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招标信息 | 2024-05-24丨 湖北

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-05-24丨 河南

程局集团三公司沈遂VI标项目PVC管、木板采购询价的中标结果公告询价单名称:河南省公路工程局集团三公司沈遂VI标项目PVC管、木板采购询价询价单编号:602996570230采购方:河南省公路工程局集团有限公司发布时间:2024-05-24 16:06河南省公路工程局集团三公司沈遂VI标项目PVC管 查看详情>>
沈卢高速沈遂段第VI标项目经理部(2工区)采购海绵条询价的中标结果公告询价单名称:河南省公路工程局集团有限公司 沈卢高速沈遂段第VI标项目经理部(2工区)采购海绵条询价询价单编号:591442960230采购方:河南省公路工程局集团有限公司发布时间:2024-05-24 10:16河南省公路工程局 查看详情>>
公告概要: 公告信息: 采购项目名称 新疆维吾尔自治区森林消防总队应急救援能力提升装备建设项目 查看详情>>
公告概要: 公告信息: 采购项目名称 新疆维吾尔自治区森林消防总队应急救援能力提升装备建设项目 查看详情>>
微/IN&VIDC-21790.0790.03先科 无线精灵 功放机+2个蓝牙吸顶喇叭先科/SAST吸顶音箱1850.0850.04先科 S3D无线蓝牙吸顶音响主机+副箱先科/SASTS3D1660.0660.05绿联 60724 信号接收器绿联/Ugreen60724195.095.06【 查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-05-24丨 湖北

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
投标文件规格型号:VI-D3120P“工蜂”标准化视频现勘采集平板-勘查箱版.V2;追形视频侦查分析系统V4.2;T300系列;479DW等,详见投标文件。 2.合同金额(元):1259000.00 3.履约期限、地点等简要信息:莎车县浦莎大道9号,15天 4.采购方式:竞争性谈判  查看详情>>
电场风机机舱及塔筒VI标识喷涂项目 询价结果公告广东粤电石碑山风能开发有限公司于近期就“(寻源单号:SBST001278)和润风电场风机机舱及塔筒VI标识喷涂项目”进行了公开询价。相关部门对报价单位进行比价,现将结果公示如下:中标人:中宏长信建设集团有限公司公示期:2024年05月24日 - 202 查看详情>>
区域指示牌、会议室VI标识形象墙、企业文化理念宣传牌版等。公告名称:山西潞安郭庄煤业有限责任公司矿区户外及会议室标识和牌版制作内容更换项目询价(询比)采购公告公告发布媒体:山西国资数智采购系统公告信息:山西潞安郭庄煤业有限责任公司矿区户外及会议室标识和牌版制作内容更换项目 询比采购公告 山西潞安郭庄 查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
微/IN&VI DC-2 1 790.0 790.0 3 先科 无线精灵 功放机+2个蓝牙吸顶喇叭 先科/SAST 吸顶音箱 1 850.0 850.0 4 先科 S3D无线蓝牙吸顶音响主机+副箱 先科/SAST S3D 1 660.0 660.0 5 绿联 60724 信 查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-05-24丨 广西

192#乙醇汽油(VIB)48广西区内20#车用柴油(VI)1396广西区内小计14443.合同签订:(1)签订时间:供应商中标后一周内。(2)合同范本:原则上使用广西交通投资集团有限公司合同范本,如需使用供应商版本的,双方另行协商。4.付款方式:先货后款。5.交货要求:(1)采购人自提或配送。(2 查看详情>>
理念文化系统及视觉VI系统设计项目 采购人 重庆市蜀都中学校 投资审批项目 否 工程建设项目规模 投资额(100,000.00元) 是否破产业务服务项目采购 否 所需中介服务事项 所需服务类型 宣传设计服务 服务内容 理念文化系统及视觉VI系统设计 中介机构要求 以 查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-05-24丨 重庆

理念文化系统及视觉VI系统设计项目采购人:重庆市蜀都中学校项目规模(元):100000.0项目实施地行政区划:重庆市江北区所需服务类型:宣传设计服务服务内容:理念文化系统及视觉VI系统设计服务时限及说明:中选后5个月内提交设计方案服务金额(元):None金额说明:对现有校园文化进行全方位塑造打磨并设 查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>

招标信息 | 2024-05-24丨 湖北

party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
2024年客服业务外包框架供应商采购项目结果公告发布时间:2024-05-24 16:10:24成都 查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
/2位600V(新VI) 得力/deli DL8440 1 70.0 70.0 16 世达 世达工具内六角扳手球头内六方平头螺丝刀套装组合09101CH 09105A(9件加长球头内六角) 世达/SATA 09105A 1 25.0 25.0 17 得力 修枝剪 得力/deli DL27 查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
party. VI. [Privacy Statement] 1. Respecting user privacy is a fundamental principle of the Bidding Platform. The Bidding Platform promises not to  查看详情>>
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