


      英 [pleɪt]

      美 [plet]


      vt.电镀;用金属板固定;为 ... 制印版;给 ... 装钢板

      名词: plater 过去式: plated 过去分词: plated 现在分词: plating 第三人称单数: plates


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  •       盘子,碟
  •       整页插图
  •       图版
  •       感光板
  •       印版
  •       捐款盘
  •       一盘食物
  •       贵金属
  •       银条
  •       门牌
  •       名牌
  •       车牌
  •       镀金的金属制品
  •       【电子】阳极
  •       极板
  •       【棒】投手板
  •       【棒】本垒
  •       金属板
  •       薄板


  •       电镀
  •       镀,镀金
  •       用金属板固定
  •       在...上覆盖金属板
  •       给装蹄
  •       把...打成薄版
  •       【印】给...制铅板,给...装钢板,给...装甲,给…制金属板
  •       【造纸】给...上光
  •       以金、银、铜或锡锭(另一金属)
  •       【印】把制成印版,把...制成平板
  •       为…加设护板
  •       覆盖
  •       使(跑垒)得分


  •       [C]盆子,盘子 a flat usually round dish with a slightly raised edge, from which food is eaten or served
  •       [C]金属牌 oblong piece of metal with sth stamped or engraved on it
  •       [C]平板,薄板,薄片 thin flat sheet of metal, glass, etc.


  •       vt. 镀,电镀 cover (a metal article) thinly with another metal, especially gold, silver, or tin


      1. a dental appliance that artificially replaces missing teeth

      Synonym: denturedental plate

      2. (baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands
      it must be touched by a base runner in order to score

      e.g. he ruled that the runner failed to touch home

      Synonym: home platehome basehome

      3. dish on which food is served or from which food is eaten

      4. a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)

      Synonym: scaleshell

      5. a sheet of metal or wood or glass or plastic

      6. a shallow receptacle for collection in church

      Synonym: collection plate

      7. structural member consisting of a horizontal beam that provides bearing and anchorage

      8. a full-page illustration (usually on slick paper)

      9. a flat sheet of metal or glass on which a photographic image can be recorded

      Synonym: photographic plate

      10. the positively charged electrode in a vacuum tube

      11. any flat platelike body structure or part

      12. a main course served on a plate

      e.g. a vegetable plate
      the blue plate special

      13. the thin under portion of the forequarter

      14. a rigid layer of the Earth's crust that is believed to drift slowly

      Synonym: crustal plate

      15. the quantity contained in a plate

      Synonym: plateful


      1. coat with a layer of metal

      e.g. plate spoons with silver

      1. 盘;碟
      A plate is a round or oval flat dish that is used to hold food.


      e.g. Anita pushed her plate away; she had eaten virtually nothing.

      2. (尤指用于机械或建筑上金属制的)平板,薄板
      A plate is a flat piece of metal, especially on machinery or a building.

      3. (通常置于办公室或住宅门边上的)金属姓名牌
      A plate is a small, flat piece of metal with someone's name written on it, which you usually find beside the front door of an office or house.

      4. (车辆的)号码牌,牌照
      On a road vehicle, the plates are the panels at the front and back which display the license number in the United States, and the registration number in Britain.

      e.g. ...dusty-looking cars with New Jersey plates.

      5. (尤指银或金质的)餐具
      Plate is dishes, bowls, and cups that are made of precious metal, especially silver or gold.

      e.g. and silver plate, jewellery, and roomfuls of antique furniture.

      6. (印刷用的)印版,图版
      In printing, a plate is a sheet of metal which is carved or specially treated with chemicals so that it can be used to print text or pictures.

      7. (摄影中的)感光板,(玻璃)干版
      In photography, a plate is a thin sheet of glass that is covered with a layer of chemicals which react to the light and on which an image can be formed.

      8. (书中的)整版插图
      A plate in a book is a picture or photograph which takes up a whole page and is usually printed on better quality paper than the rest of the book.

      e.g. Fermor's book has 55 colour plates.

      9. (显微镜下的长方形)载物片,玻璃片
      In a microscope, the plate is a small rectangular piece of glass onto which you put a small amount of the substance that you want to look at. You then slide the plate under the microscope to look at the substance.

      10. 假牙托;(牙)托基
      A dental plate is a piece of plastic which is shaped to fit inside a person's mouth and which a set of false teeth is attached to.


      11. (地质学中的大陆)板块
      In geology, a plate is a large piece of the earth's surface, perhaps as large as a continent, which moves very slowly.

      e.g. The United States Geological Survey has revealed that the earthquake was not caused by a simple horizontal movement of one plate past another.

      12. (棒球运动中)the plate 同 home plate
      In baseball, the plate is the same as the home plate.

      13. 有很多工作要做;有很多事要处理
      If you have enough on your plate or have a lot on your plate, you have a lot of work to do or a lot of things to deal with.

      e.g. We have enough on our plate. There is plenty of work to be done on what we have.

