

      英 [ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn]

      美 [ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn]




  •       英英释义

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      1. any joyous diversion

      Synonym: festivity

      2. the public performance of a sacrament or solemn ceremony with all appropriate ritual

      e.g. the celebration of marriage

      Synonym: solemnizationsolemnisation

      3. a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event

      Synonym: jubilation

      1. 庆祝活动;庆典
      A celebration is a special enjoyable event that people organize because something pleasant has happened or because it is someone's birthday or anniversary.

      e.g. I can tell you, there was a celebration in our house that night.
      e.g. ...his eightieth birthday celebrations.

      2. 赞扬;赞美;颂扬
      The celebration of something is praise and appreciation which is given to it.

      e.g. This was not a memorial service but a celebration of his life...
      e.g. He sees the poem as a celebration of human love.

      1. 慶賀:设计服务学习方案须把握上述服务学习特质及有效服务学习方案要素,Fertmam,White &White(1996)) 建议发展服务学习方案,包含四阶段:一、准备(Preparation)二、服务(Service)三、反思(Reflection) 四、庆贺(Celebration).

      2. 喜庆:11.Sanctuary 圣地 | 12.Celebration 喜庆 | 13.Home 家园

  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.celebration

      The team transforms the family's long weekend of celebration with less expensive but still tasty recipes.



  •       近义词

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      Yes. Let's join the celebration.(是的,咱们一起庆祝吧。)

      She wanted the celebration to be a simple family affair.(她希望庆祝活动仅限于家人参加。)

      This is a day of celebration.(这一天是庆祝日。)

      Help grown ups and children prepare their Christmas celebration together.(帮助成年人和孩子一起准备他们的圣诞节庆祝活动。)

      There will be a huge parade in celebration of the National Day.(人们将举行一个盛大的游行来庆祝国庆节。)

      A wedding is a joyful celebration of love.(婚礼是令人喜悦的爱情庆典。)

      I can tell you, there was a celebration in our house that night.(跟你说吧,那天晚上我们在家里搞了个庆祝活动。)

      The movie is a camp celebration of the fashion industry.(这部电影夸张地颂扬时装行业。)

      What is this celebration for?(这是在庆祝什么?)

      May I join in the celebration?(我能参加庆祝活动吗?)

      celebration是什么意思 celebration在线翻译 celebration什么意思 celebration的意思 celebration的翻译 celebration的解释 celebration的发音 celebration的同义词
