




      形容词: placeable 名词: placer 过去式: placed 过去分词: placed 现在分词: placing 第三人称单数: places

  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义


  •       位置,场所,地点,地方,座位
  •       身分,地位
  •       寓所,住所
  •       广场
  •       资格
  •       建筑物
  •       地区
  •       村,镇
  •       空间
  •       页
  •       【数】位
  •       职务


  •       任命,任命...为(牧师),使(人)处于某位置
  •       放置,安置,安顿,安放,安排,放
  •       想起
  •       看清,认出,识别,辨认
  •       【赛马】跑赢
  •       排列
  •       整顿
  •       使就(职)
  •       贷(款)
  •       投(资)
  •       发出(订单)
  •       订(货)
  •       交...出版
  •       名列前茅,得名次
  •       将...寄托于
  •       开出(订单)
  •       定出名次
  •       存(款)
  •       以某种态度对待
  •       使…处于某处境


  •       [C]地方,场所,所在地 particular area or position in space occupied by sb/sth
  •       [C]城,村,镇 city, village, town, etc.
  •       [C]建筑物,场所 building or area of land used for a particular purpose or where sth occurs
  •       [C]某点,某处,某段落 particular spot or area on a surface; particular passage or point in a book, etc.
  •       [C]座位,位置 seat or position
  •       [S]等级,地位,身份 rank, position or role in society
  •       [C]职位,职务,学习的机会 position or office, especially as an employee; opportunity to study at a school or university
  •       [C]自然或恰当的位置〔地方〕 natural or suitable position〔location〕
  •       [C]位 position of a figure after a decimal point, etc.
  •       [S]名次 position among the first three, especially second or third
  •       [C]房子; 家 house; home


  •       vt. 放置,安排 put or arrange in the stated position
  •       vt. 使…处于某处境或环境 put (sb) in the situation or circumstances
  •       vt. 定名次 state the position of (a runner or a race, etc.)
  •       vt. 辨认 identify (sb/sth) by using one's memory or past experience
  •       vt. 评价,分类 make a judgement about sb/sth in comparison with others
  •       vt. 发订单; 打赌 give (an order or a bet) to a person or firm


  •       a point located with respect to surface features of some region;

          "this is a nice place for a picnic"
          "a bright spot on a planet"

  •       any area set aside for a particular purpose;

          "who owns this place?"
          "the president was concerned about the property across from the White House"

  •       an abstract mental location;

          "he has a special place in my thoughts"
          "a place in my heart"
          "a political system with no place for the less prominent groups"

  •       a general vicinity;

          "He comes from a place near Chicago"

  •       the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another;

          "can you go in my stead?"
          "took his place"
          "in lieu of"

  •       a particular situation;

          "If you were in my place what would you do?"

  •       where you live at a particular time;

          "deliver the package to my home"
          "he doesn't have a home to go to"
          "your place or mine?"

  •       a job in an organization;

          "he occupied a post in the treasury"

  •       the particular portion of space occupied by something;

          "he put the lamp back in its place"

  •       proper or designated social situation;

          "he overstepped his place"
          "the responsibilities of a man in his station"
          "married above her station"

  •       a space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane);

          "he booked their seats in advance"
          "he sat in someone else's place"

  •       the passage that is being read;

          "he lost his place on the page"

  •       proper or appropriate position or location;

          "a woman's place is no longer in the kitchen"

  •       a public square with room for pedestrians;

          "they met at Elm Plaza"
          "Grosvenor Place"

  •       an item on a list or in a sequence;

          "in the second place"
          "moved from third to fifth position"

  •       a blank area;

          "write your name in the space provided"


  •       put into a certain place or abstract location;

          "Put your things here"
          "Set the tray down"
          "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"
          "Place emphasis on a certain point"

  •       place somebody in a particular situation or location;

          "he was placed on probation"

  •       assign a rank or rating to;

          "how would you rank these students?"
          "The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide"

  •       assign a location to;

          "The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles"

  •       to arrange for;

          "place a phone call"
          "place a bet"

  •       take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal;

          "Jerry came in third in the Marathon"

  •       intend (something) to move towards a certain goal;

          "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"
          "criticism directed at her superior"
          "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself"

  •       recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something;

          "She identified the man on the 'wanted' poster"

  •       assign to (a job or a home)
  •       locate;

          "The film is set in Africa"

  •       estimate;

          "We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M."

