
查字典中考网 2015年08月17日

      1. ____in one leg,he never had a chance to get ajob.

      A.W eak and lame B.He weak and lame

      C.Though weak and:lame D.Weak and lame as he was

      [提示]前后两个句子中间不用逗号,除非其中一个是从句,排除选项B^根据句意 逗号之前部分表示原因,排除选项c和D。

      [解答]正确答案为A。本题中,形容词weak and 1ame做状语,说明主语的情况。例如:

      He fell to the floor unconscious.

      He came hom e safe and sound.

      He drank the coffee hot.(句中的形容词说明宾语的情况)

      2.The girl feit____nervous in the presence of a large audience,for it.was her first performance.

      A.1ittle B.not a little C.only a:little D..not little

      [提示]not a little意为非常,而not a bit则作一点也不解。根据句意,她第一次登台演出,面对一大群观众觉得非常紧张,因而排除选项A,C和D 。


