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China's AG600 amphibious aircraft conducts 1st night test flight

来源:Xinhuanet责任编辑:Chen Zhuo
2024-05-12 17:19:290

BEIJING, May 11 (Xinhua) -- China's independently-developed AG600 large amphibious aircraft has recently completed its first night test flight, according to the developer.

The AG600 aircraft conducted the night test flight at a test flight base in Pucheng in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, said the AVIC General Huanan Aircraft Industry Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China.

The night test flight mainly evaluates and validates the aircraft's lighting system, a crucial prerequisite to ensure its ability to safely operate during nighttime flights.

Following the night flight test verification, the AG600 aircraft will continue to carry out other test flight subjects, paving the way for the new aircraft model to obtain the type certificate, the developer said.

China's AG600 large amphibious aircraft family is being developed as vital advanced aeronautical equipment to strengthen the country's emergency rescue capabilities.

The AG600 aircraft family is tailored to carry out rescue missions such as firefighting, and maritime search and rescue in all types of terrains across the country. 
