
查字典英语网 2020年08月17日



      例句:中国特色社会主义进入了新时代,国防和军队建设也进入了新时代,解决军事政策制度深层次矛盾和问题,全面释放深化国防和军队改革效能,开创强军事业新局面,掌握军事竞争和战争主动权,迫切需要适应形势任务发展要求,对军事政策制度进行系统、深入改革。 译文:Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, as has China’s endeavor to upgrade its national defense and military capabilities. So we need to conduct urgent, systematic and in-depth reform of the military policy framework to adapt to the changing conditions. We should resolve deep-seated problems in the military policy framework, enhance the performance of in-depth reformofnationaldefenseandthemilitary, usher in a new stage in strengthening the armed forces, improve military competitiveness, and maintain a position of strength when it comes to fighting war. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on reform of the military policy framework, November 13, 2018)


      1. 强军之道,要在得人。




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