


      英 [ˈɔ:təm]

      美 [ˈɔtəm]


      形容词: autumnal 副词: autumnally


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  •       秋季,秋天,秋
  •       成熟期
  •       晚年,暮年, 迟暮之年
  •       凋落期
  •       渐衰期


  •       变成熟,使成熟


  •       [U][C]秋天; 秋季 a season of the year between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes colder


      1. the season when the leaves fall from the trees

      e.g. in the fall of 1973

      Synonym: fall

      1. 秋天
      Autumn is the season between summer and winter when the weather becomes cooler and the leaves fall off the trees.

      e.g. We are always plagued by wasps in autumn.

      in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 fall


      1. 秋季:<>(Autumn)里两首曲子让我感动不已. 一首<>(Colors/Dance),长达10分24秒的纯钢琴演奏,如同深埋于地窖的陈年老酒,醇香而绵长. 1980年,整个秋季的色彩,在纯净的音符里流转斑斓. 一首<>(Longing/Love),从急至缓,

      2. 红黄调秋色图阵:atanh 反双曲正切 | autumn 红黄调秋色图阵 | axes 创建轴对象的低层指令

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       Autumn comes after summer.
  •       The coming autumn should be eventful.
  •       I smell autumn.
  •       I love the autumn — the golden fields and the red leaves all over the mountains.
  •       We enjoyed a very warm autumn last year.
  •       Summer was alright, but he much preferred the autumn.
  •       Martha used to spend her autumns with friends in southern France.
  •       The lawyer has reached the autumn of his life.
  •       He has entered the serene autumn of his life.
  •       What I like best is the autumn in Paris.
  •       Don't go there until the cool autumn days.
  •       It's for autumn wear.
  •       Autumn colours are the browns, oranges and yellows of autumn leaves.
  •       Winter comes after autumn.
  •       These flowers wither in autumn.
  •       Leaves fall in autumn.
  •       It's dry here in autumn.
  •       Nature is most colorful in autumn.
  •       Her book will be published in the autumn.
  •       We like to travel in the autumn when there are fewer tourists.
  •       The rain began in the late autumn.
  •       She went to Germany in the autumn of 1996.1996
  •       It is quite common that a person can still contribute to society in the autumn of his life.
  •       It's been one of the coldest autumns of years.
  •       The bracken was turning to the dusky gold of a fine autumn.
  •       I'm afraid it's been a dreary instead of a sunny autumn.
  •       Grasshoppers at the end of autumn—they won't be jumping around much longer.
  •       On a lovely autumn evening we went out on a picnic.
  •       She's coming to her autumn.
  •       He came to see us last autumn.
  •       They have a mass of things to do this autumn.
  •       There will probably be a general election this autumn.
  •       Wool body suits will retain their vogue next autumn.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       On her ample square, from side to side, All Autumn pil'd.

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       autumn指一年四季中的第三个季节,即夏冬之间的“秋季”。在英国,指 8,9,10 三个月; 在美国,指 9,10,11 三个月; 而在我国,则以农历七、八、九三个月为秋季。
  •       秋季既是成熟的季节,又是严冬之前草木开始萧疏之时,故当autumn用于比喻义时,既可指一个人的“成熟时期”,也可指盛时已过、开始衰老之年,即“中年”或“初老”。具体含义当视修饰语及上下文而定。
  •       autumn 在句中可充当主语、表语、宾语、状语,有时也可用作名词的定语。
  •       用作季节名称(即半专有名词)时往往以大写字母开头,一般情况下则为小写。
  •       autumn 之前用或不用冠词the均可,但当其后有确切年份的后置定语时大都带the。


autumn, autumnal
  •       这两个词词形相近,其区别是:
  •       1.autumn是名词, autumnal是形容词,但autumn有时也可修饰名词作定语,只是不如autumnal正式而已。
  •       2.一般说强调“在秋天发生”时用autumn; 强调“具有秋天的性质与特色”时用autumnal,如“秋分”一般译作autumnal equinox 。
  •       3.autumnal多用于比喻意义或诗歌中,特别是用来表示秋天的负面意义时。如:a deep, autumnal tone。
  •       4.美语中更多的是用autumn代替autumnal。
    •       ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的autumpne;最初源自拉丁语的autumnus,意为提高。
    •       中考真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.autumn

          Which is the best thing to do here in autumn and winter?



          中考真题例句OG 2.autumn

          How do you usually celebrate the Mid-autumn Festival?



          中考真题例句OG 3.autumn

          Mid-autumn Day is a traditional festival in China.



          中考真题例句OG 1.autumn

          Confucius (551—479 BC) was a great thinker and teacher in the Spring and Autumn Period of China.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Autumn has come quietly!(秋天已经静悄悄地到来了!)

          The autumn begins about August.(秋天大致从八月开始。)

          The designer will be unveiling her latest fashions for autumn and winter.(该设计师将公布她的最新款秋冬时装。)

          Maple leaves turn red in autumn.(枫叶在秋天变红了。)

          Autumn has arrived here.(秋天到了。)

          I love the reds and golds of autumn.(我喜欢秋天的火红色和金黄色。)

          We can eat crabs in autumn.(秋天我们能吃蟹。)

          In autumn 1944 the Allies invaded the Italian mainland at Anzio and Salerno.(1944年秋,盟军从安齐奥和萨莱诺侵入意大利大陆。)

          Autumn starts with August.(秋天是从八月份开始的。)

          Gently flow the autumn streams.(秋水潺暖。)

          autumn是什么意思 autumn在线翻译 autumn什么意思 autumn的意思 autumn的翻译 autumn的解释 autumn的发音 autumn的同义词
