
查字典诗词网 2023年04月10日 02:11:03


      ~{  昔之得一者:天得一以清;地得一以宁;神得一以灵;谷得一以~}


      ~{  其致之也,谓天无以清,将恐裂;地无以宁,将恐废;神无以灵~}



      ~{  故贵以贱为本,高以下为基。是以侯王自称孤、寡、不谷。此非~}


      39. Support

      In mythical times all things were whole:

      All the sky was clear,

      All the earth was stable,

      All the mountains were firm,

      All the riverbeds were full,

      All of nature was fertile,

      And all the rulers were supported.

      But, losing clarity, the sky tore;

      Losing stability, the earth split;

      Losing strength, the mountains sank;

      Losing water, the riverbeds cracked;

      Losing fertility, nature disappeared;

      And losing support, the rulers fell.

      Now rulers depend upon their subjects,

      The noble depend upon the humble;

      And rulers call themselves orphaned, hungry, and alone,

      To win the people's support.
