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极地黄金公司(Polyus Gold)

  极地黄金是极地黄金公司(Polyus Gold)的品牌。
  极地黄金公司(Polyus Gold)又名Polyus Zoloto,成立于1980年,1996年3月从俄罗斯最大的金属生产商诺里尔斯克公司(Norilsk Nickel)分离出来。极地黄金公司是俄罗斯最大的黄金生产商,被纳入储量和产量位居全球最大的企业之列。该公司06年黄金产出增长17%至37.8吨。资产组合包括位于Krasnoyarsky、Irkutsky、 Magadansky和布拉戈维申斯克(Amurskiy region)地区以及萨哈(Sakha Republic)的矿田。该公司2006年储量翻番至5,080万盎司。

  Polyus Gold (MICEX:PLZL RTS:PLZL) (Russian: По́люс Зо́лото, Polyus Zoloto) is a Russian mining and metallurgy company primarily concerned with the production of gold. Polyus is the largest gold producer in Russia.

  Polyus Gold (Open Joint Stock Company, OJSC) is the leading gold producer in Russia and the only Russian company among the world’s largest gold producers.

  Headquartered in Moscow, Polyus Gold’s operating mines and development/exploration projects are located in 5 major gold mining regions of Russia - Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Magadan, Amur regions and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

  Polyus Gold employs over 12 500 people.

  gold production in 2008 totaled 38,0 tonnes (1, 2 k oz).

  The company’s P&P reserves (JORC) as at 1 July 2008 amount to 72,3 m oz., based on the Inpedendent Expert's Report evaluation made by Micon International.

  Polyus Gold Russian reserves as listed by the State Committee of Reserves (GKZ Rosnedra) at July 1, 2008 amount to 98, 6 m oz. of balance В+С1+С2 reserves, including 72, 1 m oz. of Russian В+С1 reserves.

  In Russia Polyus Gold shares are traded on RTS and MICEX. In the UK Polyus Gold ADRs are listed and traded on the LSE. Polyus Gold ADRs are also traded in the over-the-counter market in the United States.

  Polyus Gold is an innovative company that relies on technology to boost competitive advantages. We implement the best standards of corporate governance to position Polyus as an attractive investment.

  Producing a ton of gold creates 1000 jobs. It puts special responsibility on Polyus Gold as the company that facilitates sustainable development of the gold producing regions. The company abides by the principles of absolute financial transparency, fully pays its dues and taxes both to federal and regional governments, and supports sports, education and culture.


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