


      英 [əˈfɔ:d]

      美 [əˈfɔ:rd]


      过去式: afforded 过去分词: afforded 现在分词: affording 第三人称单数: affords


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  •       足以承担
  •       花费得起,付得起,用得起,负担得起
  •       经受得住,经得起
  •       供给,给予,提供
  •       产,生产,出产
  •       有能力,实现
  •       有足够的…(去做…)
  •       抽得出时间
  •       能堪,够得上(做)


  •       vt. 买得起,花得起,经得起 be able to buy or pay for, be rich enough to buy, have enough to spare
  •       vt. 提供,供给 provide; give


      1. be able to spare or give up

      e.g. I can't afford to spend two hours with this person

      2. be the cause or source of

      e.g. He gave me a lot of trouble
      Our meeting afforded much interesting information

      Synonym: yieldgive

      3. afford access to

      e.g. the door opens to the patio
      The French doors give onto a terrace

      Synonym: opengive

      4. have the financial means to do something or buy something

      e.g. We can't afford to send our children to college
      Can you afford this car?

      1. 买得起;负担得起
      If you cannot afford something, you do not have enough money to pay for it.

      e.g. My parents can't even afford a new refrigerator...
      e.g. The arts should be available to more people at prices they can afford...

      2. 经得住;承受得起
      If you say that you cannot afford to do something or allow it to happen, you mean that you must not do it or must prevent it from happening because it would be harmful or embarrassing to you.


      e.g. We can't afford to wait...
      e.g. The country could not afford the luxury of an election.

      3. 提供;给予
      If someone or something affords you an opportunity or protection, they give it to you.

      e.g. This affords us the opportunity to ask questions about how the systems might change...
      e.g. It was a cold room, but it afforded a fine view of the Old City.

      1. 负担:每培养一名学生大约需要花5000美元的费用,但学生只负担(afford)生活费用. 学生每天的功课,是从镜子里研究自己的面孔,以决定(decide)造型. 通常需反复揣摩几个星期,再三尝试后才能创造出一张属于自己的小丑脸谱.

  •       情景对话

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  •       经典引文


      A:Have a nice weekend!

      B:Thanks. You too!

      A:Do you have any plans?


      B:Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you?

      A:Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.


      A:Wow, I love those jeans! Are they designer jeans?

      B:I don’t know. My mother just gave them to me.


      A:Let me see. These are really expensive jeans! Your mother must really love you.

      B:I guess. I don’t really like designer clothes though. I don’t know why people spend so much money on a piece of clothing. The money could be spent in a much better way.

      A:Well, if you decide you don’t want them, let me know. I’m sure I could find someone who would like to wear them.


      B:Do you have a lot of brand name clothes?

      A:I wouldn’t wear anything that wasn’t a brand name.

      B:Really? You must spend a lot of money on clothing then.

      A:I do, but I think it’s worth it. People treat you differently when you have nice clothing on.

      B:Do you think that’s true?

      A:Sure. Pay attention as you walk down the street in those jeans. People will be looking.

      B:I don’t believe it. I think designer clothing is a complete waste of money. Especially when you can’t afford it!

      A:To each their own, I guess!


  •       I cannot afford these goods.
  •       She cannot afford a new dress.
  •       The parents could hardly afford a private teacher for their child.
  •       I cannot afford the trip to New York, because the travelling expenses would amount to at least $3000 if I went.
  •       I'm so poor that I can't afford it.
  •       Can you afford £1500 for a house?
  •       We can afford the TV set if we save our money.
  •       She can well afford a new car.
  •       At last we were able to afford a piano.
  •       I can't afford the time for the film this evening.
  •       I can't afford the time for it.
  •       I can't afford the time and money for a long journey.
  •       We can't afford a holiday this summer.
  •       They couldn't afford any more setbacks.
  •       This stretch of land affords cotton.
  •       Reading affords pleasure.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       We cannot afford to go to expensive restaurants every night.

    出自:O. Manning
  •       I had won the game already, and I could afford to feel a certain pity for my victim.

    出自:G. Greene
  •       I paid a lot of money I couldn't afford.

    出自:E. O
  •       She could not..afford a maid..since every penny was of importance to her.

