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We journalists live in a new age of storytelling, with many new multimedia tools. Many young people don’t even realize it’s new. For them, it’s just normal.

This hit home for me as I was sitting with my 2-year-old grandson on a sofa over the Spring Festival holiday. I had brought a children’s book to read. It had simple words and colorful pictures — a perfect match for his age.

Picture this: my grandson sitting on my lap as I hold the book in front so he can see the pictures. As I read, he reaches out and pokes ( ) the page with his finger.

What’s up with that? He just likes the pictures, I thought. Then I turned the page and continued. He poked the page even harder. I nearly dropped the book. I was confused: Is there something wrong with this kid?

Then I realized what was happening. He was actually a stranger to books. His father frequently amused the boy with a tablet computer which was loaded with colorful pictures that come alive when you poke them. He thought my storybook was like that.

Sorry, kid. This book is not part of your high-tech world. It’s an outdated, lifeless thing. An antique, like your grandfather. Well, I may be old, but I’m not hopelessly challenged, digitally speaking. I edit video and produce audio. I use mobile payment. I’ve even built websites.

There’s one notable gap in my new-media experience, however: I’ve spent little time in front of a camera, since I have a face made for radio. But that didn’t stop China Daily from asking me last week to share a personal story for a video project about the integration of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province.

Anyway, grandpa is now an internet star — two minutes of fame! I promise not to let it go to my head. But I will make sure my 2-year-old grandson sees it on his tablet.

19 What do the underlined words “hit home for me” mean in paragraph 2?

A Provided shelter for me. B Became very clear to me.

C Took the pressure off me. D Worked quite well on me.

20 Why did the kid poke the storybook?

A He took it for a tablet computer. B He disliked the colorful pictures.

C He was angry with his grandpa. D He wanted to read it by himself.

21 What does the author think of himself?

A Socially ambitious. B Physically attractive.

C Financially independent. D Digitally competent.

22 What can we learn about the author as a journalist?

A He lacks experience in his job. B He seldom appears on television.

C He manages a video department. D He often interviews internet stars.


B    20 A    21 D    22 B


19 .词句猜测题。根据第一段 “We journalists live in a new age of storytelling, with many new multimedia tools. Many young people don’t even realize it’s new. For them, it’s just normal.” 以及画线词后文 “as I was sitting with my 2-year-old grandson on a sofa over the Spring Festival holiday.” 可知,作者是记者,生活在一个讲故事的新时代,有许多新的多媒体工具。许多年轻人甚至没有意识到它是新的。对他们来说,这很正常。而这在春节假期,作者和两岁的孙子坐在沙发上,尤其清楚认识到了这一点。故画线词意思是 我很清楚 。故选 B

20 .细节理解题。根据第五段中 “He was actually a stranger to books. His father frequently amused the boy with a tablet computer which was loaded with colorful pictures that come alive when you poke them. He thought my storybook was like that.( 事实上,他对书本并不熟悉。他的父亲经常用一台装有彩色图片的平板电脑逗他开心,当你戳它们的时候,这些图片就会变得栩栩如生。他认为我的故事书就是那样的 )” 可知,那孩子戳故事书是因为他把它当成了平板电脑。故选 A

21 .细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中 “Well, I may be old, but I’m not hopelessly challenged, digitally speaking. I edit video and produce audio. I use mobile payment. I’ve even built websites. ( 我可能老了,但从数字角度来说,我还没有毫无希望的挑战。我编辑视频,制作音频。我用移动支付。我甚至建立了网站 )” 可知,作者认为自己懂数码技术。故选 D

22 .细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中 “There’s one notable gap in my new-media experience, however: I’ve spent little time in front of a camera, since I have a face made for radio.( 然而,在我的新媒体体验中有一个明显的差距:我很少在镜头前呆着,因为我的脸是为电台而生的 )” 可知,作者作为记者他很少上电视。故选 B

◎ 过去将来时的定义



◎ 过去将来时的知识扩展
   例如:When you asked Li Lei for help, he would never refuse you.
2、was/were going to+动词原形
   例如:He told ustaht he was going to attend the meeting.
3、was/were to+动词原形
   例如:Li Lei was to arrive soon.
4、was/were about to+动词原形
   例如:We were about to leave there when it began to rain heavily and suddenly.
   例如:He was leaving the next day.
   例如:He said he would stay with us.
   例如:If I were you, I would not do that.
◎ 过去将来时的知识点拨


如:She told us that she would try her best to catch up with other classmates this term. 她告诉我们说她将一切努力在本期赶上其他同学们。   
        When you asked Li Lei for help, he would never refuse you. 过去当你请她帮忙时,他绝不会拒绝。   
(2)was/were going to+动词原形:
如:He told us that he was going to attend the meeting. 他告诉我说他要参加那次会议。   
        He said that I was going to be sent to meet her at the railway station.他说将要派我去火车站接她   
(3)was/were to+动词原形:
如:The building was to be completed next month. 这座建筑改在下个月竣工。   
        Li Lei was to arrive soon. 李蕾很快就要到了。   
(4)was/were about to+动词原形:
如:We were about to leave there when it began to rain heavily and suddenly. 就在我们要离开时,天突然下起了大雨。   
        He was about to have lunch when the bell rang. 就在他要吃中饭的时候,门铃响起来了。   
如:He was leaving the next day. 他第二天要走了。   
       We were informed that the leaders were coming to our school soon. 我们接到通知说领导们很快要来我们学校。  


如:He said he would stay with us. 他说他要与我们呆在一起。   
        He said he would never go there again. 他说他绝不会再去那儿。   
如:If I were you, I would not do that. 要是我是你的话,我就不会那样做。     
        If he were here, he would show us how to do it. 如果他在这儿,他就会向我们展示该如何做了。

◎ 过去将来时的知识拓展


was/were going to+动词原形;
was/were to+动词原形;
was/were about to+动词原形等结构都可表达当时一种未曾实现的意图或打算。
如:The conference was going to be held the next month. 会议下个月开。   
        We were to have our class at eight. 八点我们该上课了。   
         I was about to tell him about it when WuDong go tin. 就在我要告诉他时,吴东进来了。

◎ 过去将来时的考试要求



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