


      英 [ˈstreɪndʒə(r)]

      美 [ˈstrendʒɚ]




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  •       陌生人,不认识的人,不熟悉的人
  •       外地人,外国人,异乡人
  •       新来者,新来的人
  •       外行,生手,门外汉,没有经验的人
  •       局外人
  •       客人
  •       不习惯于...的人
  •       【律】第三者,非当事人
  •       先生
  •       陌生,陌路


  •       陌生人的;外国的,外来的


  •       使陌生


  •       [C] 陌生人 person that one does not know
  •       [C] 新来者 person in a new or an unfamiliar place or with people that sb does not know their way around it


      1. anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found

      Synonym: alienunknown

      2. an individual that one is not acquainted with

      1. 陌生人
      A stranger is someone you have never met before.

      e.g. Telling a complete stranger about your life is difficult...
      e.g. Sometimes I feel like I'm living with a stranger.

      2. 互不相识的人
      If two people are strangers, they do not know each other.

      e.g. The women knew nothing of the dead girl. They were strangers.

      3. 外乡人;外地人
      If you are a stranger in a place, you do not know the place well.

      e.g. 'You don't know much about our town, do you?'—'No, I'm a stranger here.'

      4. 生手;外行;(对…)一无所知的人
      If you are a stranger to something, you have had no experience of it or do not understand it.

      e.g. He is no stranger to controversy...
      e.g. We were both strangers to diplomatic life.

      5. see also: strange

      You do not use stranger to talk about someone who comes from a country which is not your own. You can refer to him or her as a foreigner, but this word can sound rather rude. It is better to talk about someone from abroad.
      指非本国人不能用 stranger,要用foreigner,但 foreigner 一词听起来很不礼貌。更恰当的说法是 someone from abroad。

      1. 归来的陌生人:也许是刻意,也许只是偶然,人与人第一章 归来的陌生人(STRANGER) 周围一片寂静,死气沉沉的. 但这种黑暗还没有到那种令人不安,无法忍受的程度. 周围物体的爱猫扑.爱生活体显现出来,让人觉得不那么害怕. 真静啊-- 人们为了追求舒适的生活,

      2. stranger什么意思

      2. 好听的:candyman----我一个同学跳舞的歌,很妩媚的歌. | stranger----好听的 | so yesterday----歌词写得很好~我的一个好朋友原来老唱

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    不习惯于某种感情、经历、状况、工作等 be unaccustomed to a certain feeling, experience, condition, job, etc.She is not a stranger to misfortune.她对不幸的经历并不陌生。

      1. make no stranger of : 热情地对待;


  •       A stranger brought you this letter during your absence.
  •       A complete stranger waved to me in the street.
  •       They perceived a stranger wandering in the garden.
  •       The stranger fastened on my arm.
  •       The soldiers had been ordered to allow no strangers through.
  •       Everyone liked the stranger, but in reality he was a criminal.
  •       In the woods, he met with two strangers.
  •       She is always distant with strangers.
  •       Don't become too confidential with strangers on a journey.
  •       She never talks to strangers.
  •       He is a stranger in New York.
  •       “Can you tell me the way to the station?”“I'm sorry,I'm a stranger here myself.”

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       In a generation or two the stranger ceased to be a stranger.

    出自:E. A. Freeman
  •       Dower'd with our curse, and stranger'd with our oath.

    出自:King Lear,Shakespeare
  •       词语用法

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  •       词源解说


  •       stranger的基本意思是“陌生人”,也可指“外地人,异乡人”。
  •       stranger是可数名词,有复数形式。



          误 Looked down upon as a second-class citizen, he found himself a total stranger in that foreign country.

          正 Looked down upon as a second-class citizen, he found himself a total alien in that foreign country.

          析 stranger 是指一个人由于风俗、习惯上的不同而感到自己是外人; 而如果因被人看不起而感到自己是外人,要用alien。


          误 He is a stranger for me.

          正 He is a stranger to me.

          析 to在这里表示“对…来说”,不能用其他介词替代。


          误 I'm a complete stranger for American life.

          正 I'm a complete stranger to American life.

          析 表示“对…不习惯”,应该说 a stranger to...,其中介词 to 不能改用 for。

  •       ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的estrangier,意为外国人。
  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.stranger

      The next time you find yourself among strangers, consider that small talk is worth the trouble.

      下次当你发现自己和陌生人在一起的时候, 考虑一下闲聊是值得的。


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      The older I grow, the stranger and less explicable the world appears to me.(我年纪越大,这个世界对我就显得越陌生,越不能理解。)

      That Marionette is not a stranger to me.(那个木偶对我来说并不陌生。)

      He's a complete stranger to me.(他对我完全是个陌生人。)

      While dealing with a stranger, you were polite.(和陌生人打交道时,你很有礼貌。)

      This was that stranger's voice--the stranger of the haunted house.(这是那个陌生人的声音——那个闹鬼的房子里的陌生人。)

      Necks were strained for a glimpse of the stranger.(大家伸长了脖子想看一看这个陌生人。)

      I don't know him—he's a perfect stranger.(我不认识他,他是百分之百的陌生人。)

      Telling a complete stranger about your life is difficult.(向一位完全陌生的人讲述自己的生活是困难的。)

      A stranger called me into his little shop.(一个陌生人把我叫进他的小店。)

      She was accosted in the street by a complete stranger.(在街上,一个完全陌生的人贸然走到她跟前搭讪。)

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      stranger是什么意思 stranger在线翻译 stranger什么意思 stranger的意思 stranger的翻译 stranger的解释 stranger的发音 stranger的同义词
