
查字典诗词网 2023年06月15日 01:27:05


      ~{  勇于敢则杀,勇于不敢则活。此两者,或利或害。天之所恶,孰~}


      ~{  天之道,不争而善胜,不言而善应,不召而自来,□然而善谋。~}


      73. Fate

      The brave and bold perish;

      The brave and subtle profit.

      The subtle profit where the bold perish

      For fate does not honor daring.

      And even the gentle dare not tempt fate.

      Fate does not attack, yet all things succumb to it;

      It does not ask, yet all things answer it;

      It does not call, yet all things meet it;

      It does not plan, yet it determines all things.

      Fate's net is vast and its mesh is coarse,

      Yet none escape it.
