

      英 [ˌbækˈsteɪdʒ]

      美 [ˈbækˈstedʒ]




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      1. a stage area out of sight of the audience

      Synonym: wingoffstage


      1. concealed from public view or attention

      e.g. offstage political meetings

      Synonym: offstage


      1. in or to a backstage area of a theater

      e.g. costumes were changed backstage

      2. out of view of the public
      behind the scenes

      e.g. Working backstage to gain political support for his proposal
      many private deals were made backstage at the convention

      1. 在(或往)后台
      In a theatre, backstage refers to the areas behind the stage.

      e.g. He went backstage and asked for her autograph...
      e.g. He met Jackson backstage at his concert in Leeds.

      1. backstage

      1. 幕后:此举有利于将VNU公司的来自<>、<>(Billboard)、<>(Backstage)等业界新闻渠道的娱乐新闻中的最精彩部分同路透社新闻报道的丰富资源和广度结合起来,有关新闻报道指出,它们的新的伙伴关系将给娱乐新闻报道和这方面的服务带来种种改善.

      2. 在后台, 向后台:window curtain 窗帘 | backstage 在后台, 向后台 | counting room 帐房, 会计室

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      Backstage, country musician Vince Gill said the win did not surprise him.(乡村乐手文斯.基尔在后台说,汉考克获奖,他一点也不感到惊讶。)

      Magic moments can be found backstage or in the curtains, at the edges.(精彩时刻可以在幕后或在窗帘里面,甚至可以在边缘上找到。)

      Photo 6: a model studies a driving guide backstage at the Blugirl show.(图六:blugirl时装秀,一位模特在后台研究驾车指南。)

      Paula is not used to everyone ogling at her while she undresses backstage.(葆拉还不习惯在后台换衣服时所有人都色迷迷地盯着她看。)

      Food is often provided backstage at shows for hungry models and members of the media.(演出时,主办方会在后台向饥肠辘辘的模特和媒体记者们提供食品。)

      He tweets insider gossip, backstage pictures, and often directly answers fan questions.(他会在twitter上爆些内部八卦和幕后照片,而且经常直接回答粉丝们的各种问题。)

      We play basketball backstage during my concerts.(我们会在演唱会后台打篮球。)

      "Hollywood is built on Europeans! Go back and look," Swinton said backstage after her triumph.(“好莱坞是建立在欧洲人的基础上的!去后面看看吧,”斯温顿在拿到奖项后在后台说。)

      The performers, in costume and makeup, were walking up and down backstage.(演员们穿着戏服化着妆,在后台走来走去。)

      Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly chat backstage at the Academy Awards in 1956, where both appeared as presenters.(在1956年奥斯卡后台,赫本和格蕾丝·凯利交谈,她们都是主持人。)

      backstage是什么意思 backstage在线翻译 backstage什么意思 backstage的意思 backstage的翻译 backstage的解释 backstage的发音 backstage的同义词
