


      英 [meɪd]

      美 [med]




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  •       创造的
  •       (保证会)成功的
  •       制造的,制作的,做成的
  •       人造的
  •       最恰当的,正合适的
  •       拼成的,虚构的
  •       ...制的
  •       体格...的
  •       成名的,功成名就的
  •       非常般配,是天生的一对的
  •       衣食无忧的,养尊处优的,非常富有的


  •       make的过去式和过去分词


      2. (由…)构成的;(由…)制成的
      If something is made of or made out of a particular substance, that substance was used to build it.

      e.g. The top of the table is made of glass...
      e.g. What is the statue made out of?

      3. 有成功的把握;具备所需的一切条件
      If you say that someone has it made or has got it made, you mean that they are certain to be rich or successful.

      e.g. When I was at school, I thought I had it made.

      1. made

      1. 搞定:文斯沃恩和乔恩费儒在影片中饰演的是两个性格完全相反的角色,费儒算是一个不折不扣的派对男,而沃恩则显得要更加正直、严肃一些,沃恩继续说:可能是我和费儒搭档的次数太多了,都变成了一种默契......其中要属全职浪子(Swingers)和搞定(Made)最具代表性,不过到了后期,

      2. 制造:其最令人印象深刻的影片就要数1996年的<> 他至今为止的作品也不过才9部,如果刨去其中的电视剧和电视短片的话,纯粹的电影作品只有2003年的<>(Elf) 和2001年的<>(Made)(在两部影片中他自己也都出演了角色).

  •       情景对话

  •       相关词组


      A:I made it!

      B:Not quite.

      A:I’m on time!


      A:Rose and Herb look cute together.


      B:Have you ever thought...


      A:...that they're a match made in heaven?

      B:Yes, my thoughts exactly!

      A:If we work together, they'll be a couple in no time!



      A:Flowers. Now that's romantic.

      B:They're plastic and will never die. They're supposed to be a symbol of endless love.


      A:The two of you were definitely made for each other. Thank God, my match-making work is over...Now it's your turn.


      A:Do you have Don's number?

      1. be made of : 由...所组成;

  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      She made her objections clear.(她明确表示反对。)

      Should euthanasia be made legal?(安乐死是否应定为合法?)

      We've made a dreadful mistake.(我们犯了一个很大的错误。)

      The boat was sturdily made.(这艘船造得结实。)

      They made a mismatched couple.(他们夫妻俩不般配。)

      His petulance made her impatient.(他的任性让她无法忍受。)

      She made him her assistant.(她挑选他做她的助手。)

      Have you made enough copies?(你复制的份数够吗?)

      The offer was made conditionally.(这个报盘附有条件。)

      I made a coffee.(我冲了一杯咖啡。)

      made是什么意思 made在线翻译 made什么意思 made的意思 made的翻译 made的解释 made的发音 made的同义词
