


      英 [ʃi]

      美 [ʃi]



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  •       她(主格)
  •       它
  •       女性


  •       Spacecraft Handling Equipment,航天器处理设备


  •       女
  •       雌性(动物)
  •       女性
  •       畲族,中国的56个民族之一


  •       她,它 that female person or animal; that thing regarded as female

      She is a third person singular pronoun. She is used as the subject of a verb. she 是第三人称单数,用作动词的主语。

      1. (用于指先前已提到的女性或雌性动物)她,它
      You use she to refer to a woman, girl, or female animal who has already been mentioned or whose identity is clear.

      e.g. When Ann arrived home that night, she found Brian in the house watching TV...
      e.g. She was seventeen and she had no education or employment...
      她17 岁,未受过教育,也没有工作。

      2. (用于泛指未指明性别的人,以避免总是用 he。有些人更倾向于使用 he or she 或 they 来表示泛指)
      Some writers may use she to refer to a person who is not identified as either male or female. They do this because they wish to avoid using the pronoun 'he' all the time. Some people dislike this use and prefer to use 'he or she' or 'they'.

      e.g. The student may show signs of feeling the strain of responsibility and she may give up...
      e.g. Very early in life when the baby feels the pangs of hunger, she learns to scream.

      3. (用以指代国家)
      She is sometimes used to refer to a country or nation.


      e.g. Britain needs new leadership if she is to help shape Europe's future.

      4. (用以指代汽车、机器、船等)
      Some people use she to refer to a car or a machine. People who sail often use she to refer to a ship or boat.


      e.g. Hundreds of small boats clustered round the yacht as she sailed into Southampton docks.

      1. 沈阳:西雅图/塔科马国际 (SEA) 沈阳 (SHE)从西雅图/塔科马国际 (SEA)飞往沈阳 (SHE)的转接航班西雅图/塔科马国际 (SEA) 沈阳 (SHE)西雅图/塔科马国际 (SEA) 沈阳 (SHE)

      2. she

      2. (畲族):有关德立街(Drake Street)假日准许的士上落客,现已经运输署通知在4月18日(日)开始实行,敬请留意.办公室行政主任胡洪秀萍姊妹(Zoe)将於5月1日离职,本堂多谢她这年多来的服侍,愿主赐福.畲族(She)主要散居在福建,浙江两省山区,

      3. she什么意思

      3. she:subclinical hepatogenic encephalopathy; 亚临床肝性脑病

      4. she:standard hydrogen electrode; 标准氢电极

      5. she:spiral heat exchanger; 采用螺旋式换热器


      6. she:selective harmonic elimination; 特定消谐

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文



      A:I have something to confess.

      B:What is it?


      A:I think she’s pregnant! Just make sure to keep it under your hat.


      B:Really? Didn’t she know about it?

      A:You can’t tell anyone.

      B:I promise.



      A:May I speak to Miss Tan, please?


      B:Sorry, but she is with someone right now.

      A:I see. May I leave her a message then?



      A:Please ask her to call me at 6225-9438.

      B:Yes. I will.



      A:She wants to start a family.


      B:She is pregnant. /She is expecting.


      B:What did she have? /What is she expecting?

      A:She told me that she decided not to have it tested. Only God knows.


  •       She is my wife.
  •       It's the farmer's best cow:she gives lots of milk.
  •       What's wrong with the car?—She won't start.
  •       She's a fine ship.
  •       Our country needs strong leaders:may she always have them!
  •       He first, and close behind him followed she.

  •       She has masses sung for her father.

    出自:J. Steinbeck
  •       So like her brothers was she.

    出自:P. Kavanagh
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       she是第三人称阴性单数的人称代词,意思是“她,它”,指上文已经提过的或身份已明的妇女、女子或雌性动物,在句中一般用作主语。
  •       she也可代替it,指拟为女性的交通工具或国家,其目的在于表示对所述之物的喜爱或重视。
  •       ☆ 12世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古英语的seo,意为她。
  •       临近词



      She has nobody she can turn to.(她求助无门。)

      She fancied (that) she could hear footsteps.(她觉得好像听到了脚步声。)

      She could scarcely complain, could she?(她压根儿没什么好抱怨的,是不是?)

      She wrenched her knee when she fell.(她跌倒时把膝盖扭伤了。)

      Dare she risk staying where she was?(她敢冒险呆在原地不动吗?)

      She accepted that she had acted unwisely.(她承认自己做得不明智。)

      She answered that she would prefer to walk.(她回答说她宁愿步行。)

      She cried when she spoke of Oliver.(她提起奥利弗时哭了。)

      If she wants anything, she need only ask.(她想要什么东西,只要开一下口就行了。)

      She now realizes that she misjudged him.(她现在意识到她错看了他。)

      she是什么意思 she在线翻译 she什么意思 she的意思 she的翻译 she的解释 she的发音 she的同义词
