


      英 [greɪp]

      美 [ɡrep]




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  •       葡萄
  •       葡萄树
  •       葡萄酒
  •       【军】葡萄弹(=grapeshot)
  •       深紫色
  •       葡萄色
  •       葡萄紫
  •       葡萄藤


  •       [C]葡萄 a small round juicy fruit, usually either green or dark purple, which grows on vine and is used for making wine


      1. a cluster of small projectiles fired together from a cannon to produce a hail of shot

      Synonym: grapeshot

      2. any of various juicy fruit of the genus Vitis with green or purple skins
      grow in clusters

      3. any of numerous woody vines of genus Vitis bearing clusters of edible berries

      Synonym: grapevinegrape vine

      1. 葡萄
      Grapes are small green or dark purple fruit which grow in bunches. Grapes can be eaten raw, used for making wine, or dried.


      2. 酸葡萄心理(指因得不到想要的东西便说它一文不值)
      If you describe some-one's attitude as sour grapes, you mean that they say something is worthless or undesirable because they want it themselves but cannot have it.


      e.g. These accusations have been going on for some time now, but it is just sour grapes.

      1. 葡萄品种:出版者(Content Provider) 的工作态度及方式诚如葡萄酒业,出版其实也是一门古老的行业,出版品内容(Content) 就像各种不同的葡萄品种(Grape),每一个地区都有属於自己的「风土」(Terroir),所以如何发扬在地作者的「本土特色」,

      2. 提子:我一直都想以 提子(Grape)作为未来企业的品牌,现在开始有点成型了. . .

      3. 水晶葡萄:四季水果店水晶葡萄(grape) 乌鸡国-四季水果店肉夹馍(roujiamo) 车迟国-酒馆糙米饭(mifan) 车迟国-酒馆酱牛肉(niurou) 车迟国-酒馆酒壶(jiuhu) 车迟国-酒馆供果(gong guo) 车迟国/三清观小供果(gong guo) 车迟国/三清观菜糠团子(caijiangtuanzi)车迟国/智渊寺醉泥螺(zuiluo) 通天河-水鲜贩子熏鱼(xunyu) 通天河-水鲜贩子蒸螃

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配


    指某人因得不到某物而称该事物不好said when sb pretends that what he can not have is of little or no value or importance


  •       Grapes are now in.
  •       She bought a bunch of grapes.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       grape常用于复数形式。
  •       ☆ 13世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的grape,意为一串。
  •       中考真题例句

      中考真题例句OG 1.grape

      How much are the apples and the grapes?



      中考真题例句OG 2.grape

      It’s known worldwide for its production of grapes and the Hami melons.



      中考真题例句OG 3.grape

      More bananas are sold than apples and grapes together.



  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Juice blends contain various fruits like grape, apple and pear.(混合果汁含有各种水果,如葡萄、苹果和梨。)

      As I was running off the stage, I accidentally knocked over a glass of grape juice that was on a table.(当我跑下舞台的时候,我不小心打翻了桌上的一杯葡萄汁。)

      The grape-pickers had left.(采葡萄的工人已经走了。)

      The grape should be heled in the earth in winter.(冬天要把葡萄藤埋入土中以过冬。)

      Dolmades are stuffed grape leaves.(羊肉大米菜叶包是用葡萄叶做的。)

      Is it a grape or a plum?(这是葡萄还是李子?)

      I prefer grape-flavored jelly.(我喜欢葡萄味果酱。)

      The Jelly Belly was created in Los Angeles with just eight flavors: cherry, lemon, cream soda, tangerine, green apple, root beer, grape and licorice.(吉百利在洛杉矶面世,只有八种口味:樱桃、柠檬、奶油苏打、橘子、青苹果、沙士、葡萄和甘草。)

      Bite it off just like it was a grape!(咬下来,就当是个葡萄!)

      It is an effective approach to breed the resistance cultivars of seedless grape by transferring resistant gene into the cultivars of Vitis vinifera.(将抗性基因转入葡萄品种是培育无核葡萄抗病品种的有效途径。)

      grape是什么意思 grape在线翻译 grape什么意思 grape的意思 grape的翻译 grape的解释 grape的发音 grape的同义词
