
查字典诗词网 2023年03月25日 03:31:55


      ~{  为无为,事无事,味无味。~}

      ~{  图难于其易,为大于其细;天下难事,必作于易,天下大事,必~}


      ~{  夫轻诺必寡信,多易必多难。是以圣人犹难之,故终无难矣。~}

      63. Difficulty

      Practice no-action;

      Attend to do-nothing;

      Taste the flavorless,

      Magnify the small, 

      Multiply the few,

      Return love for hate.

      Deal with the difficult while it is yet easy;

      Deal with the great while it is yet small;

      The difficult develops naturally from the easy,

      And the great from the small;

      So the gentle, by dealing with the small,

      Achieve the great.

      Who finds it easy to promise finds it hard to be trusted;

      Who takes things lightly makes things difficult;

      The gentle recognize difficulty, and so have none.
