


      英 [trʌŋk]

      美 [trʌŋk]




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  •       象鼻
  •       树干
  •       躯干,身躯
  •       干线
  •       大皮箱,大衣箱,大箱子
  •       汽车车尾的行李箱
  •       男用运动短裤
  •       【矿】洗矿槽
  •       大血管
  •       神经干,大神经
  •       本体
  •       主要部分
  •       主流
  •       【计】信息通路


  •       (复)trunks: 男用运动裤


  •       【矿】在槽中洗选(矿砂)
  •       中断


  •       [C]树干 the thick wooden main stem of a tree
  •       [C]衣箱 a large heavy case or box in which clothes or belongings are stored or packed for travel
  •       [C]象鼻 the very long round nose of an elephant



      1. a long flexible snout as of an elephant

      Synonym: proboscis

      2. compartment in an automobile that carries luggage or shopping or tools

      e.g. he put his golf bag in the trunk

      Synonym: luggage compartmentautomobile trunk

      3. luggage consisting of a large strong case used when traveling or for storage

      4. the body excluding the head and neck and limbs

      e.g. they moved their arms and legs and bodies

      Synonym: torsobody

      5. the main stem of a tree
      usually covered with bark
      the bole is usually the part that is commercially useful for lumber

      Synonym: tree trunkbole

      1. 树干
      The trunk of a tree is the large main stem from which the branches grow.

      e.g. ...the gnarled trunk of a birch tree.
      e.g. …toadstools growing on fallen tree trunks.

      2. 旅行箱;衣箱
      A trunk is a large, strong case or box used for storing things or for taking on a journey.

      3. 象鼻
      An elephant's trunk is its very long nose that it uses to lift food and water to its mouth.

      4. (汽车的)行李箱
      The trunk of a car is a covered space at the back or front in which you put luggage or other things.

      in BRIT, use 英国英语用 boot

      5. (男式)游泳裤
      Trunks are shorts that a man wears when he goes swimming.

      e.g. I wear these trunks because they have a streamline effect in the water.

      6. (人体从颈部到腰部的)躯干
      Your trunk is the central part of your body, from your neck to your waist.

      1. 树干:3. Firefox 树枝版(branch)着陆,工作就是把Mozilla 1.7 树枝版之后直到FX 1.0所做的更新小心的加入到gecko 树干(Trunk)里面去.


      2. 躯干:例如泥蚶(Arca granosa)(图8-47A)、蚶蜊(Glycymeris)结构上可分为头、躯干(trunk)及漏斗(funnel)3 部分. 原始的种类体外51A),壳内有许多横隔板(transverse septa)将壳分隔成许多小室,最后身体的支持物,即形成现存的枪乌贼(Loligo)的壳;

      3. 主干:● 在TCP/IP网络中,简单网络管理协议(SNMP)的协议数据单元封装在__(25)__报文中传送. (59)A.应用服务器 B.主干(Trunk)线路 C.环网 D.本地交换机

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       The boy could be seen with his legs wrapped around the trunk.
  •       They are unpacking a trunk.
  •       The elephant's trunk is bigger than other animal's.
  •       Flying the trunk New YorksLos Angeles route.

    出自:Take Off
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 1462年进入英语,直接源自古法语的tronc,意为教堂里的募捐箱,树干,躯干;最初源自古典拉丁语的truncus,意为使残废,切断。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      I'm using brown paint and a paintbrush to paint the tree's trunk.(我正用画笔和棕色颜料画树干。)

      Your trunk is like a slide!(你的鼻子像一个滑梯!)

      I managed to heave the trunk down the stairs.(我用力把箱子弄下楼梯。)

      Stand on a trunk with four wheels.(踩到一个带有四个轮子的行李箱上。)

      The storm split a branch off from the main trunk.(暴风雨把一根树枝从树干上刮了下来。)

      Would you open the trunk, please?(请打开后备箱好吗?)

      This pine tree looks tall and strong but actually its trunk is hollow.(这棵松树看起来又高又壮,但实际上它的树干是空心的。)

      He packed his clothes into a trunk.(他把他的衣服装进了箱子里。)

      Manfred the elephant reached out with his trunk and gently scooped up the baby.(大象曼弗雷德伸出它的鼻子,轻轻地抱起了幼仔。)

      Will this trunk hold all your clothes?(这箱子能盛下你所有的衣服吗?)

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      trunk是什么意思 trunk在线翻译 trunk什么意思 trunk的意思 trunk的翻译 trunk的解释 trunk的发音 trunk的同义词
