


      英 [ˈdefn]

      美 [ˈdɛfən]

      vt. 使聋; 把 ... 震聋

      副词: deafeningly 过去式: deafened 过去分词: deafened 现在分词: deafening 第三人称单数: deafens


  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

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      1. make soundproof

      e.g. deafen a room

      2. make or render deaf

      e.g. a deafening noise

      Synonym: deaf

      3. be unbearably loud

      e.g. a deafening noise

      1. 震(或吵)得…听不见其他声音
      If a noise deafens you, it is so loud that you cannot hear anything else at the same time.

      e.g. The noise of the typewriters deafened her.

      2. 使聋;使听不见
      If you are deafened by something, you are made deaf by it, or are unable to hear for some time.

      e.g. He was deafened by the noise from the gun.

      3. see also: deafening

      1. 变聋:deaf 聋的 | deafen 变聋 | deafener 消音器

      2. 使聋:deaf-mute 聋哑者 | deafen 使聋 | deafening 震耳欲聋的


      3. 使耳聋:deaf 聋的 | deafen 使耳聋 | deal 交易;涉及

      4. 使聋;使隔音:deaf 聋的 | deafen 使聋;使隔音 | deal 量;数量

  •       经典引文

  •       Hunting horns..that almost deafen the Company.

    出自:M. W. Montagu
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      In a station they are silent: there is no steam to produce noise to deafen the passengers.(在车站时它们很安静,因为没有蒸气发出噪音使乘客震耳欲聋。)

      She was somewhat aroused by it, knotted her hair upon her ears in order to deafen herself, and resumed her contemplation, on her knees, of the inanimate object which she had adored for fifteen years.(她有些受惊了,便用头发把耳朵遮住不去听,一面走过去跪着看她供奉了十五年的那个没有生命的东西。)

      In their report, published today in the Journal of Experimental Biology, the researchers warn that noise pollution-as well as chemical pollution-could deafen whales.(这项研究报告发布在今天的生物实验杂志上,研究者警告说,噪音的污染可导致鲸鱼失聪,这和化学污染一样的可怕。)

      Soon it is loud enough to deafen those in the towers, who cover their ears.(不一会儿,它响得足以震聋塔上的众人,他们正捂着耳朵。)

      Did he deafen you?(他让你变聋了吗?)

      With increasingly sophisticated technologies designed to "blind and deafen" satellites, to use a phrase from a Pentagon report this year, space powers will step up research into countermeasures.(令卫星“目盲耳聋”(这话出自今年五角大楼的一份报告)的技术设计日趋复杂,太空强国将加紧对策研究。)

      deafen是什么意思 deafen在线翻译 deafen什么意思 deafen的意思 deafen的翻译 deafen的解释 deafen的发音 deafen的同义词
