


      英 [ˈsu:tkeɪs]

      美 [ˈsutˌkes]




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  •       手提箱
  •       小型旅行箱
  •       箱子
  •       衣箱


  •       [C] 手提箱,衣箱 a flat bag for carrying clothes and possession when travelling


      1. a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes

      e.g. he carried his small bag onto the plane with him

      Synonym: bagtraveling bagtravelling baggrip

      1. (旅行用的)手提箱
      A suitcase is a box or bag with a handle and a hard frame in which you carry your clothes when you are travelling.


      e.g. It did not take Andrew long to pack a suitcase.

      1. 衣箱:2、在一个十字路口,和一个叫Thomas的神父谈话,他请你把一个衣箱(suitcase) 转交给New Reno城中的Bishop. 3、进入中心区-Vault,在第一层可以遇到一个护士,如果你能成功地约她吃顿 饭的话,经验值会长不少. 另外,

      2. suitcase

      2. 提箱:整个游戏的精神世界里分布着50只行李包,每个世界5只,它们分别是达菲包(Dufflebag)、帽盒(Hatbox)、皮箱(Steamer Trunk)、钱包(Purse)和手提箱(Suitcase),每只行李包都有一张与之相连的标签(Tag),当你找到这些标签并它们带到哭泣的行李包面前时,

      3. suitcase的反义词

      3. 小提箱:trunk 大衣箱 | suitcase 小提箱 | name tag 标有姓名的标签

  •       情景对话

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  •       词汇搭配


      A:Is this the right counter to check in for this flight?

      B:Yes,it is. Please put your luggage on the scale.

      A:You luggage is overweight. The free allowance for luggage is 20 kilos.

      B:Oh, can I keep this little suitcase as hand-luggage?

      A:Ok, in this way it’s just below the limit. Here’s your ticket and your boarding card.

      B:All right. I will begin boarding soon.


  •       The suitcase is fairly heavy.
  •       Remember to label your suitcase before you go to the airport.
  •       The suitcases were searched at the customhouse.
  •       Her only possessions were ten suitcases of clothes.
  •       I'll have your suitcases sent forward to the hotel.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       词语用法


  •       suitcase的意思是“手提箱,衣箱”,多指旅行时用来装衣物的扁平的箱或包,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Pick the right suitcase.(拿正确的行李箱。)

      You can leave your suitcase here for the time being.(你可以暂时把衣箱留在这儿。)

      Can you manage that suitcase?(你弄得动那个箱子吗?)

      He is packing his suitcase.(他正在整理他的行李箱。)

      I can't shut my suitcase—it's too full.(我的手提箱合不上了—装得太满了。)

      Somehow the suitcase with my clothes was misplaced.(不知道怎么的,我忘记把装衣服的手提箱放哪儿了。)

      I haven't packed my suitcase yet.(我的行李箱还没收拾好呢。)

      He was carrying a suitcase.(他提着一只手提箱。)

      She methodically put the things into her suitcase.(她把东西井井有条地放进了她的手提箱。)

      I cannot find my suitcase.(我找不到我的箱子。)

      suitcase是什么意思 suitcase在线翻译 suitcase什么意思 suitcase的意思 suitcase的翻译 suitcase的解释 suitcase的发音 suitcase的同义词
