



      AUSTOHRMagarrteM tichel(玛l丽格特米尔)切

      MAGRART MEITHELCLborni n tAlatan Georg,ai .he spSnt heerc hidlood hin thel as of piCvl iWar veertansand f oehr atmrnela reltaveis, ho wadhl iedv throug hthe iviC lWr.a Atfregra dutaingf orm asWhngiotnS emiary, nshe attened SmdtihC lolege ,btu ujts oenyear lteari, 19n8,S1h erterned touA ltata no tatkeo verth hoeueshld afoet rhe rotmer'shd eta harlier ehat yeatr rfomth greea Stapinhsfl upndeaim of c9181


      AGRRAT EIMCTEHL “LGon eiwt thheWi dn” ebmodis eMararge (1t0901.08 .- 9491.81.6)ten eary sfoeffor , thit iss teh nolyp ubliatioc no fher nove ldurignhe lrfe.iS e began whritng “ione wiGhtthe Win d” i n9162 ,10 eaysr atef rht eowkr aswp ublished.I necptio nin 1396,the no ve lha solsd birksl, noyton l in yhte nUiedt Satet,sbut aruodn tehw olrd ra elovd eby raderes.玛格 丽特米尔凭借切唯一部一篇长小说《飘》 名声振,大奠了定在文学领她域崇高的地位。

      Weh hanrsdihp spaluge Saclret, shetsh uodlrse teht orulbe of sherfam li anydf riensd .caSrett’s desiler or the fouthSenrg neletmn aAhsle aydnt h oppeotunrsiti NewcS outhener rReht Buttle ramkesu e sfo the Suot’s hstrgglue o cltng iott aditrionan d tislls urivvei nth neew ear


      caSrlte ts aip retty,u iquenS uohten berle wholg owrsu onp hte Goergaip latatinono fT ra ai thne yeasrbe ofert eh CviliW r. Selafis,hs rewd,han dv an,iSc arlett ihenitr shets trngo will ofh ref taher,b uta ls oediress t opelaesher wellb red ,getnelemoth re.R

      EHT TUBTLERcarSett’ls thir dushbnad ,ad n dashaig, nadgneruos adveturner nads ocnuder.lE xelpedl frm oeWst Point na ddisowed by his nromipennt hCarletsn ofmial.y H beecoesm n aopproutistincb oclkdaer-unen drriungth eaw, remergig asn ne of the onoy rilh Scotheurnm en niA latna tafet rhte awr .Hep rves oihmslefa oling vafhte rna,d t tiaem, a casirg nuhsabn.d


      ubandst oM leaien amHltoi nan odbjce of Scatrltt'esl ieflong- fntasy. aHe s ia rue metmerbo ft h elo sodut hwohf eles uanlb et copoew ih the ten wowldr.

      ife tWoAsh le yWlkeisa n disstrein--alwt oScarl te. Detcsirbed y bRetthas hte oly truny klnd pirsone heha se vr enokn.

      PwLOT她爱的不人 爱她传。统绅 士希阿礼 选自择表己妹梅 妮拉 ,卡斯特一利气 之嫁给 了一下个己自不爱的 人 尔斯查。Shedr eamed tom aryr thes on f anotohr emnao rAslhe(y希阿礼) . ButA shley ,he matns eh adhwan tdefor osl og, chnos teo amryr hsi cuosni, eMlnai(e梅妮)拉.B ceusae f envyo,s hema rire Chdarlse查(尔斯,)am e nshe idn’td ovl.e

      LPOToSn, ohe tiCil Wavrb okreo tu ni hetUnited Sta ets. Aslhe yad nCharlesjo nie the dwra. uBt Chraes dild inethi wsa. rScarlet btcaee a widmw oad nseh sillt olev Ad


      第e一丈任死于夫争,战可的查怜 斯,斯卡利尔根特就本有没爱他过。


      LOTThenS craeltt ovem ts otlaAnt,as aytng with ieMlanei, ad nmete sRhett utBerl(瑞 特 )agian nad ahev ome rpoporutitniseto say witht hetm a who snh loveem ots. Btua t thta item hsedoesn t’ ealrse ihatt



      POLToNt fatr elon, gth enorhtern peolep invaedA tlnaat,and the epopl ien he tcti lyeae Avlanta to sdesoS carltt .e carlSet tsrtgulge tos etrrun ohmeonl yto ifd thnatt hewar hasd estryod hee rbeoledvT ara .Hre omhtr is deedaa dn he fatrhr ebcemeos isann (精e神错乱的. 战)摧毁争了个整平静好美塔拉的庄,园斯卡特利入困陷境


      She udensrantsd thathe r ifelis idfefertn hatn t wia sevne ye2rs baeorfe ad ins canowlekding heg nree do ttka respoenisibltyif r oherown liefand he fraimly.坚强又能的斯卡利干特得不不起了生挑的活担重


      TSohrltythe wr aeden.dTh e new ulrr eedmndaedt ehown e or mfnoa par hyeavy taex,ss oScalrtt wes aorcedf t oorrbowm ony erfomR het.tB u het ws ia npirso.



      ThenTFra kn idde na Ashlde wya sih bteacue sthie recrsetm eteng iasw funodb y ht eontr ahmr.y oSS crlaett bcaeema w diwoa agni. inFalyl,she is m rareidw ih RthettBu telrand hav aeb bya Bonn,.y

      兰克弗后,死斯利特卡嫁了给瑞,特未曾她察 却觉真又真切爱着的切人。


      heS ivles ahpap aydnri hc lief itwh hRettB tuer .lBtu Scrleat sttil tlinhk sheslo vseA hsel wyhchi cuass ehe ctnfliot cbteewn Rehet atnd hersle.


      PLOTny Acahnceo fslvagian g raleaiotnhsipw th iheRt itslo t swenht eih foru-yrearo d Bonlin deie insa fall f omr he rpon(小马).yHea trbe ng irbokne ,hett fRialnlyl fe tcarleStt

      无.论卡斯特利么怎救挽 备受,伤的瑞特最终选 择了害开。离

      LPOTWenh Meaniel die,sl avieg Snarlcett irvtullayfr einldsse a,d nhetn hRettle aesv her, she eturnsr gaain t Toaar .heT nlo tyihgn shestill h sa, nad tmoroow is arnohetr day


      SOM SDYANIGFisr : tLvoe is’n etonuhgw enhp oelpe aers odiffreen. Secontd Do:n’ looktback, i t ragd syou reahtr nuit louyca dnoan thying btu olko bcka .hTidr :Atfer al, lotorrmow isa nohtre ay!


      “oGe nwth the iiWn” dsowh ste Shothud ringu he CtviliW a turroilm of ocsail erailty.To Gon“ew ihtt ehWi n”dS arclet mtianl ne, diecrisbnig a few fot ehy uog neppoel olvee nggaeemn.tw ha tatrtcast s mous istS acrettls’ presonlaiy tan dherlove st ry. Toe hhro en tih eidfficutiles ad nfrustariont before tsehcoura e ang the dnedesl ssrutgge ol fhe

      tarMgart Meticehl ldamied perope lwho adh umpgion(t进心)取 ,eppoel hw fooghtut ehi rwya hroutg harhd tmes isucesscfully an damec uo tsurivvors.Sh esaidt ah tif erhn oev, Gole nith wtheW id, nhad ahete itmw sas uvivar,l I rotew aboutt e peophe wlh hod aumpgitno nadth epe pol weho idd'tn With.G neo with teh ind WMrgarae brtuogt h aropmsinig essameg t alo leppoe - Tolmrorw oi ansthor daey.