  •       identify the location or place of;

          "We localized the source of the infection"

  •       make an investment;

          "Put money into bonds"

  •       assign to a station
  •       finish second or better in a horse or dog race;

          "he bet $2 on number six to place"

  •       sing a note with the correct pitch
  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    到处 here and there


    尽某人的义务 be sb's duty


  •       This is the place where the storm hit.
  •       They met at the agreed place.
  •       We must find a place for this new picture.
  •       There are many places of historic interest in Xi'an.
  •       There's a bird's nest in the place where the branch forks.
  •       He likes to go to places of amusement.
  •       He can usually be contacted at his place of business.
  •       Come round to my place one evening.
  •       They've bought a charming place in the country.
  •       Her leg fractured in two places.
  •       I lost my last place.
  •       This is the place where the story gets most exciting.
  •       You two boys exchange places.
  •       Keep a place for me in the reading room.
  •       A tidy person likes to have a place for everything and everything in its place.
  •       After you finished, put everything back in its place again.
  •       I was asked to put it back to its place.
  •       There will be a place for you here if you decide to come back.
  •       Sports never had an important place in his life.
  •       The famous general is sure of a place in history.
  •       Correct the result to five decimal places.
  •       He got the first place this time, but he never dreamed about it.
  •       The losing semi-finalists will play off for the third place.


  •       Can you place these homeless children?
  •       The man seemed familiar, but I could not quite place him.
  •       I remember her name but can't place her.
  •       Place your bets now—the race begins in half an hour!
  • 1
  •       The seats were placed so that we could admire the view.
  •       My horse wasn't even placed.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       First he shot down Raglan Road and then he tore up Marlborough Place.

  •       Lord Russell was..placed under arrest.

    出自:J. A. Froude
  •       Vine had placed Margery in front of him.

    出自:T. Hardy
  •       Placed a flower in a vase.

    出自:J. Steinbeck
  •       Take the coffin..and place it on the trestles.

    出自:A. Bleasdale
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       place是可数名词,基本意思是“地方,场所,所在地”,引申可表示“城,村,镇”“家,房屋,住所”等,也可表示用于某种特殊目的或发生某事的“建筑物,场所”,常与介词of搭配使用。
  •       place也可表示物体表面的“某点”或“某处”或书、戏剧等的“某段落”或“某点”。
  •       place还可指某人、车等保留或占据的“座位,位置”,引申可表示“自然或恰当的位置〔地方〕”“职位,职务,学习的机会”“等级,地位,身份”等,作“等级,地位,身份”解时常用于单数形式。
  •       place还可作“(小数点后的)位”“获胜者的名次”解。


  •       place用作动词的基本意思是“将(某物)置于某处”“将(某物)放在应放之处”,引申可表示“安排”“使(某人)处于某处境或环境”,还可表示“记住”“凭记忆或经验辨认”“确定名次”“投资”“发订单,打赌”等。place表示“确定名次”时,在英国指“(赛马等比赛的)前三名”。
  •       place主要用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以名词、形容词、副词、as短语或其他介词引导的短语充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。


take place, take one's place, take sb else's place, take the place of
  •       这四者意思不同:take place着重指经过安排或计划后出现的情况,表示“发生,举行”; take one's place表示“就席,到某人应去的位置上”,而其中的one与句中的主语是指同一个人; take sb else's place表示“代替,接替某人的职务或工作”,而其中的sb else与句子的主语是指不同的一个人; take the place of表示“代替,接替”,侧重于前者代替后者,并不含有对后者的否定,只是一种交换、代替的关系,其中的定冠词the不可丢。例如:
  •       The general strike took place in 1923.那次大罢工发生在1923年。
  •       Now, everybody takes their place.The show will begin in a minute.好了,大家各就各位,演出马上就要开始了。
  •       Prof. White is away on business.So I am taking his place.怀特教授因事外出,我现在代替他的职务。
  •       Plastics has taken the place of many materials.塑料已经取代了许多材料。
  •       v.(动词)

    in place of, instead of
  •       这两个短语都有“代替”的意思。其区别在于:in place of表示某一人或事物代替另一人或事物,其后接被代替的对象,一般是名词或名词的同等成分; instead of的含义是“某一人或事物,而不是另一人或事物”,所以常有否定后面成分的意思。例如:
  •       The Chinese use chopsticks in place of forks and knives中国人吃饭用筷子,而不用刀叉。
  •       That increased instead of decreased our courage.那不但没有减弱我们的勇气,反而增强了我们的勇气。
  •       n.(名词)


            误 He and his wife travel from place to another every year.

            正 He and his wife travel from place to place every year.

            正 He and his wife travel from one place to another every year.

            析 表示“从一处到另一处”,应为from place to place或from one place to another,其中another是指another place,而不能说from place to another。


            误 Now we often use plastics in the place of wood or metal to make many different things.

            正 Now we often use plastics in place of wood or metal to make many different things.


            误 Nylon has taken place of cotton in making some textiles.

            正 Nylon has taken the place of cotton in making some textiles.

            析 习语in place of中的place前无冠词,但在take the place of中, place前面的定冠词不可缺少。


            误 The wedding was taken place last Sunday.

            正 The wedding took place last Sunday.

            析 take place相当于不及物动词,其后不能接宾语,也不能用于被动结构。

    •       ☆ 直接源自古法语的place;最初源自中世纪低地德语的placea,意为放置。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词




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          place是什么意思 place在线翻译 place什么意思 place的意思 place的翻译 place的解释 place的发音 place的同义词