


      英 [ədˈvaɪz]

      美 [ædˈvaɪz]



      过去式: advised 过去分词: advised 现在分词: advising 第三人称单数: advises


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  •       向…提出劝告,劝告,劝说,忠告,告诫
  •       给…出主意 ,向…提意见
  •       建议
  •       通知,通告,告知,报告
  •       提出劝告,提出建议,提出意见,提供咨询,作顾问
  •       商议,商量,磋商(与with连用)


  •       vt. & vi. 劝告,提建议 give advice to (sb), tell sb what one thinks should be done; warn, caution, offer counsel; give an opinion, recommend
  •       vt. (商业)通知,报告 inform; give information or notice to sb (business style)


      1. give advice to

      e.g. The teacher counsels troubled students
      The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud

      Synonym: redecounsel

      2. inform (somebody) of something

      e.g. I advised him that the rent was due

      Synonym: notifygive noticesend wordappriseapprize

      3. make a proposal, declare a plan for something

      e.g. the senator proposed to abolish the sales tax

      Synonym: proposesuggest

      1. 劝告;忠告;给…出主意
      If you advise someone to do something, you tell them what you think they should do.

      e.g. The minister advised him to leave as soon as possible...
      e.g. Herbert would surely advise her how to approach the bank...

      2. (专家)建议,向…提供意见
      If an expert advises people on a particular subject, he or she gives them help and information on that subject.

      e.g. officer who advises undergraduates on money matters...
      e.g. A family doctor will be able to advise on suitable birth control.

      3. 通知,告知(某人事实或情况)
      If you advise someone of a fact or situation, you tell them the fact or explain what the situation is.

      e.g. ...the decision requiring police to advise suspects of their rights...
      e.g. I think it best that I advise you of my decision to retire.

      4. (官方文件)告知
      If an official document states that you are advised to do something, it is telling you the correct or appropriate thing to do.

      e.g. Candidates in India are advised to submit their applications through the overseas student office in London...
      e.g. Residents are advised not to put their rubbish bags on the pavement outside their houses.

      5. see also: ill-advised;well advised

      Do not confuse advise and advice. Advice is the noun that is connected with the verb advise. If you advise someone to do something, you tell them what you think they should do. If you suggest something, however, you mention it as an idea or plan for someone to think about, perhaps together with other ideas or plans. You can also suggest doing something, or suggest that someone does something. Your bank manager will probably suggest a loan... I suggested inviting Jim... I suggest that you leave this to me.
      请勿混淆advise和advice。advice是advise的名词形式。advise用于告诉别人应该怎样做。suggest用于提出想法或计划以供对方考虑,有可能和其他想法或计划一起提出。可以说suggest doing something或suggest that someone does something。例如:Your bank manager will probably suggest a loan(银行经理可能会建议你贷款),I suggested inviting Jim(我建议邀请吉姆),I suggest that you leave this to me(我建议你将此事交给我处理)。

      1. 劝告:在美国,医生已成为干预大多数美国人戒烟的强有力因素, 美国国立癌症研究院(NCI)更提出了协助病人戒烟的4A计划:询 问(Ask)、劝告(Advise)、帮助(Assist)、安排(Arrange ).

      2. 通知:通过声明一个org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint类型的参数可以使通知(Advice)的主体部分获得连接点信息;l 目标对象(Target Object):被一个或者多个切面(Aspect)所通知(Advise)的对象.

      3. 劝告,建议:他同意并承认(admit)自己想象力(imagine)丰富,希望退出(quit)他的工作单位,领导对他的想法否认并拒绝了(deny),于是他就想逃脱(escape)出国,他的朋友劝告建议(advise)他保持(keep)现状,同时抵制抵抗(resist)工作.

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      A:I advise you to take a bus.

      B:No, don’t bother.


      A:I advise you to take a bus.

      B:I think your suggestion is very acceptable.


    (就某事或做某事)向某人提出建议或忠告 give sb advice about〔on〕 sth or doing sth
    advise sb about〔on〕 sth

          Priests advise their churchgoers about many personal troubles.


          He advised her about her business affairs.


          I advised him on technical matters.


          I have advised you on that subject.


          She advises the government on economic affairs.


