


      英 [breɪk]

      美 [brek]



      过去式: braked 过去分词: braked 现在分词: braking 第三人称单数: brakes


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  •       揉面机
  •       麻梳
  •       灌木丛
  •       揉碎机
  •       重型耙
  •       剥皮器
  •       压弯成形机
  •       制动器,制动装置
  •       闸
  •       煞车
  •       阻碍,约束
  •       泵柄,泵杆
  •       草丛
  •       【植】蕨
  •       羊齿类
  •       荆棘
  •       【植】大羊齿


  •       揉碎
  •       煞住(车),煞车,制动,刹(车)
  •       抑制,约束
  •       制动器起作用
  •       关(闸)
  •       剥(麻)
  •       用麻梳梳
  •       用大耙碎(土)
  •       用揉面机揉(面)
  •       用榨汁机榨(汁)
  •       减退
  •       用闸减速


  •       [C]制动器; 闸; 刹车 device for reducing the speed of or stopping a car, bicycle, train, etc.


  •       vt. & vi. 刹车 (cause to) slow down or stop



      1. a restraint used to slow or stop a vehicle

      2. anything that slows or hinders a process

      e.g. she wan not ready to put the brakes on her life with a marriage
      new legislation will put the brakes on spending

      3. an area thickly overgrown usually with one kind of plant

      4. large coarse fern often several feet high
      essentially weed ferns

      Synonym: brackenpasture brakePteridium aquilinum

      5. any of various ferns of the genus Pteris having pinnately compound leaves and including several popular houseplants


      1. cause to stop by applying the brakes

      e.g. brake the car before you go into a curve

      2. stop travelling by applying a brake

      e.g. We had to brake suddenly when a chicken crossed the road

      1. 制动器;刹车;车闸
      Brakes are devices in a vehicle that make it go slower or stop.

      e.g. The brakes began locking...
      e.g. A seagull swooped down in front of her car, causing her to slam on the brakes.

      2. 刹车;用刹车使(车)减速;刹住(车)
      When a vehicle or its driver brakes, or when a driver brakes a vehicle, the driver makes it slow down or stop by using the brakes.

      e.g. He heard tires squeal as the car braked to avoid a collision...
      e.g. She braked sharply to avoid another car...

      3. 抑制因素;约束
      You can use brake in a number of expressions to indicate that something has slowed down or stopped.

      e.g. Illness had put a brake on his progress...
      e.g. You can take the financial brakes off in June.

      1. 煞车:回家的路上菲里普告诉我,刚才警官是要检查煞车(brake)灯,让我踩煞车,而我听成倒车(back up),把车倒向了他,难怪他脸都绿了. 警官说我差点杀了他,他很生气,这么危险的中国女人不能拿驾照!

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配


  •       My brakes failed.
  •       A driver uses brakes to arrest his car's speed.
  •       The rise in interest rates acted as a brake on expenditure.


  •       He braked suddenly.
  •       I braked hard as a dog ran onto the road in front of me.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 15世纪中期进入英语,直接源自中古英语的brekon,意为制动。
  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.brake

      Larry pulled over, set the brake and got hold of the fire extinguisher(灭火器).

      拉里靠边停车, 踩下刹车, 抓住了灭火器。


  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      "You haven't taken the brake off yet," the man said.(“你还没有松开刹车”,男人说。)

      The car should remain stationary when you take your foot off the brake pedal.(当你的脚离开刹车踏板时,汽车应该保持静止。)

      The driver had ample time to brake or swerve and avoid the woman.(该司机有足够的时间刹车或急转来避让那女子。)

      You don't need to brake at every bend.(没必要一遇到拐弯就用车闸。)

      He suddenly stepped on the brake and the car stopped at once.(他突然间踩下了制动踏板,车子一下子就停了下来。)

      With your right foot still firmly planted on the brake pedal, push the clutch down gently and select reverse.(你的右脚仍然牢牢地踩在刹车踏板上,轻轻踩下离合器,选择倒车。)

      Drive slowly, going easy on the gas and brake pedals.(慢慢地驾驶,小心地踩油门或刹车。)

      Illness had put a brake on his progress.(疾病中止了他的进展。)

      It doesn't have a gearstick but on the road can be controlled with brake and accelerator pedals and a steering wheel like an ordinary car.(它没有变速杆,但在陆地上可以通过像普通汽车一样的刹车、油门踏板和方向盘进行控制。)

      A bloke's back bike brake block broke.(一个家伙的脚踏车后制动器坏了。)

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      brake是什么意思 brake在线翻译 brake什么意思 brake的意思 brake的翻译 brake的解释 brake的发音 brake的同义词