    出自:F. M. Ford
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       afford的基本含义是“充足”,指“有足够的钱买某物”“有足够的财力或时间做某事”,也可以表示“经受得起”; 引申可表示“提供”“给予”。
  •       afford表示“有足够的钱买某物”时, afford可以接物作宾语,也可以接“to buy sth ”作宾语,前者可看作是省略to buy的句型,前者较后者更常用些。
  •       afford表示“有足够的财力或时间做某事”。afford的宾语可以是time(一般不省略),也可以是expense,还可以是time and money,但一般不单独用money。
  •       afford还可作“经受得起”解,可用于财政状况,健康状况或者形象、声誉等,其宾语一般为动词不定式或表示动作的名词,不接反身代词作宾语。
  •       afford作“提供”“给予”解时,属正式文体,指自然产生或法律上的后果,多接双宾语,其后的直接宾语多为抽象名词。其主语可以是人,也可以是物或事物,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。
  •       afford多用于疑问句或否定句,常与can, could, be able to等连用。用于否定句时,意思是“经不起(发生某事或做某事)”,含尽力“避免发生”或“避免做”的意味。
  •       afford不用于进行体和完成体,作“买得起,花得起,经得起”解时不用于被动结构。


afford, give, provide, supply
  •       这四个词都有“给”“供给”“提供”的意思。其区别是:
  •       1.afford指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西; give指无需偿还地把金钱、物品、时间、麻烦等有形或无形的东西“送给”“授予”“供给”某人; provide主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品; supply指用物“供给”“供应”或“提供”给国家、群众、工厂、城市、市场等,以部队为对象时,往往只供给生活必需品,而不指武器。例如:
  •       Some trees afford resin. 有些树产树脂。
  •       I should like to give him a chance.我想给他一个机会。
  •       Now we supply power to nine-tenths of the city's homes.现在我们向这个城市十分之九的家庭提供电力。
  •       2.afford后面可跟不定式或动名词,还常用在can, could, be able to后面表示“担负得起”某事物的费用、损失、后果等,以及“抽得出”时间、人力,其后可接双宾语,意思是“向某人提供某物”; provide后面可接for, with和against等介词; supply后可接介词to。例如:
  •       Our garden affords us fresh vegetables.我们的园子为我们提供新鲜蔬菜。
  •       More and more vegetables and fruit are supplied to the army.越来越多的蔬菜和水果供应部队。
  •       The programme aims to provide self-sufficiency for local needs.这项计划旨在使当地需要得以自足。
  •       v.(动词)


            误 Motor-cars are so expensive that can be afforded only by the very rich.

            正 Motor-cars are so expensive that only the very rich can afford to buy them.

            析 afford作“买得起”“花得起”“经得起”解时,不用于被动结构。


            误 My father couldn't afford himself to lend me any money.

            正 My father couldn't afford to lend me any money.

            析 afford不可接反身代词作宾语。


            误 He couldn't afford going away on a holiday.

            正 He couldn't afford to go away on a holiday.

            析 afford后不可接动名词。

    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的geforian,意为前进,继续。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       高考真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.afford

          People should only pay what they can afford.



          中考真题例句OG 2.afford

          He helps anyone in trouble if he can afford to.



          中考真题例句OG 3.afford

          I am afraid we can not afford to take a taxi.



          高考真题例句OG 1.afford

          I simply can't afford it.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词


    •       have no financial means for




          He could barely afford the fare.(他几乎付不起车费。)

          I can't afford it at that price.(这样的价格我付不起。)

          I just cannot afford to keep myself.(我连自己也养活不了。)

          There's no way we could afford that sort of money.(我们无论如何都花不起那种钱。)

          We cannot afford to drop behind our competitors.(我们可担当不起落后于竞争对手的后果。)

          My parents can't even afford a new refrigerator.(我父母甚至买不起一台新冰箱。)

          I can't afford to run a car on my salary.(我的工资养不起汽车。)

          I can't afford it, it's too expensive.(我买不起,太贵了。)

          The government cannot afford to alienate either group.(该政府承担不起冷落两个组织中的任何一个。)

          She could no longer afford to keep him at school.(她再也供不起他上学了。)

          afford是什么意思 afford在线翻译 afford什么意思 afford的意思 afford的翻译 afford的解释 afford的发音 afford的同义词