          Perhaps you are the best man to advise me on this question.


    advise sb about〔on〕 v-ing

          Experienced seamen will advise you about sailing in this weather.


    advise sb about〔on〕 wh-to-v

          The teachers advised the freshmen on how to use their time to the best advantage.


    advise sb about〔on〕 wh-clause

          Experienced seamen will advise you about whether you should sail the boat in this weather.



  •       I'll act as you advise.
  •       Will you advise on these points?
  •       When a person gives advice, he advises.
  •       It is easy for you to advise, but difficult to take advice from others.
  •       The playwright was invited to advise in the production.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Advise you what you say.

    出自:Twelfth Night,Shakespeare
  •       Advise Forthwith how thou oughtst to receive him.

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       advise的基本意思是“劝告,提出建议”,在旧时和现今的美式英语中还表示“向某人请教,与某人商量”。advise在商业用语中可作“通知,报告”解,是正式用法。
  •       advise的搭配范围很广,生活中重要的和一般的事物均可使用。
  •       advise用作及物动词时,其宾语可以是名词、代词、动名词,也可以是that从句。advise也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由名词、带疑问词的动词不定式和that/wh-从句充当。advise还可接由动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。
  •       advise可用以引出直接引语,可用于被动结构。
  •       advise间或可用作不及物动词。
  •       advise作“劝告”解时其后的that从句须用虚拟式。具体说来, that从句作宾语时谓语动词可用动词原形,也可用“should+动词原形”; that从句用作双宾语中的直接宾语时,谓语动词多用“should+动词原形”。advise作“建议”解时谓语动词多用虚拟式,作“通知”解时一般要用陈述式。


advise sb to-v, advise v-ing
  •       这两种结构的区别在于:
  •       1.充当的句子成分不同:advise后的动名词是直接宾语; 而动词不定式是宾语补足语。
  •       2.动作的逻辑主体不同:动词不定式所表示的动作的逻辑主体是其前的sb,即advise的宾语,与句子的主语不是同一个〔些〕人; 而动名词所表示的动作的逻辑主体或者没有明确指出,或者由其前的物主代词表示; 可能是与句子主语不同的人,也可能是包括句子主语在内的一些人。综合上述两点,简言之,以人作宾语时用动词不定式作宾语补足语; 不以人而以动作作直接宾语时用动名词。试比较以下两句:
  •       I wouldn't advise taking the car; there's nowhere to park.
  •       我不主张开车去,那儿没地方停车。
  •       I wouldn't advise you to take the car; there's nowhere to park.
  •       我劝你不要开车去,那儿没地方停车。
  •       v.(动词)


            误 Our teacher advised to do the work carefully.

            正 Our teacher advised doing the work carefully.

            析 advise可接动名词作宾语,但不可接动词不定式作宾语。

    •       ☆ 14世纪进入英语,直接源自古法语的aviser。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.advise

          I had advised the kids that while verbs(动词) may seem dull, most of the fun things they do throughout their lives will be verbs.

          我曾告诉孩子们, 虽然动词似乎很枯燥, 但他们自己一生中做的大多数有趣的事情都和动词有关。


    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          I will contact you later to advise you when to come.(稍后我会与你联系,通知你何时前来。)

          Advise sb. not to drive too fast.(劝某人不要开得太快。)

          Police do not advise the average person to make a citizen's arrest.(警方不建议普通民众自行逮捕罪犯。)

          What does Lily advise Frank to do?(莉莉建议弗兰克做什么?)

          I shall act as you advise.(我将按你的劝告去做。)

          Have you moved yet? Pls. advise address, phone no., etc.(你已经搬家了吗?请告知你的地址、电话号码等。)

          Some doctors advise setting aside a certain hour each day for worry.(一些医生建议每天抽出一定时间思忧。)

          They advise that a passport should be carried with you at all times.(他们建议护照要随时带在身边。)

          Doctors now advise only sparing use of such creams.(现在大夫建议,这种乳霜要慎用。)

          I'd advise you against doing that.(我劝你别做那事。)

          advise是什么意思 advise在线翻译 advise什么意思 advise的意思 advise的翻译 advise的解释 advise的发音 advise的同义词
