


      英 [ˈsevn]

      美 [ˈsɛvən]




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  •       七


  •       七的
  •       七个的


  •       七(个)
  •       七个一组
  •       七个东西
  •       七岁
  •       七点钟
  •       七个人
  •       第七个人
  •       七年之痒
  •       七点


      1. one of four playing cards in a deck with seven pips on the face

      Synonym: seven-spot

      2. the cardinal number that is the sum of six and one

      Synonym: 7VIIsevenerheptadseptetseptenary


      1. being one more than six

      Synonym: 7vii

      1. (数字)7
      Seven is the number 7.

      e.g. Sarah and Ella have been friends for seven years.

      1. 火線追緝令:<< 海上监狱>>是一部暗色调的惊悚电影,具有像电影<< 火线追缉令>> (Seven) 及<< Dead Calm>>的脉络,故事发生的地点设定在一片冰冷海洋与灰暗天空之间,传达出片中角色应付恐怖挑战的气氛,观众藉著史贝德、麦克劳德与其他角色被追杀的过程,

      2. seven的翻译

      2. 七宗罪,火线追缉令:七宗罪,火线追缉令(Seven) 中的杀手杀人并非是因为嗜血 而是有着强大的理论信条加上妄念来实施他自以为的通过'审判'和布道来拯救的目的 这才是最可怕的 这个杀手也许平时连一只鸡也杀 但是他找到了依据来实施对人的毛骨悚然的谋杀 这种恐怖并非是亲眼看到某种可怕场面时感官的自然反应 而是心理上的恐怖 这使得 七宗

  •       情景对话

  •       经典引文


      A:We need seven of these .

      B:They come in cases of five .

      A:Then ,send two cases please .

      B:Good . thank you for the order .


      A:Smith Steakhouse. Can I help you?

      B:Yes, I’d like to make a reservation for (two at eight o’clock/ six at seven thirty/ three at a quarter to nine).
      好的。我想预订一张(八点钟的两人台/ 7点30的六人台/ 8点45的三人台)。


      A:The central Hotel, please. I have to be there by 6:00
      去中央旅馆,我必须在6 点钟赶到那儿。

      B:We shouldn’t have any trouble if the traffic isn’t too heavy. Is this your first trip here?

      A:Yes. I’ve never been here before.

      B:You haven’t seen the sights yet, have you?

      A:No, I’m open to suggestions.


      B:Why don’t you visit the Great Wall first?

      A:That’s a good idea.

      B:Here we are. That will be seven yuan and seventy cents.
      我们到了,车费是7 元7 角。


      A:Thanks a lot. Here’s ten yuan. Keep the change.
      非常感谢,这是10 元,不用找了。

  •       For a whole week, for seven days.

    出自:G. Gordon
  •       I was a good husband for seven years to Anna.

    出自:G. Swift
  •       The Soviets put seven airborne divisions on alert.

    出自:Jerusalem Post
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      They journeyed for seven long months.(他们作了长达七个月的旅行。)

      Seven from ten leaves three.(10减7得3。)

      You're early! I wasn't expecting you till seven.(你来得真早!我还以为你七点钟才到呢。)

      She was in a coma for seven weeks.(她昏迷了七周。)

      Twenty-eight is divisible by seven.(二十八可以被七整除。)

      'The Seven Samurai' was remade in Hollywood as 'The Magnificent Seven'.(《七武士》在好莱坞被重新制作成为《七侠荡寇志》。)

      The lift-off was delayed about seven minutes.(发射时间推迟了7分钟左右。)

      Greed is one of the seven deadly sins.(贪婪是七罪宗之一。)

      Seven massive columns rise up from a marble floor.(七根巨大的圆柱从大理石地面拔地而起。)

      The performance starts at seven.(演出七点开始。)

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      seven是什么意思 seven在线翻译 seven什么意思 seven的意思 seven的翻译 seven的解释 seven的发音 seven的同义词