      14. 把…拱手奉送给
      If you say that someone has things handed to them on a plate, you disapprove of them because they get good things easily.

      e.g. Even the presidency was handed to him on a plate.

      1. 盘:2、西餐餐具的摆放规则在每个位置前的餐桌上要放好一个盛主菜的盘子(plate),把盛小菜的盘子放在大盘(plate)里. 汤盘(soup plate)要放在女主人身边的茶几上. 餐刀(knife)放在盘子右边(right),刀刃对着盘子(plate),

      2. plate

      2. 盘子:用餐完毕后收起餐巾放在盘子(plate)右方. 使用knife, fork和spoon时,不要弄出声音,不用时,也不要用手摆弄刀叉玩. 小朋友们,西方的进餐礼仪还有很多呢,咱们在以后的学习生活中还会接触到的,虚心学习啊!

      3. 电镀:机壳坚固,同时为了确保美观的外型设计而采用了镁材料机壳及铝电镀(plate)方式的SamSung X10plus! 更加新潮、更加优美的水波纹外观. 支持将无线互联网和移动通信专用CPU融为一体的英特尔®迅驰(Centrino)移动技术;

  •       常用短语

  •       相关词组

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    轻易地 with too little effort


    要应付(很多困难的工作),有(很多工作或问题)要处理 deal with (and giving one a lot of problems)

      1. foul a plate with : 和...共餐;

      2. read one's plate : 做饭前祷告;


  •       I was brought a clean plate.
  •       A broken plate can be cemented.
  •       The children sat down round a small table and began to feed off a big plate.
  •       He emptied the biscuits onto the plate.
  •       I dropped the plate and it fell to pieces.
  •       These are solid silver plates.
  •       Mary scraped the residue of food from the plates before putting them under water.
  •       The plates were all edged with a rich border of gold.
  •       Go and see how many plates we have — but don't count in the cracked ones.
  •       These broken pieces of plates don't fit together; they must be parts of different ones.
  •       Now some people eat their food from paper plates.
  •       He gave us a plate of meat and potatoes.
  •       He lapped up a plate of soup.
  •       The family plate included a silver pitcher, and knives, forks and spoons.
  •       The thief stole some valuable gold plate.
  •       It's only plate, so it's not very valuable.
  •       I read her name on the polished brass plate.
  •       In the steel plate five holes were drilled an inch apart.
  •       We have succeeded in bending the thick steel plates.
  •       They floored the bridge with concrete plates.


  •       He plated the old silver container again.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The plates were destroyed after 750 signed..prints had been produced.

    出自:Horse Hound
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       plate的基本意思是“盆子,盘子”,是一种可用以盛汤、也可用以装菜的比dish浅的盘子,是可数名词。
  •       plate可用作不可数名词,统称金银餐具,也可指金银器皿、镀金或镀银器皿。plate还可表示“一盘…的量”。
  •       plate作“金属牌”解时一般指印有某人或商店姓名的门牌或招牌,是可数名词。
  •       plate作“平板”“薄板”“薄片”解时,指由金属等制作而成的一种板子(如钢板等),是可数名词。


  •       plate作动词的意思是在板上覆以金属,即“镀,电镀”,指在金属的表面上利用电来覆盖一层金属物质,如金、银、锡等。
  •       plate多用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。


on a plate, on one's plate
  •       这两个短语结构相同,但意思不同:on a plate的意思是“轻易地做某件事”,而on one's plate的意思是“要应付很多困难的工作”“有很多工作或问题要处理”。
    •       ☆ 13世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的plate,意为一个片金属;最初源自通俗拉丁语的plattus,意为平的,宽的。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.plate

          Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound.

          把整条鱼放在盘子里, 如果重约一磅, 在蒸锅里蒸8到10分钟。


          高考真题例句OG 2.plate

          We eat about 22 percent more when using a 12 ­inch plate instead of a 10­ inch plate.

          当我们使用12英寸的盘子而不是10英寸的盘子时, 我们会多吃22%。


    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Don't touch that plate—it's hot!(别碰那个盘子,烫手!)

          The metal plate behind my head radiated heat.(我脑后的金属盘散发出热量。)

          She slopped some beans onto a plate.(她往盘子里倒了一些豆子。)

          He picked the napkin from his lap and placed it alongside his plate.(他从腿上拿起餐巾,放在他的盘子旁边。)

          An orthodontist took a cast of the inside of Billy's mouth to make a dental plate.(正牙医师从比利的口腔内部取了模型来制作齿板。)

          She had a metal plate inserted in her arm.(她的胳膊里嵌着一块接骨板。)

          The plate broke.(盘子碎了。)

          The cold remains of supper had congealed on the plate.(晚餐剩下的冷饭菜已经凝结在盘子上了。)

          He wiped his plate clean with a piece of bread.(他用一块面包把碟子擦干净。)

          She threw a plate at him and only narrowly missed.(她朝他甩出一个盘子,差一点打中他。)

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    •       下一篇pepper

          plate是什么意思 plate在线翻译 plate什么意思 plate的意思 plate的翻译 plate的解释 plate的发音 plate的同义词
