
查字典诗词网 2023年04月13日 01:35:51


      ~{  宠辱若惊,贵大患若身。~}

      ~{  何谓宠辱若惊?宠为下,得之若惊,失之若惊,是谓宠辱若惊。~}

      ~{  何谓贵大患若身?吾所以有大患者,为吾有身,及吾无身,吾有~}


      ~{  故贵以身为天下,若可寄天下;爱以身为天下,若可托天下。~}

      13. Self

      Both praise and blame cause concern,

      For they bring people hope and fear.

      The object of hope and fear is the self;

      Without self, to whom may fortune and disaster occur?


      Distinguish self from world and you may be given the world,

      But identify self with world and you may accept the world.
