


      英 [ˈdedlɒk]

      美 [ˈdedlɑ:k]



      过去式: deadlocked 过去分词: deadlocked 现在分词: deadlocking 第三人称单数: deadlocks


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  •       [U][S]僵持;僵局;相持不下 a complete failure to reach agreement or settle a dispute
  •       [C]需要钥匙开关的门锁 a type of lock on a door that needs a key to open or close it


      1. a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible

      e.g. reached an impasse on the negotiations

      Synonym: dead endimpassestalematestandstill

      1. 僵局;僵持
      If a dispute or series of negotiations reaches deadlock, neither side is willing to give in at all and no agreement can be made.

      e.g. They called for a compromise on all sides to break the deadlock in the world trade talks...
      e.g. Peace talks between the two sides ended in deadlock last month.

      1. 僵局:四、美国法对闭锁性困境的救济措施与一些欧盟国家缺乏对闭锁公司的特殊问题的关注不同,在美国,闭锁公司中存在的压迫(oppression)、排挤(freeze-outs 或squeeze-outs)、僵局(deadlock)等问题已经受到极大的关注.

      2. 死结:连线的其中一个接收下列讯息,并其 UPDATE STATISTICS 命令已取消]: 死结 (Deadlock) 和 1205 其伴随的错误不是这种情况的唯一的. 在许多其他的不相关的案例中也会发生死结 (Deadlock). 如果您启用追踪旗标 1204 来撷取这个特定的死结的详细,

      3. deadlock

      3. 锁死:而这种情况随著四核心、八核心等越来越多线绪的分配而变得严重,汇流排将平白多出许多记忆体相依性变数锁定、等待与解锁的动作,甚至线绪之相相互锁死(Deadlock),使得汇流排使用的效率无法进一步提升,形成软体多线绪化平行效能提升上的瓶颈,

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配


  •       Deadlock over wage levels has prevented an agreement being reached.
  •       The deadlock between the two countries continued for as long as ten years.
  •       European agriculture ministers failed to break the deadlock over farm subsidies.
  •       The strike has reached a deadlock.
  •       A compromise broke the deadlock between labor and management.
  •       Somebody will have to compromise if we are to break the deadlock between the two warring factions.
  •       The arms talks between the two countries were at a deadlock.
  •       Once again the talks have ended in deadlock.
  •       The Government was blamed for the political deadlock.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      The utility also performs deadlock detection.(该工具还执行死锁检测。)

      A deadlock, as in negotiations; an impasse.(僵局僵局,如在谈判中的;死路。)

      The database recognizes a deadlock event.(数据库识别出死锁事件。)

      Chile is paying an increasingly high price for the deadlock.(智利正为这场僵局付出越来越高的代价。)

      Ozawa is seen as the only one who can break that deadlock.(而小泽似乎是唯一一个可以打破僵局的人。)

      He's brought things to a deadlock.(他把事情搞僵了。)

      Db2dlock: For deadlock detection.(db2dlock:用于检测死锁。)

      The strike has reached a deadlock.(罢工已陷入僵局。)

      There is also more chance of deadlock situations occurring.(同时,还可能出现死锁的情况。)

      Locking trace - deadlock report.(Locking跟踪——死锁报告。)

      deadlock是什么意思 deadlock在线翻译 deadlock什么意思 deadlock的意思 deadlock的翻译 deadlock的解释 deadlock的发音 deadlock的同义词
