

      e.g. If push comes to shove, if you should lose your case in the court, what will you do?...
      e.g. When push comes to shove, you are on your own.

      1. 推:当时范志毅与里普利争夺,里普利有一个很大的动作踢向范志毅,范志毅随即猛推(shove)了他一把,里普利立刻挥动了拳头,这让场上形势陷入混乱,主裁兰尼立刻出示红牌将双方罚下.


      2. 猛推:当时范志毅与里普利争夺,里普利有一个很大的动作踢向范志毅,范志毅随即猛推(shove)了他一把,里普利立刻挥动了拳头,这让场上形势陷入混乱,主裁兰尼立刻出示红牌将双方罚下.

      3. shove的近义词

      3. 挤:SH 切换推挤(Shove)模式开或关VP 使用埋孔(partial via)VT 使用通孔(through hole via)T 切换透明(Transparent)模式这一章将介绍如何使用项目浏览器(Project Explorer)窗口、自定义默认的软件设置,

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    推到旁边 push aside
    shove sth ⇔ aside

          Help me shove the furniture aside.


      1. shove off : 离开;


  •       If you pull,I'll shove.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       A slight shove on his chest sent him staggering back.

    出自:J. Wyndham
  •       Oi! You two! Shove off! Fishing's not allowed here!

    出自:Best of Buster Monthly
  •       词语用法


  •       shove的基本意思是“推”“挤”“撞”,指粗鲁地或粗心地推、撞使某人或某物离开原来的位置,引申还可表示“离开”。
  •       shove可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Her brother had to drag her out of the hotel into the snow and shove her into his cab.(她哥哥不得不把她拖到饭店外面的雪地上,然后塞进出租车。)

      The events of the last week will give it a shove in the right direction.(上周发生的那些事对我们向正确的方向前进有些帮助。)

      She gave Gracie a shove toward the house.(她把格雷西向那所房子猛地一推。)

      The car won't start. Can you give it a shove?(这车子启动不了。你能不能推它一把?)

      It's a very important explanation and much debated, that at a critical time in the battle, one technique would be that one side would give one great big shove.(它是一种很重要的解释,而且饱受争议,那就是在战局一个重要的时刻,有一项技术就是一方给对方致命一推。)

      The housing project is hard to shove for attention among multibillion-pound infrastructure projects, so it is inevitable that the attention is focused elsewhere.(在各种耗资数十亿英镑的基础设施工程中,住房工程很难引起注意,所以(人们的)注意力难免会集中到其他工程上。)

      Will you stuff the turkey and shove it in the oven for me?(你能帮我把填料塞进火鸡里,然后把它放进烤箱吗?)

      Are we going to shove this loss into the hands of the taxpayers?(我们将要把损失推到纳税人的手里吗?)

      So many high-definition TVs arrive during the peak holiday testing period that at one point a few years ago, I had to shove one under a bed.(这么多高清晰电视在假日高峰测试期间同时使用,以至于几年前有个时间,我不得不把一台推到床下。)

      You could give him a shove.(你可以推他一把。)

      shove是什么意思 shove在线翻译 shove什么意思 shove的意思 shove的翻译 shove的解释 shove的发音 shove的同义词
