

      英 [ˈseɪvɪŋ]

      美 [ˈsevɪŋ]

      n. 节约; 挽救

      prep. 除 ... 之外

      conj. 除了; 除去



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  •       节约,节俭,节省,俭省
  •       [用复数]存款,储金,储蓄额,储蓄金
  •       挽救,拯救
  •       救助,救济,援救
  •       搭救
  •       节省物
  •       储蓄
  •       【律】保留
  •       除外


  •       顾到
  •       尊重
  •       除...以外,除...之外


  •       除了,除去


  •       save的现在分词


  •       挽救的
  •       救助的,救济的,援救的
  •       补偿的
  •       节省的,节俭的,节约的,俭省的,俭约的
  •       【律】保留的
  •       例外的
  •       补救的,搭救的
  •       可取的
  •       保存的,储蓄的
  •       无损失的,不赔不赚的


  •       [C] 节约,节俭 amount saved
  •       [P] 储蓄金,存款 money saved up
  •       [U] 挽救,搭救 rescuing

      1. 节省;节约
      A saving is a reduction in the amount of time or money that is used or needed.


      e.g. Fill in the form below and you will be making a saving of £6.60 on a one-year subscription.
      填写以下表格,全年订阅即可为您节省 6.60英镑。
      e.g. ...a program of household savings on energy use.

      2. (尤指在银行和购屋互助协会的)储蓄款,存款;积蓄
      Your savings are the money that you have saved, especially in a bank or a building society.

      e.g. Her savings were in the Post Office Savings Bank.
      e.g. ...a savings account.

      1. 节省:影印、列印、傳真、掃描、網路,五大功能一次整合全面進化,搭配獨家智慧管理軟體, 提供3S節省(Saving)方案:「節省空間成本」、「節省時間成本」、「節省營運成本」,以小成本、大成長的經營策略,將效率發揮至極大與大企業共同較勁

  •       情景对话

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  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      A:How is the new material working out for you ?

      B:Fine .we‘re saving a lot of money with it .

      A:I‘m glad to hear that .

      B:It was a good suggestion .thanks .



      A:We need to figure out how much money we’re spending and what we’re spending it on.



      A:Well, I think we could be saving more.

      B:Really, well, o.k. Get the receipts out.

      A:Let’s see. We spent $700 dollars for our home loan payment, $400 on groceries, $75 on utilities, $250 on gasoline, $100 on books, and $300 on entertainment last month.

      B:That’s $1825.

      A:We put $500 into the savings account, and $750 into our stock account.

      B:$3075. Our paychecks our $3300, combined. That means we don’t have any receipts for $225.




      A:Okay, Bob. I'M ready for beak-fast. Where's the coffee?

      B:It's in that pan there. Jean broke the Silex last week, so I'm still boiling it.

      A:It tastes like crankcase oil, but delicious.

      B:That's good. You can always make beaskfast yourself if you don't like it.

      A:What is the rebesides coffee?

      B:I warmed a couple of bread roll, and your eggs are in the frying pan.

      A:Say, what time is it? Is it really only seven-fifteen. My watch says eight-fifteen.

      B:You forgot to set your watch back. Daylight saving time was over at midnight last night.


      A:Gee.I could've slept another hour.


  •       It will be a saving to take a shortcut.
  •       We can make big savings on fuel through greater efficiency.
  •       Bob took his savings out of the bank to buy a bicycle.
  •       They have thought out the effective saving.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       As important as..the concealing of light was the saving of hot water.

    出自:U. Holden
  •       He was never given to saving, knowing there would always be another job.

    出自:W. McIlvanney
  •       The drawbacks outweigh the saving.

  •       He still put off the saving lie: there was always the possibility of a miracle.

    出自:G. Greene
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Why is a pig used as a symbol of saving?(为什么猪被用作储蓄的象征?)

      Consumption rather than saving has become the central feature of contemporary societies.(现代社会的主要特征是消费而不是储蓄。)

      We are saving for a down payment on a house.(我们正攒钱支付买房的首付金。)

      If saving energy is so easy and profitable, why isn't everyone doing it?(如果节约能源是如此容易和有利可图,为什么不是每个人都这样做呢?)

      I've been saving theatre programmes for years.(我收藏剧院的节目单已有多年了。)

      I'm saving for a new bike.(我正攒钱想买辆新自行车。)

      Many factories are so antiquated they are not worth saving.(许多工厂太陈旧以致不值得保留。)

      I'm not very good at saving.(我不大攒得住钱。)

      Teenager Matt Brown is being hailed a hero for saving a young child from drowning.(因救起一名溺水儿童,少年马特•布朗被誉为英雄。)

      They're always protesting about something or saving the trees or whatever.(他们总是在抗议一些事情,或是在拯救树木或诸如此类的事情。)

      saving是什么意思 saving在线翻译 saving什么意思 saving的意思 saving的翻译 saving的解释 saving的发音 saving的同义词
