
中国求职指南网 2024年07月14日 12:54:17


  •       1、No, my young friend, the Virtues exist toennoble us and make us fully human.(不不,我年轻的朋友啊,美德的存在使我们高贵而富有人性光辉。)
  •       2、What instances must pass before them of ardent, disinterested, self-denying attachment, of heroism, fortitude, patience, resignation: of all the conflicts and all the sacrifices thatennoble us most.(她们一定见到不少热情无私、自我克制的事例,英勇不屈、坚韧不拔和顺从天命的事例,以及使我们变得无比崇高的奋斗精神和献身行为。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  •       3、Impact the values needed by leaders and managers to motivate, inspire andennoble their people.(公司的领导者和管理者去激励,启发和奖励员工的价值。)
  •       4、Heroes walk alone but they become myths when theyennoble the lives and touch the hearts of all of us.(英雄独行,但当他们使我们的生命变得高贵并触动我们的心灵时,他们就成了神话。)
  •       5、I think, in part, we mythologize sacrifice,ennoble it with layer upon layer of redemptive they-did-not-suffer-and-die-in-vain meaning, because it enables us to bear the pain of loss.(我想,我们神话牺牲者,给他们批上一层救赎的外衣,认为他们的苦难和死亡并非毫无意义而更显尊贵,在某种程度上只是为了让我们能承受失去他们的痛苦。)