
查字典诗词网 2023年04月15日 01:45:54

      ~{  致虚极,守静笃。~}

      ~{  万物并作,吾以观复。~}

      ~{  夫物芸芸,各复归其根。归根曰静,静曰复命。复命曰常,知常~}


      ~{  知常容,容乃公,公乃全,全乃天,天乃道,道乃久,没身不殆~}

      16. Decay and Renewal

      Empty the self completely;

      Embrace perfect peace.

      The world will rise and move;

      Watch it return to rest.

      All the flourishing things

      Will return to their source.

      This return is peaceful;

      It is the tide of nature,

      An eternal decay and renewal.

      Accepting this brings contentment,

      Ignoring it brings misery.

      Who accepts nature's tide becomes all-cherishing;

      Being all-cherishing he becomes impartial;

      Being impartial he becomes magnanimous;

      Being magnanimous he becomes natural;

      Being natural he becomes one with flow;

      Being one with flow he becomes immortal:

      Though his body will decay, flow will not.
